Newsletter 21/03/25

Head Teacher Vacancy.

We are delighted to inform you, that after a rigorous recruitment and appointment process the Governing Body have appointed Mr Owen Davies as the new Head Teacher of Brynmill Primary School. Mr Davies will take up his post on the 1st September 2025. It’s a wonderful full-circle moment for Mr Davies, who attended Brynmill as a boy. Llongyfarchiadau!

After School Activities

No Choir until after the Easter Holidays

Thursday – Netball is on this week, but then it will not be on until after The Easter Holidays.

Coming Up

Wednesday 26th March – Oxwich Classes – Trip to the Waterfront Museum

Friday 28th March – Pobbles T- Class Assembly

Friday 28th March – NAS Coffee Morning

Tuesday 1st April – Caswell Classes – Trip to the Wetlands

Thursday 3rd April – Bracelet L- Class Assembly * please note the change of date

Friday 11th April – Easter Bonnet Parade for Pobbles & Bracelet Children. Children can wear bonnets that they have made at home. Parents are invited to stay and watch. Please queue at Gate 2, once the children have been let in to school. Afternoon Nursery will have their own mini parade at the end of the day.

PTA News

Easter is almost here, which means it’s time for one of our favourite events of the year, the Easter Trail! We’d love to see as many of you as possible joining in the fun, so check out the details in the posts below and save the date.

We’re also on the lookout for volunteers to help run the event and donations of baked goods to sell on the day. If you can spare some time or contribute some tasty treats, please get in touch at

As always, thank you so much for your ongoing support!

Newsletter 14/03/25

Medication – Just a reminder that children should hand any medications including Asthma Pumps into the school office for safe keeping. If your child has Asthma please ensure you have provided a spare pump to keep in school.

Gate 1 – If you have pressed the intercom to come to the school office, please remember to shut the gate after you, This is for the safety of all pupils.

Battery recycling – Thank you to everyone who has sent in used household batteries for recycling. Please keep them coming. ( Please note we are unable to accept disposable vapes).

Coming Up

Choir & Netball After School Activities are on next week.

Friday 21st March – Pobbles N (Reception Children only) Class Assembly.

Friday 28th March – Pobbles T (Reception Children Only) Class Assembly.

PTA News  – A huge thank you to everyone who joined us for our game nights this week! Not only did you help raise valuable funds for our school, but it was also a fantastic chance to get together and have some fun. A special thanks to The Hide for generously hosting us! 

With Easter just around the corner, we’re gearing up for one of our favourite events of the year, our Easter Trail! We’d love to see as many of you as possible taking part, so be sure to check the details in the posts below and come join the fun.  

We’re also looking for volunteers to help run the event as well as baked goods donations to sell on the day. If you’re able to lend a hand or contribute some treats, please get in touch at

As always, thank you for your continued support!

Easter Holiday Activities


Newsletter 21/02/25

HALF TERM – Next week is Half Term, school starts back Monday 3rd March.

St David’s Day Celebrations – We will be celebrating St David’s Day on Friday 7th March. Children are invited to wear Welsh costumes, Rugby or Football Shirts, or anything red.

After School Activities – There is no Choir or Netball for the week after half term.

World Book Day – We will be celebrating World Book Day on Friday 14th March – children are invited to dress up as their favourite book character, or bring their favourite book in to school. Here are some links to easy costumes.


Class Assemblies. Please queue at Gate 2 once you have dropped your child off. Parents/Grandparents welcome.

Friday 14th March – Caswell M – Miss Maliphant

Friday 21st March – Pobble N – Mrs Nicholas (Reception children only)

Friday 28th March – Pobbles T Mrs Timaeus (Reception children only)

Friday 4th March – Bracelet L – Mrs Lewis

Family Learning Session – Wed 12th March – Please see the post on the School Story on Dojo

Parent/ Toddler Group – Monday 10th March – Please see the post on the School Story on Dojo

Easy Fundraising

Brynmill Primary School has been paid £162.73 this week thanks to our community shopping online! A huge thank you to everyone who supports us. Want to get involved? Sign up to easyfundraising so your online shopping at your favourite retailers turns into much-needed funding for us. It’ll take you two minutes to sign up:

PTA News: We have a fantastic lineup of events planned for parents, carers, and children after the half-term break! Take a look at the poster below for all the details. 

To stay updated on PTA news and events—or if you’re interested in helping out—follow our Facebook page or join our WhatsApp group on the link below:

You can also find all PTA updates in the school newsletter and on Dojo. Thank you for your continued support!

Green Scene: Thank you so much to those who joined us for last weekend’s Green Scene volunteer session!

We did some weeding, topped up around the tree in Bracelet yard, decorated milk planters and planted some flowers in them for Oxwich & Caswell yard, watered the bamboo in Pobbles yard, found caterpillars, cocoons and worms, repotted the Christmas tree and ate the most delicious cookies! 

We also practiced our wheelbarrow skills! Top work, Kai, Mark, Mari, Dillon and Bethany. We also found a buried egg in Oxwich & Caswell yard which we think might have been a fox. The veg in Oxwich & Caswell yard is also doing great and we’ve spotted our first turnip. 

Our next session will be on Sunday March 16th from 10-12:30pm and we’d love to see as many of there as possible.

Follow us on Instagram for more updates:

UK’s Online Safety Act.

Link: Ofcom: Time for tech firms to act UK

The Online Safety Bill is a new law which aims to create a safer online environment for everyone.

Dame Melanie Dawes, Ofcom’s Chief Executive, said:

“For too long, sites and apps have been unregulated, unaccountable and unwilling to prioritise people’s safety over profits. That changes from today.

