Newsletter 11/10/2024

What’s coming up?

After School Clubs (week beginning 14th October)

Choir (Caswell & Oxwich) – Monday 3.20 – 4.15. Consent:
Netball (Oxwich) – Thursday 3.20 – 4.15. Consent:
Please note – you only need to complete the consent form once

Dates for the Diary

  • Wear Red Day (Show Racism the Red Card) – Fri 18th October
  • Parent Workshop – Emotional Regulation – Fri 18th October 9.15am
  • Halloween Disco – Wed 23rd October
  • Parent Workshop – Everyday Welsh at home – Thurs 24th October 3.45pm – 4.30pm
  • Inset Day 3 – Fri 25th October – school closed to pupils
  • October Half Term Holiday – Mon 28th October to Fri 1st November – school closed
  • Individual / Sibling Photos – Tues 5th November
  • Parent Workshop – Big Emotions – Anger – Fri 15th November 9.15am
  • Pobbles Christmas Concert – Fri 6th December
  • Bracelet Christmas Concert – Tue 10th December
  • Caswell Christmas Concert – Wed 11th December
  • Oxwich Christmas Concert – Thurs 12th December
  • Christmas Holidays – Mon 23rd December to Fri 3rd January – school closed
  • Inset Day 4 – Mon 6th January – school closed to pupils

Class Assemblies

Parents / carers / grandparents are welcome to join us for class assemblies. They start at approx. 9.00am and last about half an hour. Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in. These are the class assemblies coming up:

  • 24th October – Oxwich E
  • 8th November – Caswell M
  • 15th November – Caswell N


Thank you so much for your generous Harvest donations, which will be given to The Salvation Army to distribute to those in need. If you haven’t had chance yet and wish to donate there is still time to bring in items next week.

School Battery Recycling Competition

We want your old batteries! We are taking part in the School Battery Recycling Competition, where winning schools will receive Amazon Vouchers.

Please start collecting your old household batteries, and send them into school. We have a few battery collection boxes, if you would like one please call into the school office to pick one up, or send the School Office a message on Dojo, and we can send one home.

The winning school will receive Amazon Gift Vouchers.

International Walk to School Month

October is International Walk to School Month and to celebrate, Living Streets have created an Autumn Street Safari. If you don’t do so already, why not try walking to school, or if it’s too far – parking a little further away and walking the rest of the way. How many of the activities you can do on your walk? Children who walk to school can also earn WOW badges, with a different fun design each month.

Attendance Reminders

  • If your child is going to be absent from school please inform the school office by 9.30am by phone, email, or messaging ‘The Office’ on class dojo.
  • If your child has an appointment during the day, please try to minimise the amount of school missed by bringing them in before and/or after wherever possible.
  • For planned absences / holidays please complete the form:
  • Please try to arrive to school on time (between 8.40am and 8.50am). If you arrive after the gates have been closed you will need to accompany your child to the school office to sign them in.

PTA News

 There’s less than two weeks to go until our annual Spooktacukar Disco! 

These events are only possible because of our wonderful volunteers, if you’re able to help out during any of the times below, please can you email us on

Set up: 2pm-3:15pm 
Pobbles & Bracelet: 3:15-4:30pm 
Oxwich & Caswell: 4:30-5:45pm 
Clean up: 5:45-6:15pm 

Equally if you’re able to help for the duration of the event, please let us know! We’re so grateful for your support. 

We’re also seeking donations of baked goods on the day. If you’re able to donate something, please can you email us on the address above. Anything donated must have a clear list of ingredients written on the back of the box they are dropped off in as well as the name of the person the box belongs to. 

Please don’t forget, we’ll be running our carved pumpkin competition during both events, any pumpkins that would like to be entered, need to be brought to the disco and given to a member of staff or of the PTA. Please make sure they are clearly labelled with the child’s name and their class. Prizes will be given out towards the end of each disco! 

Please see poster below for all event details. Don’t forget your costume!

Green Scene

Our next Green Scene volunteer session will be taking place on Sunday 20th October from 10-12:30pm. This will be our last session of 2024 and we’d love to see a host of lovely faces there!

As always, there will be lots of jobs to get stuck in with and all equipment will be provided. We also provide refreshments and offer a creative activity for children after our break around 11:30am.

Please let us know if you can attend by emailing Thank you so much!

Newsletter 04/10/2024

What’s coming up?

