Staff Changes
We’d like to welcome Mr Newey as a permanent member of staff, even though it feels as though he’s always been part of our Brynmill Family.
Mrs Nicholas will be returning to us after her year on leadership secondment, and Mr Jenkins will be leaving us as his leadership secondment year finishes. Whilst we will be very sad to see Mr Jenkins leave, we are delighted to see Mrs Nicholas return.
We also say goodbye to Miss Brown, and we wish her all the best in her future, it has been lovely having her here with us for the last year.
Next Year’s Class Structure
Pobbles R – Mrs Roach (Nursery & Reception)
Pobbles t – Mrs Timaeus (Nursery & Reception)
Bracelet B – Mrs Breeze (Year 1 & Year 2)
Bracelet L – Mrs Lewis (Year 1 & Year 2)
Bracelet N – Mrs Nicholas (Year 1 & Year 2)
Caswell H – Mrs Howard (Year 3 & Year 4)
Caswell M – Miss Maliphant (Year 3 & Year 4)
Caswell N – Mr Newey (Year 3 & Year 4)
Oxwich D – Mr Davies (Year 5 & Year 6)
Oxwich E – Mrs Evans (Year 5 & Year 6)
Oxwich J – Mrs Jenkins (Year 5 & Year 6)
End of Term Reports – will again be distributed electronically over the course of the remainder of the term. Please do not worry if your children’s reports are delivered to you inbox on different days, this is due to the fact that they are sent out individually.
Open Afternoons – Parents and carers are welcome to visit us next Friday between 2.00pm & 3.00pm ( no entry after 3.00pm) for all classes, with exception of parents pf nursery children and Oxwich J.
Oxwich J open afternoon will be held on Wednesday 19th July between 2.00pm and 3.00pm (no entry after 3.00pm)
Next Years Classes – We are still drawing up our class lists, your child will be notified via ClassDojo, where they will find a special message from their new teacher. These will be available before the transition morning.
Transition morning is on on Monday 24th July 2023, this will provide an opportunity for your child to meet their new teacher and classmates.
PTA News:
Party Ready! Don’t forget it’s the end of year disco on Tuesday 18th July. Details below:

Please note: parents must attend with children for Pobbles and Bracelet session and parents can drop off/pick up for Oxwich and Caswell session if they prefer.
We are in real need of volunteers for this event so if you can spare an hour or two to help out, please let us know by emailing These events cannot happen without volunteer support. Carers, grandparents, aunties and uncles are welcome to lend a hand.
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Hurray! As a special end of the year “Well done, we made it!” treat, the Friends of Brynmill Primary (PTA) are organising mini tubs of ice cream for all students on Monday, the 24th of July.
*Please can you fill in the form by Thursday 20th July so that we can order in the appropriate amounts and flavours.* Thank you
Book Club – Mr Newey is asking for any books that have been loaned out for book club to be returned next week.
sQuid – Catering purse – Reminder that we will not be using sQuid next year, please check your balances, make sure you are not in debt, and have enough for any remaining school dinners.
If you are in credit, please keep an eye on your balance, ensure you have enough for the rest of the term, and then contact sQuid to have any remaining balance refunded.
What’s on until the end of term
Tuesday – PTA Disco
Wednesday – Oxwich J – Open Afternoon from 2.00pm to 3.00pm
Thursday – Netball After School Club
Friday – Open Afternoon from 2.00pm to 3.00pm
Monday 24th – Last Day of school, normal finishing times
Monday 24th – Free Icecream provided by the PTA – Friend of Brynmill, please ensure you have filled in the form above by Thursday 20th July