Internet Safety Day 2019

Thank you to those who came to our first Parent Workshop on Wed 6th Feb. The Digital Leaders did a fantastic job sharing the E Safety Policy, Acceptable Use Guidance and information on Social Media. I think the information we shared on what we teach was also well received.

It was great to share opinions and concerns about Social Media the effect of too much screen time. We would urge all parents to engage with their children about some of the use of social media, including WhatsApp, TikTok and Instagram, where we hear of issues around privacy and poor choices being made. I will post further materials from the workshop in due course within the E Safety menu.

The ages of consent are as follows:

Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat – 13 years.

WhatsApp – 16yrs.


Internet Safety Day assembly (1) – presentation from the workshop


The school’s response to social media issues:

“Whilst we are duty bound to pass on any offensive material that is shared with us, our role is not to police the use of Social Media amongst pupils outside school.​​

The school asserts the following guidance:​

  • WhatsApp’s age has recently been upgraded to 16.​
  • Pupils should NOT be adding contacts and creating groups for the purposes of sharing offensive posts with pupils.​
  • Passing on offensive material is considered legally to be on a par with initiating it.​
  • Making multiple groups/ multiple Admins is inadvisable at best.​
  • Should parents feel that their child is emotionally responsible enough to use apps such as WhatsApp despite being considerably underage, we advise that you discuss this with your child and agree boundaries. 


Please be assured that your child’s emotional well being is important to us and we are keen to work in partnership with parents on a range of E Safety concerns. With this in mind please follow this link for further guidance.​”​