After School Clubs (week beginning 7th October)

Choir (Caswell & Oxwich) – Monday 3.20 – 4.15. Consent:
Netball (Oxwich) – Thursday 3.20 – 4.15. Consent:

Dates for the Diary

  • Wear Red Day (Show Racism the Red Card) – Fri 18th October
  • Parent Workshop – Emotional Regulation – Fri 18th October 9.15am
  • Halloween Disco – Wed 23rd October
  • Parent Workshop – Everyday Welsh at home – Thurs 24th October 3.45pm – 4.30pm
  • Inset Day 3 – Fri 25th October – school closed to pupils
  • October Half Term Holiday – Mon 28th October to Fri 1st November – school closed
  • Individual / Sibling Photos – Tues 5th November
  • Parent Workshop – Big Emotions – Anger – Fri 15th November 9.15am
  • Pobbles Christmas Concert – Fri 6th December
  • Bracelet Christmas Concert – Tue 10th December
  • Caswell Christmas Concert – Wed 11th December
  • Oxwich Christmas Concert – Thurs 12th December
  • Christmas Holidays – Mon 23rd December to Fri 3rd January – school closed
  • Inset Day 4 – Mon 6th January – school closed to pupils

Class Assemblies

Parents / carers / grandparents are welcome to join us for class assemblies. They start at approx. 9.00am and last about half an hour. Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in. These are the class assemblies coming up:

  • 11th October – Caswell H
  • 24th October – Oxwich E
  • 8th November – Caswell M
  • 15th November – Caswell N

Athlete Visit

Our Great Athletes visit on Wednesday was a huge success. The children had fun doing their sponsored circuits, learning about the benefits of keeping fit, and meeting Natalie Powell who talked about her journey to becoming an Olympic athlete, and demonstrated some of her judo skills!

Thank you so much for all of the sponsorship money, the current total is over £1300 to spend on sports equipment. If you haven’t had chance to sponsor yet, there is still time, you can sponsor online here: or send in the sponsor form and money next week.

Reception / Year 7 applications

The admission window for parents to apply for Reception and Year 7 places for September 2025 is due to open on Monday 7th October 2024 and will close on Friday 29th November 2024.

Please look out for more information which will be sent out by email on Monday.

PTA News

Spooky season is here! Which means there’s less than three weeks to go until our Spooktacular Disco on Wednesday 23rd October. Check out the poster below for full details: 

These events are only possible with the help of our amazing volunteers. If you’re able to help with this event, even if that’s for just one of the discos or the full duration, please get in touch via 

Finally we’re calling for donations of baked goods to sell during the disco. If you’re a dab hand in the kitchen, and would like to donate something tasty, please get in touch via the email address above. 

Thank you so much for your support.

Rights Respecting School

As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for October

You have the right to clean water, healthy food, a clean environment and good healthcare (Article 24)

Value of the Month for October



What’s coming up?

After School Clubs (week beginning 30th September)

Choir (Caswell & Oxwich) – Monday 3.20 – 4.15. Consent:
Netball (Oxwich) – Thursdays 3.20 – 4.15. Consent:

If you would like your child to take part in choir or netball please ensure that you have completed the consent form for this school year, even if your child was already attending last year. Thank you!

Dates for the Diary

  • Olympic Athlete Visit – Wed 2nd October
  • PTA meeting – Fri 4th October 9am
  • Wear Red Day (Show Racism the Red Card) – Fri 18th October
  • Parent Workshop – Emotional Regulation – Fri 18th October 9.15am
  • Halloween Disco – Wed 23rd October
  • Parent Workshop – Everyday Welsh at home – Thurs 24th October 3.45pm – 4.30pm
  • Inset Day 3 – Fri 25th October – school closed to pupils
  • October Half Term Holiday – Mon 28th October to Fri 1st November – school closed
  • Individual / Sibling Photos – Tues 5th November
  • Parent Workshop – Big Emotions – Anger – Fri 15th November 9.15am
  • Christmas Holidays – Mon 23rd December to Fri 3rd January – school closed
  • Inset Day 4 – Mon 6th January – school closed to pupils

Class Assemblies

Parents / carers / grandparents are welcome to join us for class assemblies. They start at approx. 9.00am and last about half an hour. Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in. These are the class assemblies coming up:

  • 11th October – Caswell H
  • 24th October – Oxwich E (CHANGE OF DATE due to inset day)
  • 8th November – Caswell M
  • 15th November – Caswell N

Athlete Visit

We are getting excited for our visit from Olympic athlete, and Commonwealth Games gold medallist, Natalie Powell on Wednesday 2nd October. Natalie will be giving an inspiring assembly, and putting the children through their paces in a sponsored fitness circuit. To sponsor your child you can use the QR code below, go to the link:, or send in cash with the paper sponsor form that was sent home last week.

