What’s coming up?
After School Clubs
Choir (Caswell and Oxwich): Monday 3.20-4.15pm. Consent form: https://forms.office.com/e/sv4C9BRrfD
Mad Science: Wednesday 3.20 – 4.20pm (for those who have already registered and paid)
Language Explorers (Caswell): Thursday 3.20 -4.15pm. (for those who have already registered)
Netball (Year 5s only): Thursday 3.20-4.15pm.
Dates for the Diary
- Spring Half Term Holiday – Monday 12th February to Friday 16th February
- PTA Second Hand Uniform Sale – Thursday 22nd February
- World Book Day – Thursday 7th March
- Pobbles R Class Assembly – Friday 8th March – Parents and Grandparents welcome. Starts approx. 9.00am and lasts about half an hour. Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in.
- Oxwich D Class Assembly – Friday 15th March
- Trip to Plantasia (Bracelet L and B) – Tuesday 19th March
- Trip to Plantasia (Bracelet N) – Wednesday 20th March
- Pobbles T Class Assembly – Thursday 21st March
- Easter Bonnet Parade (Pobbles and Bracelet) – Friday 22nd March
- Easter Holiday – Monday 25th March to Friday 5th April
Universal Free School Meals
From Monday 19th February the Welsh Government’s Universal Free School Meals scheme will be rolled out to Year 4s so meals for Reception through to Year 4 are free. If you have any credit in your iPay account you can request a refund in the transaction history section. If you need any help please contact the school office.
We currently have vacancies for a Caretaker and a Teaching Assistant. For more information see the links below:
Free Packed Lunches during Half Term

Martial Arts Fun Days
SJA Martial Arts, who have recently done taster sessions for pupils at school, are running Fun Days at the Swansea YMCA during the half term on Tuesday 13th and Thursday 15th February 9am – 3pm. The cost is £15 per day. To book contact them on 03332423919 or message them on their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/SJAmartialarts/

Fruit Tuckshop
The payments for school fruit for the next five weeks after half term is now open on iPay! If you would like your child to have a piece of fruit or veg from school during morning breaktime, please go to ‘Fruit Tuckshop 23/24 – Spring Term 2’ to pay £5. We offer a wide range of items including apples, tangerines, bananas, pears, mini cucumbers, carrots and dried fruit.
If you prefer, your child is welcome to bring a healthy snack from home.
PTA News
It’s your last chance to fill in our survey about PTA events. The survey will close at midnight tonight. It takes just a couple of minutes to fill in and your views are so important to us and can help us make future improvements to our calendar of events. Link to survey below:
A huge thank you to those who have already filled it in.
Our second hand sale will be taking place Thursday 22nd of February after school drop off and pick so you have until Wednesday 21st of February to make any donations to the school office.
We’d be very grateful for any donations of the following items:
– school uniform
– school shoes/trainers
– P.E kit – coats
– fancy dress costumes (for World Book Day)
– Welsh costumes
Thank you so much as always for your support!
Rights Respecting School
As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.
Right of the Month for February
You have the right to honest information as long as it’s safe (Article 17)
Value of the Month for February