Happy New Year to all our pupils and families, and welcome to the Spring Term at Brynmill Primary.
What’s coming up?
After School Clubs
Choir (Caswell and Oxwich): Monday 3.20-4.15pm. Consent form: https://forms.office.com/e/sv4C9BRrfD
Languages (Caswell): Thursday 3.20 -4.15pm. Consent form: https://forms.office.com/e/2tiKt4w0qH
Netball (Year 5s only): Thursday 3.20-4.15pm.
Mad Science: Wednesday – see flyer below for more information. Deadline to register is Sunday 14th January.

Dates for the Diary
- Caswell M Class Assembly – Friday 26th January – Parents and Grandparents welcome from 9.00am to 9.30am approximately. Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in.
- Caswell H Class Assembly – Friday 2nd February – Parents and Grandparents welcome from 9.00am to 9.30am approximately. Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in.
- Spring Half Term Holiday – Monday 12th February to Friday 16th February
TESCO tokens
It is the final weekend to collect Tesco Blue Tokens for our school. If you shop at Tesco’s, please pick up the blue tokens and vote for our school. We could receive up to £1,500 towards our Sensory Safe Spaces Project.

Year 6 Leavers Hoodies
We will be putting in another order of Year 6 hoodies. If you would like to order any please complete the form https://forms.office.com/e/UfwLMB3gGu and make payment on iPay. Deadline: Friday 9th February.
Free Period Products
We have free Eco friendly period products to give out to girls in the Caswell & Oxwich Classes, please complete the form if you would like your daughter to receive some: https://forms.office.com/e/EsqwzkmkkF
Appeal for Christmas Jumpers / costumes
Later in the year we would like to run a Christmas swap shop. If you are having a clear out and are getting rid of any Christmas jumpers or costumes they would be very gratefully received. Please bring donations to the school office.
Rights Respecting School
As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.
Right of the Month for January
All children should be treated equally (Article 2)
Value of the Month for January