Parent / Carer Workshops

We are in the process of creating a workshop programme offering a variety of informative, useful workshops for parents / carers in our Community Hub room. If you would like to attend any of the upcoming workshops please complete the forms below:

Emotional Regulation
 – 18th October 9.15am:
Everyday Welsh at Home – 24th October 3.45-4.30pm:
Big Emotions – Anger – 15th November 9.15am:

If you have any ideas for future workshops or ways that we can support our school community please fill in the form below:

Welsh Questionnaire

We are gathering information on parent knowledge / confidence of the Welsh language, and how we can help you to support your child with Welsh. If you did not get chance to fill in the questionnaire at the Bay Team meetings and you would like to contribute your views, the link is here:

Wear Red Day

On Friday the 18th October children and staff are invited to wear something red for Wear Red Day 24, raising money for Show Racism the Red Card. Suggested donation £1.00. Please pay in cash, or into the Charities Offer on iPay.

Show Racism the Red Card is an anti-racism education charity which utilises the high profile of professional footballers as anti-racist role-models to combat racism in society. They produce educational resources and deliver training events and workshops. For more details please see

PTA News

A huge thank you to everyone who came to our second hand uniform sale and donated items, we raised a brilliant £57 for our school! 

On Friday 4th October at 9am we’ll be hosting a meeting in the community room to organise our upcoming Spooktacular disco! We’d love to invite any volunteers to this meeting and equally if you’d like to just turn up on the night to volunteer or bake something we can sell to raise funds, please email us on  

Please note the Spooktacular disco will take place after school on Wednesday 23rd October and the main doors will open the following times: 3:30-4:30pm Pobbles & Bracelet 4:45-5:45pm Caswell & Oxwich Don’t forget your fancy dress! We can’t wait to see you all there.

Newsletter 20/09/2024

What’s coming up?

After School Clubs

No After School Clubs this week. Choir and Netball to start week commencing 30th September. Please complete the consent forms below if you would like your child to take part:

Choir (Caswell and Oxwich) – Mondays 3.20 – 4.15:
Netball (Oxwich) – Thursdays 3.20 – 4.15:

Dates for the Diary

  • Meet the Bay Teams – week commencing Mon 23rd (see below)
  • Uniform Sale – Tues 24th September
  • Bishop Gore Comprehensive School Open Evening – Thurs 26th September 4-6.30pm (for Year 5 and 6 parents)
  • Olympic Athlete Visit – Wed 2nd October
  • Halloween Disco – Wed 23rd October
  • Parent Workshop – Everyday Welsh at home – Thurs 24th October 3.45pm – 4.30pm
  • Inset Day 3 – Fri 25th October – school closed to pupils
  • October Half Term Holiday – Mon 28th October to Fri 1st November – school closed
  • Individual / Sibling Photos – Tues 5th November
  • Christmas Holidays – Mon 23rd December to Fri 3rd January – school closed
  • Inset Day 4 – Mon 6th January – school closed to pupils

Meet The Bay Teams

These are opportunities for parents / carers to come in and informally meet with their child’s class teachers, and other parents, and find out a bit about the curriculum and routines this year. Gates open at 3.30pm, ready for a 3.45pm start.

  • Monday 23rd September – Oxwich (Mr Davies, Mrs Evans, Mrs Jenkins)
  • Tuesday 24th September – Caswell (Mrs Howard, Miss Maliphant, Mr Newey)
  • Wednesday 25th September – Bracelet (Mrs Lewis, Mrs Breeze, Mrs Roach)
  • Thursday 26th September – Pobbles (Mrs Timaeus, Mrs Nicholas)

Class Assemblies

Parents / carers / grandparents are welcome to join us for class assemblies. They start at approx. 9.00am and last about half an hour. Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in. These are the class assemblies coming up:

  • 11th October – Caswell H
  • 25th October – Oxwich E
  • 8th November – Caswell M
  • 15th November – Caswell N

Emotional Wellbeing Workshops

We are thrilled to be able to offer these emotional wellbeing workshops, run by CAMHS school in-reach service. All parents / carers welcome. If you are interested in attending the workshops, please book your place using the links below. If you would like any further information or have any questions, please contact Mrs Ciaburri.

Emotional Regulation
Big Emotions – Anger

Harvest Collection

This year we will be collecting for The Salvation Army to distribute to those in need. They are looking for food items for people who have limited access to cooking facilities, these are known as kettle packs. If you would like to donate, these are suggested items that would be gratefully received:
– noodles
– rice
– cup-a-soups
– pasta
– tinned meat / fish
– tinned fruit
– long life milk
– cereals / cereal bars
– crisps
– biscuits
– toiletries
Please can donations be brought in the week beginning 7th October


Free Smoke Alarms

This week we had a visit from South Wales Fire Service who informed us that FREE smoke alarms are available by calling 0800 169 1234

PTA News

Thank you so much to all of those who attended our AGM this morning. It was a great chance to catch up on what we’ve been up to and what we’ve got coming up for the year as well as welcome some new committee members. 

