Day: 15th September 2023

Newsletter 15/09/23

After School Club – A message from the Governors – We are disappointed that Play works Child Care club have ended their letting of school premises due to a lack of interest. We appreciate that this impacts on a few of our parents who now have  immediate childcare issues as a result of the short notice closure of Play works childcare club. Please be assured that Governors are committed to supporting our school community and will consider any ways that we can help within the scope of our roles and responsibilities in this regard. We will communicate any updates in due course.  

Moving House?

Please provide proof of address if you are moving home, have recently moved home, or just joined the school.

Leaving the School ?

We have a long waiting list for places at our school, so if you are leaving us please give as much notice as possible, and complete our Leavers Form. Thank you.

PTA News

We’re planning for another year of fun events that help enhance the Brynmill Primary School community. 

There will be many opportunities to get involved, either by joining the committee, helping out during events, drumming up donations for the annual Christmas raffle, or even just spreading the word about things happening. 

We’ve got a few events lined up already. A Friends of Brynmill coffee morning will be happening soon as well, more info to follow next week. And finally, a date for the diary: DJ Dan is back at the Autumn Spooktacular Disco on October 12th again, more details to come.

Parking – Please do not park on the double yellow lines or zig zag lines outside the school when dropping off or picking up. Your assistance in keeping our children safe is greatly appreciated.

Extra Curricular Clubs – Mrs Evans will be starting netball for children in Oxwich classes on Thursdays after school until 4.15pm. If you would like your child to attend please complete our sign up form (please complete a new form even if they attended last year).

Y6 Class of 24 Hoodies – These are now available to order. Please pay on IPay.

iPay – Thank you to everyone who has already signed up. If you haven’t had your registration letter or need a hand, please contact the office.

Nasal Spray Flu Vaccine – Letters are going home today for pupils in classes from Reception to Year 6, Please complete and return – EVEN IF YOU DO NOT GIVE CONSENT – This will help us having to send reminders. The School Nursing Team will be with us on Friday 27th October to give the vaccine to those who have consented.

Rights Respecting School – As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month e.g. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for September – You have the right to an Education.

Value of the Month for September – Respect