The safety spotlight is now firmly on tech firms and it’s time for them to act. We’ll be watching the industry closely to ensure firms match up to the strict safety standards set for them under our first codes and guidance, with further requirements to follow swiftly in the first half of next year. 

Here’s how it will help:

  • Responsibility of Social Media Companies: Social media platforms will be required to take steps to protect their users, especially children and young people.
  • Quick Action on Harmful Content: These companies must remove illegal content quickly, including anything that encourages self-harm.
  • Prevent Access to Inappropriate Content: Social media sites will work to stop children from seeing harmful or age-inappropriate material.
  • Age Limits and Checks: They will enforce age restrictions and check users’ ages to keep younger users safer.
  • Transparency About Risks: Companies will need to clearly share information about the dangers children might face on their platforms by publishing risk assessments.
  • Reporting Issues: Parents and children will have simple and accessible ways to report any problems they encounter online.

Newsletter 07/02/25

Dropping children off –

A reminder to parents that dropping children off on the zigzag lines outside the school is illegal, and stopping in the middle of the road causes obstructions, here is a link to Police guidance

After School Activities Next week

Monday – Choir until 4:15pm

Thursday – Netball – Until 4:15pm

School Essentials Grant – Families on lower incomes with children in Reception to Year 11 could be eligible for the School Essentials Grant:

✔️ £200 for learners entering year 7.

✔️£125 for other year groups.

Your school will receive funding too.


Family Learning Session

We are excited to launch our ‘Family Learning’ sessions at Brynmill. After working closely with our Community Group, we have decided that the sessions should be a fun and engaging way for the whole family to learn together. Please bring your children with you. We look forward to seeing you soon! Please see the ClassDojo post to sign up.

Parent & Toddler Session

We are very excited to share with you that after half term, our wonderful community group will be running a weekly ‘Parent & Toddler’ session.

This is a great opportunity to build connections with other parents and our school. If you would like to come along, please see the Class Dojo post to sign up.

The sessions will start on Monday 10th March (9:15 – 10:15) and will run weekly.


Mrs. Nicholas & The Community Group

Community Group Meeting

Next Wednesday, the Brynmill Community Group will be meeting at 2:00 – 3: 00 pm in our school hub. Anyone can come along. Please come via the main gate and someone will sign you in. Looking forward to seeing you all then and updating you on some exciting news.

Green Scene:

Join us on Sunday, 16th February, from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM for our monthly Green Scene volunteer session at Brynmill Primary School! This session helps maintain the gardens that Green Scene has created for the school. Everyone is welcome—parents, carers, children, students, and community members.To help us plan equipment for the session, please let us know if you can attend by emailing All equipment will be provided, along with tea, coffee, fruit, and cake—we’d love to see you there!

PTA News

On Thursday, 6th March, Friends of Brynmill Primary will be holding another second-hand uniform sale! We are currently accepting donations of outgrown uniforms, including:

• T-shirts• Jumpers• Cardigans• Coats• Trousers• Dresses• Skirts• Tights• Shoes

If you have any items to donate, please drop them off at the school office. We kindly ask that all donations are clean and dry. Thank you for your support!

We’ll also be announcing dates soon for our upcoming Board Game Nights—a fun events for all parents and carers.

To stay up to date with our events, check our Facebook page, WhatsApp group, school newsletter, and Dojo. If you’d like to join our WhatsApp group, feel free to email us at

Ramadan 2025

With Ramadan approaching, we refer to guidance produced by both Communities in Action and Muslim Council of Britain, to support children’s fasting. We understand that fasting during Ramadan is an important practice for many Muslim families, and while it is obligatory from puberty, we recognize that some children may fast for a few days, especially as they get older.

If your child is aged 8 years or older and wishes to fast on a school day, we kindly ask that you inform the school. It’s also important for your child to have a healthy pre-dawn meal before starting their fast to help keep them energized throughout the day.

For more information and guidance, please visit our dedicated website page:

Newsletter 24/01/25

Dates for the Diary

Friday 31st January – Caswell H Class Assembly – please queue at Gate 2, after the children have been let in at the beginning of the school day.

Friday February 7th – Bracelet R Class Assembly

Friday 14th February – Oxwich D Class Assembly

Friday 21st February Oxwich J Class Assembly

Friday 14th March – Caswell M Class Assembly

Please check our school calendar to keep up to date with all school events


If you would like to subscribe, click HERE using your phone, and you can automatically add all school events into your own calendar.

After School Activities

Choir & Netball are back on next week, if you would like to join but haven’t yet completed a form this academic year please find links to the forms below.

Monday – Choir – Caswell & Oxwich classes

Thursday – Netball – Oxwich classes

Safety Drills

We would like to inform you about our upcoming annual Invacuation practice, scheduled for next week.This mandatory exercise is a part of our commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of all our children.

We understand that discussions about safety can be sensitive, and we want to reassure you that our approach is thoughtful and age-appropriate.

For more details about our sensitive approach and what the practice entails, please visit our website

Thank you for your continued support as we work together to keep our school community safe

PTA News:-A huge thank you to everyone who came along to our second-hand uniform sale yesterday. It was wonderful to see so many families finding what they needed. We are now collecting uniform donations for our next sale. If you’re having a clear-out, we’d greatly appreciate any of the following items: 

 • Jumpers 

 • Cardigans 

 • T-shirts 

 • Polo shirts 

 • Trousers 

 • Skirts 

 • Dresses 

 • Shoes 

 • Coats  

Please ensure all donated items are clean and dry before dropping them off at the school office.  Thank you for your continued support!

Green Scene:– Want to make a positive impact at our school? Join us for Green Scene Swansea’s next volunteer session!