Half Term – We hope you have a lovely half term break.
Inset Day – The Welsh Government has given schools an extra Inset Day to take this academic year. So therefore we will be closed to pupils on Monday 5th June for staff training.
Universal Free School Meals – After the half term holidays Universal Free School Meals will be available to all children in Reception, Year 1, & Year 2.
Green Scene – The next Green Scene volunteer session is a taking place tomorrow, Saturday 27th May 9-11am. Join us in the nursery and reception yard for some weeding and watering.
Everyone welcome. Please can you message Jodi Moss on 07910705147 if you’d like to join.
PTA News – Thank you so much to everyone who came to our Scholastic book fair this week and big thank you to our volunteers who helped run the fair and our second hand uniform stall.
Upcoming event: Film Night at Swansea University for Oxwich and Caswell pupils – Tuesday 13th June. Details on the poster below:

Year 5 Pupils – Leavers Hoodies for next term – We will soon be taking orders for leavers hoodies that the current Year 5 pupils can wear next year when they are in Year 6. Look out for more details soon.
Bishop Gore Transition – Transition day for Bishop Gore is the 29.06.23. After you have dropped your child off, you are invited to a coffee morning. This will be a chance for you meet the staff. You are welcome to bring pre-school siblings should you need to. In the evening, there will be a meeting for the parents, which starts at 6pm.
Rebecca Matthews- Senior Leadership Team and Transition lead from Bishop Gore will be in Brynmill on the 03.07.23 at 2:30pm to meet parents and answer any questions that you have. Year 5 and 6 parents are welcome.
Leaving Brynmill? – We are starting to plan our classes for next year. If you are leaving before the Summer Holidays, or will not be returning next academic year (not including Y6 pupils), please can you complete our leavers form as soon as possible.
Free Period Products for Caswell & Oxwich Classes. We have some free eco friendly period products for girls in Caswell & Oxwich classes. If you would like your daughter to receive some, please complete this form.
Fruit Tuckshop – After half term we will be offering our Fruit Tuckshop to Nursery & Reception children. For £1.00 a week they will have a choice of healthy snacks to choose from each day. The Tuckshop is paid half termly online via sQuid. If you are interested and would like your sQuid Registration details please contact the school office.
What’s Coming up?
Monday 5th June – Inset Day – school closed to pupils for staff training.
Wednesday 7th June – After School Activity – Balls Skills for Y3 children, If you attended before there is no need to complete the form again. If you would like your child to join please complete this form https://forms.office.com/e/apYXmDZ4zY
Thursday 8th June – After School Activity – Netball.
Fri June 9th – Caswell J – Class Assembly
Tues 13th June – PTA Friends of Brynmill Primary Film Night for Caswell & Oxwich Classes.
Fri June 23rd – Caswell T – Class Assembly
Wed 21st to Fri 23rd June – Oxwich Classes – Residential Trip
Monday 26th June – Sports Day – For Reception to Y6 at St Helen’s Rugby & Cricket Ground
Tuesday 27th June – Reserve Sports Day
Wednesday 28th June – Class & Team Photos
Friday 30th June – Caswell H – Class Assembly
Fri 7th July – Pobbles B – Class Assembly
Fri 14th July – Pobbles R – Class Assembly
Wed 19th July – Year 6 Leavers Assembly
Mon 24th July – Last Day of Term
Rights Respecting School – As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month e.g. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.
Right of the Month for May – You have the right to meet with friends and join groups.
Value of the Month for May – Friendship