Month: July 2024

Newsletter 19/07/2024

We have come to the end of another great year at Brynmill Primary School. Good luck and best wishes to those who are leaving us. For those who are returning, see class dojo for a welcome message from your child’s new teacher.

Wishing everyone a Happy Summer Holiday!

There are 2 inset days for staff training in September so the first day for pupils will be Wednesday 4th September.

Dates for the Diary

  • Summer Holidays – Monday 22nd July to Friday 30th August
  • 2024/2025 Inset Day 1 – Monday 2nd September (school closed to pupils)
  • 2024/2025 Inset Day 2 – Tuesday 3rd September (school closed to pupils)
  • First Day of the New Academic Year for pupils – Wednesday 4th September

Free Summer Activities

MMR Catch Up

Our Immbulance is back on the road during the Summer Holidays offering MMR vaccinations for those who have missed a dose or are un-vaccinated.

If you are planning to go on holiday or to any festivals, please come and see us!

Here’s the timetable:

We will also be holding a community pop up session:

No booking required, just drop in!

Alternatively, you can drop in to one of our local vaccination centres at Canolfan Gorseinon Centre and Aberafan Shopping Centre.

If you are not sure if you or your child have had two doses of MMR, you can contact Swansea Bay UHB’s Immunisation Team on 01792 200492, to check which doses you or your child needs.

You can find out more about the MMR vaccine by following this link to the Public Health Wales website. –

Follow this link for more information –

Fruit Tuck Shop

There will be no school fruit for the first 3 days of school in September. We will restart fruit tuck shop the week commencing Monday 9th September.

PTA News

This school year, with your help, we’ve raised just over £5000 for our school! Thank you so much to everyone who’s been involved and attended our events!

If you’re keen to find out more about the PTA and how to get involved please come along to our AGM (Annual General Meeting) in September. More details to follow once school starts back.

We will always share details of our PTA events on Dojo and in the school newsletter but if you’re on Facebook, why not join our Friends of Brynmill Primary School Facebook group? See link below:

We also have a WhatsApp group where we will often post volunteer opportunities, if you’d like to join, please email us on

We’re going to be hosting a meet up for new Reception and Nursery pupils and parents on Saturday 31st August in The Hide in Brynmill Park. Please drop us a message on if you’d like to join us. Further details on the poster below.

Finally we’d like to say a huge thank you to all of our teachers, pupils, parents and carers who’ve attended and helped make our events a reality over the last school year. It’s been a pleasure from all of us at the PTA. We look forward to seeing you next year and we hope you have an amazing Summer!

Thanks for support over the year

Green Scene

Our next Green Scene volunteer session will be taking place this weekend on Sunday 21st July on school grounds between 10am-12:30pm. Please join us for a spot of weeding, painting, sweeping and watering plants! Everyone is welcome but please let us know if you’re coming by emailing 

Snacks, cake, water, tea and coffee are provided and if you need another pick me up post session, local cafe Crewders are offering free tea and americano coffee from 12:30pm when the session finishes. 

Thank you so much to those of you who have joined our sessions this school year! It’s amazing to see our community come together and make a difference to our school grounds. There will be a session in August on Sunday 18th August. Hope you can join us then! Please follow us on Instagram to keep up to date with our news:

Newsletter 12/07/2024

What’s coming up?

No After School Clubs for the remainder of term

Dates for the Diary

  • Year 6 Leavers Concert – Wednesday 17th July – parents welcome, please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in. The concert will start at approx. 9.15am
  • Open Afternoon – Thursday 18th July from 2pm – an opportunity for parents / carers to come in and look at pupil’s books. Last entry will be at 3pm, and parents may take children home with them after 2.30pm if they wish.
  • Last Day of Term – Friday 19th July
  • Summer Holidays – Monday 22nd July to Friday 30th August
  • 2024/2025 Inset Day 1 – Monday 2nd September (school closed to pupils)
  • 2024/2025 Inset Day 2 – Tuesday 3rd September (school closed to pupils)
  • First Day of the New Academic Year for pupils – Wednesday 4th September

Yr 6 Leavers Party 

Forms have been sent home with Y6 pupils, please return by Monday.

School Pick Up

Please can we ask that whilst waiting for your children at the end of the school day, parents do not sit in the gardens, doorways, or on the walls of the surrounding houses. Thank you.

Easy Fundraising

Thank you to the 115 people who are supporting Brynmill Primary using Easy Fundraising. If you aren’t, it really is so easy to raise money just by doing your usual online shopping. Click the link below to sign up.