Please don’t forget on Tuesday next week (24th September) we’ll be hosting our second hand uniform sale after drop off at 9:15am and after pick up at 3:15pm. Please remember this is a CASH ONLY event and to bring a bag with you to take home any purchases. Items start at 50p each. Come and grab a bargain!

Green Scene

Our next Green Scene volunteer session will take place this Sunday 22nd September 10-12:30pm on school grounds. Everyone is welcome to join, both parents, carers, children and members of our local community, just please let us know if you’re coming. 

We look forward to seeing you there for lots of weeding, planting and painting! Green Scene sessions usually take place every 3rd Sunday of the month. Please follow us on Instagram for more updates:

Newsletter 13/09/2024

What’s coming up?

After School Clubs

No After School Clubs this week. Choir and Netball to start week commencing 30th September – more information / consent forms to follow

Dates for the Diary

  • Kerbcraft Road Safety (Year 2s) – Wed 18th September – please complete and return consent form
  • PTA AGM and Coffee Morning – Fri 20th September 9am
  • Meet the Bay Teams – week commencing Mon 23rd (see below)
  • Uniform Sale – Tues 24th September
  • Bishop Gore Comprehensive School Open Evening – Thurs 26th September 4-6.30pm (for Year 5 and 6 parents)
  • Olympic Athlete Visit – Wed 2nd October
  • Halloween Disco – Wed 23rd October
  • October Half Term Holiday – Mon 28th October to Fri 1st November – school closed
  • Individual / Sibling Photos – Tues 5th November
  • Christmas Holidays – Mon 23rd December to Fri 3rd January – school closed

Meet The Bay Teams

These are opportunities for parents / carers to come in and informally meet with their child’s class teachers, and other parents, and find out a bit about the curriculum and routines this year. Gates open at 3.30pm, ready for a 3.45pm start.

  • Monday 23rd September – Oxwich (Mr Davies, Mrs Evans, Mrs Jenkins)
  • Tuesday 24th September – Caswell (Mrs Howard, Miss Maliphant, Mr Newey)
  • Wednesday 25th September – Bracelet (Mrs Lewis, Mrs Breeze, Mrs Roach)
  • Thursday 26th September – Pobbles (Mrs Timaeus, Mrs Nicholas)

Class Assemblies

Parents / carers / grandparents are welcome to join us for class assemblies. They start at approx. 9.00am and last about half an hour. Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in. These are the class assemblies coming up:

  • 11th October – Caswell H
  • 25th October – Oxwich E
  • 8th November – Caswell M
  • 15th November – Caswell N

Athlete Visit

We are excited to have Judo Athlete Natalie Powell visiting us on 2nd October for an inspirational assembly and sponsored sports event. Look out for sponsor forms coming home today.

Help with School Costs

All Primary School pupils are now entitled to Universal Free School Meals meaning that all children in full time education can have a free hot meal at lunchtime.

Families on lower incomes, and certain benefits may also be eligible for the School Essentials Grant. For more information and to check if you are eligible go to:

WOW Walk to School Challenge

The WOW Walk to School Challenge encourages active travel. Pupils self-report their daily journeys using the interactive WOW Travel Tracker, earning monthly collectible badges for sustainable travel choices. The badges were a huge hit with pupils last year and we are looking forward to taking part again this academic year

Safety Notices

  • When dropping children off at school please park in a safe place and walk them to the school gate. Do NOT stop in the road, or on the yellow zig zags or lines.
  • If you are coming through Gate 1 e.g. to visit the school office, or to sign your child in/out of school, please do NOT leave the gate open. Close the gate completely so that the magnetic lock engages and the school site remains secure.


PTA News

Next week Friends of Brynmill Primary will be hosting an AGM (Annual General Meeting) on Friday 20th September at 9am after drop off in the community room in school. This meeting is open to all and is a chance to find out, what we’ve been up to, what events and activities we’ve got coming up and how you can get involved. It’s also an opportunity for anyone who would like to join our committee, to come forward. Whether you have a few hours a month to spare or would like to lend a hand at one of our upcoming events, we’re always keen for volunteers and new committee members. Tea and coffee and refreshments will be provided and little ones are very welcome to join with you. 

On Tuesday 24th September, we’ll be hosting a second hand uniform sale after school pick up at 3:30pm. We’re currently asking for donations of any unwanted school clothing, coats and shoes. Please can you drop any items into the school office and make sure they are clean and dry. 

