Whats On?
Monday – Choir After School Club
Wednesday – School Closed for Industrial Action
Thursday – School Closed for Industrial Action
Friday – Red Nose Day – Dress up or Dress Down – Suggested donation £1.00. Please either pay on sQuid – Charity Offer, or cash on the day.
Friday – We are delighted to host a Parent workshop for CAMHS School In Reach. The workshop is designed to support parents with strategies to help with worries and resilience. This is a great opportunity to access the School In Reach programme. Please join us on the 17th March at 9:30. You are welcome to join us from 9am onwards. Please come to Gate 1.

Parental Consultations are during the weeks beginning Monday 20th March, and Monday 27th March. Your child’s teacher has sent out a form to gather parental preferences about face to face or telephone meetings.
Friday 31st March – Easter Bonnet Parade for children in Pobbles & Bracelet classes. Children are invited to make and wear an Easter or Spring themed hat. Parents are invited to stay after morning drop off to watch the parade in the front yard from 9.10am approximately.
Easter Holidays – From April 3rd to April 14th
Half Term – week beginning Monday 29th May