Late Children –
We have noticed an increase in pupils arriving late to school at the start of the day. We would like to remind you that the school gates open at 8.40am, ready for the start of the school day at 8.50am. We want to raise awareness of the importance of punctuality and would appreciate your assistance in helping your child arrive to school on time.
From Monday, if you arrive late after the gates have been closed, we will be asking parents / carers to bring pupils to the school office to sign them in.
Thank you in advance for your support in this matter.

Inset Days – Here are the first 3 Inset Days for next term when school will be closed to pupils for staff training.
Inset Day 1 – Friday 1st September
Inset Day 2 – Monday 4th September
Inset Day 3 – Friday 6th October
Year 6 Leaver’s Party – organised by parents.
Fri 7th July – Picnic on the beach, meet in front of The Secret Beach Bar & Kitchen, Mumbles Rd, SA2 0AY from 4pm onwards, bring some games and a picnic.
Period Pants – We have some reusable period pants to give to Year 5 girls. If you are interested please complete our online form.
School Photos – The school photographers will be with us on Monday 3rd July – Please fill in the consent form to allow your child to have their photo taken.
Don’t forget to fill in your consents here:
Changes to Online Payments – Our online payment provider for school meals and trips & offers is changing from September. We will no longer be using sQuid, and the new provider will be CRB Cunninghams. We advise that you run the balances down before the end of term, as school meal accounts will start from a ‘fresh’ £0.00 balance in September.
Next Steps:
- Use up balance: Please ensure any remaining balance is used up before the end of term. If you are still in credit on your sQuid account at the end of the term, then you will need to request a refund from sQuid directly. Link to the SQuid webpage available here:- Contact :: sQuid (
- Parent account registration: Onboarding information will be provided to parents in the first few days of the school term, to allow you to set up the account and load funds. Please be assured that all pupils will be able to order a meal in the first few days until the account has been activated and these meals can be paid for once you have activated and loaded funds.
Bishop Gore Transition – Rebecca Matthews- Senior Leadership Team and Transition lead from Bishop Gore will be in Brynmill on the 03.07.23 at 2:30pm to meet parents and answer any questions that you have. Year 5 and 6 parents are welcome.
Leaving Brynmill? – We are planning our classes for next year. If you are leaving before the Summer Holidays, or will not be returning next academic year (not including Y6 pupils), please can you complete our leavers form as soon as possible.
What’s Coming up?
Monday 3rd July – School Photographers
Mon 3rd July – Choir – LAST ONE
Thursday – Netball
Fri 7th July – Pobbles B – Class Assembly
Fri 14th July – Pobbles R – Class Assembly
Wed 19th July – Year 6 Leavers Assembly
Mon 24th July – Last Day of Term
PTA News:
Save the date: End of year disco for all pupils. Tuesday 18th July – £1.50 entry (cash only). Music and entertainment provided by the brilliant Sandcastle Entertainment.
Pobbles & Bracelet 4-5pm
Oxwich & Caswell 5-6pm
Tombola, drinks, cakes and sweets, glitter tattoos and hotdogs will be on sale, again cash only.
Please note: carers must attend with children for Pobbles and Bracelet session and parents can drop off/pick up for Oxwich and Caswell session if they prefer. Don’t forget your best party outfit!