Parentkind – the charity that supports school PTAs – have teamed up with Asda, who is making millions of pounds available to donate to primary schools across the UK through their ‘Cashpot for Schools’ initiative – all you have to do is, opt in through the Asda Rewards app, choose our primary school and shop and scan in store or shop online at, between 2nd September and 30th November 2024 Asda will donate 0.5% of the value of your shop to our PTA. Also, every time somebody opts in, Asda will give an additional £1 to the school Cashpot. Plus, it doesn’t stop there – Asda are also giving £50 to every school to get them started. Asda does the rest, all money raised will be donated to schools to spend on the things they need the most.

Green Scene

Our next Green Scene volunteer session will take place on Sunday 22nd September 10-12:30pm on school grounds. Everyone is welcome to join, both parents, carers, children and members of our local community, just please let us know if you’re coming. 

We look forward to seeing you there for lots of weeding, planting and painting! Green Scene sessions usually take place every 3rd Sunday of the month. 

Please follow us on Instagram for more updates:

Newsletter 06/09/2024

Welcome back! We hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable summer break. We are excited to start a new school year with you and look forward to the opportunities, learning and fun ahead. Thank you for being part of our school community, let’s make it a great year together!

What’s coming up?

After School Clubs

No After School Clubs this week. Choir and Netball to start week commencing 30th September – more information / consent forms to follow

Dates for the Diary

  • PTA AGM and Coffee Morning – Friday 20th September 9am
  • Uniform Sale – Tuesday 24th September
  • Bishop Gore Comprehensive School Open Evening – Thursday 26th September 4-6.30pm (for Year 5 and 6 parents)
  • Halloween Disco – Wednesday 23rd October
  • October Half Term Holiday – Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November – school closed
  • Christmas Holidays – Monday 23rd December to Friday 3rd January – school closed

Fruit Tuck Shop

School fruit will be available from Monday 9th September, for pupils in Bracelet, Caswell and Oxwich classes. If you would like your child to have a daily piece of fruit at break time, please pay £7 for this half term on iPay.

Please note – the option to pay for fruit is now in the SHOP section:

– Log into iPay
– Go to the menu, accounts, and select your child
– Find the Shop fund and click the shop button
– Choose Fruit tuckshop category
– Click on Autumn Term 1 and change quantity to 1
– Save the item in your basket and then check out

Any problems please contact Ms Rees in the school office.

Nut Free Classrooms

Important – As we have pupils with serious nut allergies, all of our classes are now nut free; please check that any snacks or lunches do not contain nuts, peanut butter, or nutella.

If you are sending in birthdays cakes or chocolates to celebrate a child’s birthday, please ensure that these do not contain nuts.

Emergency Contact Form

If you haven’t done so already, please complete our emergency contact form for this year:

PTA News

We hope you had a fun and restful summer. The Friends of Brynmill PTA is thrilled to be here with you once again to support our school community. Whether it’s through volunteering, attending events, or staying connected, your involvement makes a difference. 

We have few upcoming dates for your diaries: 

– 20th September at 9:15, AGM & Welcome Coffee; 

– 24th September at 9:15 & 3:15, Preloved Uniform Sale 

– 23rd October, Spooktacular Disco 

If anyone would like to get involved with the PTA please do drop us a message on 

Here’s to a year filled with learning, growth, and great memories! 

Green Scene

Our next Green Scene volunteer session will take place on Sunday 22nd September 10-12:30pm on school grounds. Everyone is welcome to join, both parents, carers, children and members of our local community, just please let us know if you’re coming by emailing

We look forward to seeing you there for lots of weeding, planting and painting! 

Green Scene sessions usually take place every 3rd Sunday of the month. Please follow us on Instagram for more updates:

Rights Respecting School

As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for September

You have the right to an education (Article 28) 

Value of the Month for September


Newsletter 19/07/2024

We have come to the end of another great year at Brynmill Primary School. Good luck and best wishes to those who are leaving us. For those who are returning, see class dojo for a welcome message from your child’s new teacher.

Wishing everyone a Happy Summer Holiday!

There are 2 inset days for staff training in September so the first day for pupils will be Wednesday 4th September.

Dates for the Diary

  • Summer Holidays – Monday 22nd July to Friday 30th August
  • 2024/2025 Inset Day 1 – Monday 2nd September (school closed to pupils)
  • 2024/2025 Inset Day 2 – Tuesday 3rd September (school closed to pupils)
  • First Day of the New Academic Year for pupils – Wednesday 4th September

Free Summer Activities

MMR Catch Up

Our Immbulance is back on the road during the Summer Holidays offering MMR vaccinations for those who have missed a dose or are un-vaccinated.

