Harvest Festival – The following classes are taking part in our Harvest Festival on Thursday at 9.15ish. Please queue at Gate 2 (after the children have been let in at the start of the day, and the gate has closed after them.)
Oxwich D, Caswell J, Bracelet L & Caswell T.
Harvest Collection, we are collecting long lasting food (tins and packets) to donate to those in need, if you have anything to donate, please send donations in from Monday.
Trips – We will make the decision on Monday as to whether the Caswell & Oxwich Trips are going ahead, at the time of writing unfortunately we haven’t received enough voluntary contributions to cover costs. If you are able to contribute please do so over the weekend. Thank you
Free School Meals & other grants. – As the cost-of-living rises, no child should go without. In Wales, nearly half of parents are not claiming the free school meals that their children are entitled to. We are writing to remind you of the three types of support you might be entitled to.
Don’t miss out on Free School Meals. School meals promote healthy eating, increase the variety of food your child might eat, and can improve behaviour and social skills. If you receive certain benefits, or your circumstances have changed, check if you’re entitled through Free school meals – Swansea
If your child already gets free school meals, there could be more help available through School Essentials (PDG Access). This helps with the costs of school essentials like uniforms and equipment to make sure they are ready for the school day.
The rollout of Universal Primary Free School Meals began in September 2022, starting with children in Reception. Find out more here https://gov.wales/universal-primary-free-school-meals-upfsm
Please note, if you are in receipt of Free School Meals, parents will still need to apply separately for School Essentials (PDG Access) to access all of the funding available.