Day: 25th September 2020

Newsletter 25/09/20

Letter from the Interim Director of Education – With this afternoon’s news that Swansea will go into lockdown, please find a link to the letter from the Interim Director of Education. School will be open next week as we have been since the beginning of term. (Except for Thursday and Friday when we have two planned Inset Days).

Inset Days – School will be closed to pupils on Thursday & Friday, October 1st & 2nd for Staff Training.

Continuity of Learning – As part of our own ‘Continuity of Learning Plan, we have posted an outline of our arrangements for times when remote or blended learning may be needed and have also included a link to some video clips that we have made which we hope parents will find helpful. We will continue developing our ‘tutorials’ over time in response to emerging questions about how to support your child/ren with remote learning.  Please click on the link below:


Up to Date Contact Information – At this time of year we always ask parents to update their contact information. This year it is very important that we have the correct information because IF we have a positive case of Covid 19 Public Heath Wales will use the information we hold to contact you. Please complete and return the Contact Sheet that was sent home this week.

Staggered Start Times – To help us with our staggered start times, please do not start to line up more than 5 minutes before the gate is due to open, this helps us prevent children from different classes mixing. Dropping off – Please remember parents do need to park and bring their children to the gate. this is so we have the opportunity to ask the questions about Covid symptoms. Please do not pull up in the car and attempt to drop your child off.

ReminderPlease do NOT send your child to school if they, or anyone else in your household has any of the symptoms of Covid- 19


1. Are you, your child or anyone in your household a confirmed case of COVID-19/Coronavirus?
2. Do you, your child or anyone in your household have symptoms – a new, continuous cough and/or a high temperature/fever, loss of smell or taste?
3. Are you, your child or anyone in your household in self-isolation?

If your child has a cough (even if you think it is only part of a cold) please ring your Doctor and seek medical advice.  They will advise you whether to have a test or not. If you do have a test and have a negative result, your child may return to school once they are well enough.

Siblings – If you have different children coming to different gates at different times, you are welcome to bring them together to either Gate 1 or Gate 2 from 8.45 to 8.50 in the mornings.

Parent’s Evening – Class Teachers will be holding parent’s evenings remotely this year, they will put a link to a booking form on their class page for you to complete, and arrange either a Teams Meeting or Phone Call at a mutually convenient time.

Vacancy for Parent Governor –  Ms Cat Davies & Mrs Louise Beckett have come to the end of their terms of office, we would like to thank them for the time and commitment they have given to our Governing Body over the last 4 years. We therefore have some vacancies, if you are interested in becoming a School Governor and would like to find out more information before putting your name forward please contact Mrs Kim Morgans – Clerk to Governors via ClassDojo or by emailing Nomination forms will be sent out next week.

Pens & Pencils – Just a little reminder, but at the moment we are unable to share equipment so please provide your child with some stationary in a pencil case. (suggested items – pens, pencils, rubber, sharpener, gluestick & ruler)

Home Learning – We are preparing in case a class bubble has to go into isolation, or the school goes into lockdown. If you haven’t done so already please give your consent for your child to take part in sessions led by the class teacher.

Activity Fund – We are grateful for any voluntary contributions to our Activity Fund, which enables us to buy extra resources for the children. If you would like to contribute please pay via Squid. Diolch

PTA – Friends of Brynmill Primary – As we are not able to share equipment at the moment, we are very grateful to the PTA for providing £30 per class bubble  to buy their own playground equipment such as racquets, balls, hoops, beanbags etc.

Fruit Tuck Shop – We are unable to provide the Fruit Tuckshop at this time, you are welcome to provide a healthy snack from home for your child to eat at playtime.

Privacy Statement – Brynmill Primary School is the data controller who is responsible for holding the data you provide. We will use your data to keep you up to date with school activities such as concerts, fundraising and sports days. We will not share your data with anyone else and we hold your information on the basis of your consent, which you can withdraw at any time by contacting the school office. More information on your rights can be found in our privacy notice  and our data protection policy.

Nasal Spray Vaccine – The School Nurses will be in school on Friday 23rd October (subject to change) to give the Flu Vaccine to children from Reception to Year 6. Consent forms will be sent home in the next couple of weeks. Please complete the form and indicate whether you agree or not to consent. Here is a link to a video for you to share with your child about what they can expect this year.