If you are planning to go on holiday or to any festivals, please come and see us!

Here’s the timetable:

We will also be holding a community pop up session:

No booking required, just drop in!

Alternatively, you can drop in to one of our local vaccination centres at Canolfan Gorseinon Centre and Aberafan Shopping Centre.

If you are not sure if you or your child have had two doses of MMR, you can contact Swansea Bay UHB’s Immunisation Team on 01792 200492, to check which doses you or your child needs.

You can find out more about the MMR vaccine by following this link to the Public Health Wales website. –

Follow this link for more information –

Fruit Tuck Shop

There will be no school fruit for the first 3 days of school in September. We will restart fruit tuck shop the week commencing Monday 9th September.

PTA News

This school year, with your help, we’ve raised just over £5000 for our school! Thank you so much to everyone who’s been involved and attended our events!

If you’re keen to find out more about the PTA and how to get involved please come along to our AGM (Annual General Meeting) in September. More details to follow once school starts back.

We will always share details of our PTA events on Dojo and in the school newsletter but if you’re on Facebook, why not join our Friends of Brynmill Primary School Facebook group? See link below:

We also have a WhatsApp group where we will often post volunteer opportunities, if you’d like to join, please email us on

We’re going to be hosting a meet up for new Reception and Nursery pupils and parents on Saturday 31st August in The Hide in Brynmill Park. Please drop us a message on if you’d like to join us. Further details on the poster below.

Finally we’d like to say a huge thank you to all of our teachers, pupils, parents and carers who’ve attended and helped make our events a reality over the last school year. It’s been a pleasure from all of us at the PTA. We look forward to seeing you next year and we hope you have an amazing Summer!

Thanks for support over the year

Green Scene

Our next Green Scene volunteer session will be taking place this weekend on Sunday 21st July on school grounds between 10am-12:30pm. Please join us for a spot of weeding, painting, sweeping and watering plants! Everyone is welcome but please let us know if you’re coming by emailing 

Snacks, cake, water, tea and coffee are provided and if you need another pick me up post session, local cafe Crewders are offering free tea and americano coffee from 12:30pm when the session finishes. 

Thank you so much to those of you who have joined our sessions this school year! It’s amazing to see our community come together and make a difference to our school grounds. There will be a session in August on Sunday 18th August. Hope you can join us then! Please follow us on Instagram to keep up to date with our news:

Newsletter 12/07/2024

What’s coming up?

No After School Clubs for the remainder of term

Dates for the Diary

  • Year 6 Leavers Concert – Wednesday 17th July – parents welcome, please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in. The concert will start at approx. 9.15am
  • Open Afternoon – Thursday 18th July from 2pm – an opportunity for parents / carers to come in and look at pupil’s books. Last entry will be at 3pm, and parents may take children home with them after 2.30pm if they wish.
  • Last Day of Term – Friday 19th July
  • Summer Holidays – Monday 22nd July to Friday 30th August
  • 2024/2025 Inset Day 1 – Monday 2nd September (school closed to pupils)
  • 2024/2025 Inset Day 2 – Tuesday 3rd September (school closed to pupils)
  • First Day of the New Academic Year for pupils – Wednesday 4th September

Yr 6 Leavers Party 

Forms have been sent home with Y6 pupils, please return by Monday.

School Pick Up

Please can we ask that whilst waiting for your children at the end of the school day, parents do not sit in the gardens, doorways, or on the walls of the surrounding houses. Thank you.

Easy Fundraising

Thank you to the 115 people who are supporting Brynmill Primary using Easy Fundraising. If you aren’t, it really is so easy to raise money just by doing your usual online shopping. Click the link below to sign up.

Summer Activities

PTA News

Our co-chair Emma and our Treasurer Graham are stepping down from their roles. From everyone at the PTA, we’d like to say a huge thank you for all of their hard work and support.  

There will be an AGM (Annual General Meeting) in September, details to follow. All parents, carers and individuals who are interested in joining the PTA can attend this meeting as well as those who are interested in helping out with future events. It’s a chance to find out what we have done, what we have planned for the coming year and find out how you can get involved. 

Lastly, we are keen for any uniform donations you may have. Please can you hand in any donations to the school office and please make sure items are washed and dry. Thank you so much!