Summer Activities

PTA News

Our co-chair Emma and our Treasurer Graham are stepping down from their roles. From everyone at the PTA, we’d like to say a huge thank you for all of their hard work and support.  

There will be an AGM (Annual General Meeting) in September, details to follow. All parents, carers and individuals who are interested in joining the PTA can attend this meeting as well as those who are interested in helping out with future events. It’s a chance to find out what we have done, what we have planned for the coming year and find out how you can get involved. 

Lastly, we are keen for any uniform donations you may have. Please can you hand in any donations to the school office and please make sure items are washed and dry. Thank you so much!

Green Scene

Our next Green Scene volunteer session will be taking place on Sunday 21st July on school grounds between 10am-12:30pm. Please join us for a spot of weeding, painting, sweeping and watering plants! Everyone is welcome but please let us know if you’re coming by emailing 

For all new parents, Green Scene is a volunteer group that run monthly sessions at the school to look after the grounds. Sessions take place on the 3rd Sunday of every month and we always provide refreshments and a creative activity for children. Please message us on with any questions or to be added to our WhatsApp group.

Rights Respecting School

As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for July

You have the right to be the best you can be (Article 29)

Value of the Month for July


Newsletter 05/07/2024

What’s coming up?

No After School Clubs for the remainder of term

Dates for the Diary

  • Pobbles R Class Assembly – Friday 12th July
  • Year 6 Leavers Concert – Wednesday 17th July
  • Open Afternoon – Thursday 18th July – an opportunity for parents / carers to come in and look at pupil’s books. More details to follow.
  • Last Day of Term – Friday 19th July
  • Summer Holidays – Monday 22nd July to Friday 30th August
  • 2024/2025 Inset Day 1 – Monday 2nd September (school closed to pupils)
  • 2024/2025 Inset Day 2 – Tuesday 3rd September (school closed to pupils)

Yr 6 Leavers Party 

This event will be held Wednesday 17th July, straight after school at 3:20pm. It will be held in The Hide in Brynmill Park. Refreshments will be provided for the children. If anyone would like to help out with games in the park, or walking children down, please contact the office and your email will be forwarded to the organisers. Parents are very welcome to attend as well as year 6 pupils.

Cars around the school

If you are in your car, waiting to drop your child off or pick them up from school, please turn your engine off.

  • An idling vehicle emits more pollution than a vehicle travelling at 30mph
  • Idling your engine for just 10 minutes releases a pound of CO2 into the air
  • Turning your engine off and on again causes less pollution than keeping the engine running.

Please do not stop in the middle of the road to drop your child off in the mornings or pick them up at the end of the day. Please do not pull on to the pavement or stop on the corners or zig zag lines. Please find a safe space to park, and walk with your child to school. (If they are in Oxwich they can walk by themselves). We are aware that parking is an issue for parents and staff, but we need to ensure the safety of all road users and pedestrians. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

School Crossing Patrol Vacancy

There is currently a vacancy for a School Crossing Patrol working 10 hours a week.

The role of the School Crossing Patrol is extremely important for the safety of the children.

The working hours are normally between 8.00am until 9.00am and 3.00pm until 4.00pm Monday to Friday during term time only.  The current rate of pay is £ 11.79 per hour.

Therefore if you know of anyone who would like to apply for the position or would like more information regarding the role of a School Crossing Patrol please contact Joanne Davies on 07796 275664 or email

PTA News

A huge thank you to those who attended our Summer Fete! We had a brilliant time and raised over £1,100 for our school. Thank you so much to those who volunteered to set up, managed a stall, helped pack up and to those who donated bakes. These events are only possible with the help of amazing volunteers and we are so pleased we were able to execute it and have such lovely feedback from parents and teachers. 

Last night we hosted another Guys Board Game Night which was also a huge success and we were delighted to see some new faces again.  

We’ll be hosting another Ladies Board Game Night in the new school year so please stay tuned for more details. 

Green Scene

Our next Green Scene volunteer session will be taking place on Sunday 21st July on school grounds between 10am-12:30pm. Please join us for a spot of weeding, painting, sweeping and watering plants! Everyone is welcome but please let us know if you’re coming by emailing 

For all new parents, Green Scene is a volunteer group that run monthly sessions at the school to look after the grounds. Sessions take place on the 3rd Sunday of every month and we always provide refreshments and a creative activity for children. Please message us on with any questions or to be added to our WhatsApp group.

Rights Respecting School

As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for July

You have the right to be the best you can be (Article 29)

Value of the Month for July