Green Scene

Our next Green Scene volunteer session will be taking place on Sunday 21st July on school grounds between 10am-12:30pm. Please join us for a spot of weeding, painting, sweeping and watering plants! Everyone is welcome but please let us know if you’re coming by emailing 

For all new parents, Green Scene is a volunteer group that run monthly sessions at the school to look after the grounds. Sessions take place on the 3rd Sunday of every month and we always provide refreshments and a creative activity for children. Please message us on with any questions or to be added to our WhatsApp group.

Rights Respecting School

As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for July

You have the right to be the best you can be (Article 29)

Value of the Month for July


Newsletter 05/07/2024

What’s coming up?

No After School Clubs for the remainder of term

Dates for the Diary

  • Pobbles R Class Assembly – Friday 12th July
  • Year 6 Leavers Concert – Wednesday 17th July
  • Open Afternoon – Thursday 18th July – an opportunity for parents / carers to come in and look at pupil’s books. More details to follow.
  • Last Day of Term – Friday 19th July
  • Summer Holidays – Monday 22nd July to Friday 30th August
  • 2024/2025 Inset Day 1 – Monday 2nd September (school closed to pupils)
  • 2024/2025 Inset Day 2 – Tuesday 3rd September (school closed to pupils)

Yr 6 Leavers Party 

This event will be held Wednesday 17th July, straight after school at 3:20pm. It will be held in The Hide in Brynmill Park. Refreshments will be provided for the children. If anyone would like to help out with games in the park, or walking children down, please contact the office and your email will be forwarded to the organisers. Parents are very welcome to attend as well as year 6 pupils.

Cars around the school

If you are in your car, waiting to drop your child off or pick them up from school, please turn your engine off.

  • An idling vehicle emits more pollution than a vehicle travelling at 30mph
  • Idling your engine for just 10 minutes releases a pound of CO2 into the air
  • Turning your engine off and on again causes less pollution than keeping the engine running.

Please do not stop in the middle of the road to drop your child off in the mornings or pick them up at the end of the day. Please do not pull on to the pavement or stop on the corners or zig zag lines. Please find a safe space to park, and walk with your child to school. (If they are in Oxwich they can walk by themselves). We are aware that parking is an issue for parents and staff, but we need to ensure the safety of all road users and pedestrians. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

School Crossing Patrol Vacancy

There is currently a vacancy for a School Crossing Patrol working 10 hours a week.

The role of the School Crossing Patrol is extremely important for the safety of the children.

The working hours are normally between 8.00am until 9.00am and 3.00pm until 4.00pm Monday to Friday during term time only.  The current rate of pay is £ 11.79 per hour.

Therefore if you know of anyone who would like to apply for the position or would like more information regarding the role of a School Crossing Patrol please contact Joanne Davies on 07796 275664 or email

PTA News

A huge thank you to those who attended our Summer Fete! We had a brilliant time and raised over £1,100 for our school. Thank you so much to those who volunteered to set up, managed a stall, helped pack up and to those who donated bakes. These events are only possible with the help of amazing volunteers and we are so pleased we were able to execute it and have such lovely feedback from parents and teachers. 

Last night we hosted another Guys Board Game Night which was also a huge success and we were delighted to see some new faces again.  

We’ll be hosting another Ladies Board Game Night in the new school year so please stay tuned for more details. 

Green Scene

Our next Green Scene volunteer session will be taking place on Sunday 21st July on school grounds between 10am-12:30pm. Please join us for a spot of weeding, painting, sweeping and watering plants! Everyone is welcome but please let us know if you’re coming by emailing 

For all new parents, Green Scene is a volunteer group that run monthly sessions at the school to look after the grounds. Sessions take place on the 3rd Sunday of every month and we always provide refreshments and a creative activity for children. Please message us on with any questions or to be added to our WhatsApp group.

Rights Respecting School

As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for July

You have the right to be the best you can be (Article 29)

Value of the Month for July


Newsletter 28/06/2024

What’s coming up?

After School Clubs (week beginning 1st July)

Choir: Monday 3.20-4.15pm (Last one of the term – Choir’s Got Talent!)
Netball (Year 6 ONLY): Thursday 3.20-4.15pm

Dates for the Diary

  • Sports Day – Thursday 4th July 9:20am start – St Helens Ground
  • Pobbles T Class Assembly – Friday 5th July – Parents and Grandparents welcome. Starts approx. 9.00am and lasts about half an hour. Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in.
  • Reserve Sports Day – Monday 8th July
  • Pobbles R Class Assembly – Friday 12th July
  • Year 6 Leavers Concert – Wednesday 17th July
  • Last Day of Term – Friday 19th July
  • Summer Holidays – Monday 22nd July to Friday 30th August
  • 2024/2025 Inset Day 1 – Monday 2nd September (school closed to pupils)
  • 2024/2025 Inset Day 2 – Tuesday 3rd September (school closed to pupils)

Leaving Brynmill?

We are currently planning next year’s classes. If your child will not be returning in September please complete our online Leavers Form here:
(this does NOT need to be completed for Year 6 pupils who are moving up to comprehensive school)

Sports Day

Our Sports Day is on Thursday 4th July (our reserve sports day is Monday 8th July 2024). 

Each child belongs to one of our 4 houses, Waterloo (blue), Kemble (green) Trafalgar (yellow) & De Breos (red) and you will be informed of the colour T-shirt they should wear on the day. Please look out for the stickers the children come home with.

If you are joining us in St Helen’s Cricket Ground, please see approximate timings below:  

Safety and security during the event 

While we are mindful that we want our Sports Day to be as enjoyable as possible, we also want the children to be safe. As such, there are a number of safety factors that we would like your help with:- 

  • Please ensure your child has a sunhat and is wearing long lasting sun cream 
  • Toilets – there are only two toilets available for use on the day. Please give priority to children wanting to use the toilet, and please work with the member of staff who will be supervising the area. 
  • Water – Please provide your child with a labelled bottle(s) of water. 
  • Please use the entrance near the Patti Pavilion 
  • Parents/carers & relatives will be based in the stands, whilst the children will be sat with their teams on the other side of the track.  You are more than welcome to come down to the field to watch your child in their carousel or event, but we ask that you do not take your child back to the stands with you. 
  • When watching track events, we ask that parents/carers & relatives (and younger siblings) avoid standing on the track itself and if possible, view from the side of the track nearest the stands.   
  • Can parents of pupils with younger siblings who are not of school age, please keep their little ones with them at all times. 
  • Photos/filming – You are welcome to take photos/film your own children for your own use, but please remember that we do not have photo/filming permission for all children, so please do not put photos containing images of other children on social media unless you have the permission of their parent. 
  • Please note: Dogs are not allowed at the event 
  • There is no parking at St Helens. Disabled parking can be arranged in advance with Mrs. Morgans. 

Safety for all leaving the event 

I am sure that you appreciate that the end of the event can be very busy with a lot going on. We rely on your support and patience in ensuring that all pupils leave safely and that no child is left unaccounted for. With this in mind, we ask for your help with the following;  

  • At the end of the event, you are welcome to say goodbye to your child, but please ensure that they stay in the designated area near to the class teacher or associate staff. We will be taking registers before we leave. We will be staggering the classes leaving to avoid a large crowd at the exit gates. 

We appreciate your help in making sure this fun event runs smoothly. 

Yours sincerely 
Miss J Simons 

Swansea Council: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) ‘Myth-Busting’ campaign

We are pleased to formally announce that the ASD ‘Myth Busting’ media campaign is live and up to date. Link here:

The myth busting project aims to raise awareness for parents and carers of children and young people who are either awaiting and assessment along the Neurodevelopmental Pathway or who already have a diagnosis of Autism.

The campaign consists of a short web-based animation which explains what support can be given at home, at school and from the community regardless of whether formal diagnoses have been received. It aims to support a needs-led approach to supporting neurodiversity in line with National thinking.

Clips from the animation are also being displayed electronically in the central bus station and car parks. Swansea Council social media channels will also raise awareness.

The project is a joint venture between Swansea ALN Inclusion Team and Neath Port Talbot Inclusion Team. It has been made possible through West Glamorgan Regional Partnership Board Funding, as part of Neurodevelopmental Transformation Fund.

A digital and printed resource book for schools has also been developed and made available to support schools and parents.

Phase two will include workshops for parents and carers, hosted in Swansea School to raise awareness. Details to follow.

Rights Respecting School

As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for June

You have the right to rest and play (Article 31)

Value of the Month for June


Swansea Bay University Health Board

Universal resources to support needs in a whole system approach

Advice/support for parent carers: Special Needs Advisory Project Cymru

 Integrated Autism Service

Swansea Parent Carer Forum;

Attention and concentration: with or without a diagnosis of ADHD

Behaviour: Behaviour Support/Wellbeing Team from the Local Authority; online resources

Co-ordination and motor planning: with or without a diagnosis of DCD or dyspraxia

Emotional health and wellbeing: Early Help Hub; CAMHS School In Reach Team; Teen Toolbox App and book

Local Authority ALN services

Mental Health: Single Point of Access team in CAMHS 01639 862 744 e.g. anxiety, depression, self-harm, eating disorders.


Sensory differences: Occupational Therapy:


Speech, Language and Communication: NHS Speech & Language Therapy, online resources: Primary:

Language Disorder:

Universal ND strategies with or without any diagnosis Page 4