Month: September 2024

Newsletter 13/09/2024

What’s coming up?

After School Clubs

No After School Clubs this week. Choir and Netball to start week commencing 30th September – more information / consent forms to follow

Dates for the Diary

  • Kerbcraft Road Safety (Year 2s) – Wed 18th September – please complete and return consent form
  • PTA AGM and Coffee Morning – Fri 20th September 9am
  • Meet the Bay Teams – week commencing Mon 23rd (see below)
  • Uniform Sale – Tues 24th September
  • Bishop Gore Comprehensive School Open Evening – Thurs 26th September 4-6.30pm (for Year 5 and 6 parents)
  • Olympic Athlete Visit – Wed 2nd October
  • Halloween Disco – Wed 23rd October
  • October Half Term Holiday – Mon 28th October to Fri 1st November – school closed
  • Individual / Sibling Photos – Tues 5th November
  • Christmas Holidays – Mon 23rd December to Fri 3rd January – school closed

Meet The Bay Teams

These are opportunities for parents / carers to come in and informally meet with their child’s class teachers, and other parents, and find out a bit about the curriculum and routines this year. Gates open at 3.30pm, ready for a 3.45pm start.

  • Monday 23rd September – Oxwich (Mr Davies, Mrs Evans, Mrs Jenkins)
  • Tuesday 24th September – Caswell (Mrs Howard, Miss Maliphant, Mr Newey)
  • Wednesday 25th September – Bracelet (Mrs Lewis, Mrs Breeze, Mrs Roach)
  • Thursday 26th September – Pobbles (Mrs Timaeus, Mrs Nicholas)

Class Assemblies

Parents / carers / grandparents are welcome to join us for class assemblies. They start at approx. 9.00am and last about half an hour. Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in. These are the class assemblies coming up:

  • 11th October – Caswell H
  • 25th October – Oxwich E
  • 8th November – Caswell M
  • 15th November – Caswell N

Athlete Visit

We are excited to have Judo Athlete Natalie Powell visiting us on 2nd October for an inspirational assembly and sponsored sports event. Look out for sponsor forms coming home today.

Help with School Costs

All Primary School pupils are now entitled to Universal Free School Meals meaning that all children in full time education can have a free hot meal at lunchtime.

Families on lower incomes, and certain benefits may also be eligible for the School Essentials Grant. For more information and to check if you are eligible go to:

WOW Walk to School Challenge

The WOW Walk to School Challenge encourages active travel. Pupils self-report their daily journeys using the interactive WOW Travel Tracker, earning monthly collectible badges for sustainable travel choices. The badges were a huge hit with pupils last year and we are looking forward to taking part again this academic year

Safety Notices

  • When dropping children off at school please park in a safe place and walk them to the school gate. Do NOT stop in the road, or on the yellow zig zags or lines.
  • If you are coming through Gate 1 e.g. to visit the school office, or to sign your child in/out of school, please do NOT leave the gate open. Close the gate completely so that the magnetic lock engages and the school site remains secure.


PTA News

Next week Friends of Brynmill Primary will be hosting an AGM (Annual General Meeting) on Friday 20th September at 9am after drop off in the community room in school. This meeting is open to all and is a chance to find out, what we’ve been up to, what events and activities we’ve got coming up and how you can get involved. It’s also an opportunity for anyone who would like to join our committee, to come forward. Whether you have a few hours a month to spare or would like to lend a hand at one of our upcoming events, we’re always keen for volunteers and new committee members. Tea and coffee and refreshments will be provided and little ones are very welcome to join with you. 

On Tuesday 24th September, we’ll be hosting a second hand uniform sale after school pick up at 3:30pm. We’re currently asking for donations of any unwanted school clothing, coats and shoes. Please can you drop any items into the school office and make sure they are clean and dry. 

Parentkind – the charity that supports school PTAs – have teamed up with Asda, who is making millions of pounds available to donate to primary schools across the UK through their ‘Cashpot for Schools’ initiative – all you have to do is, opt in through the Asda Rewards app, choose our primary school and shop and scan in store or shop online at, between 2nd September and 30th November 2024 Asda will donate 0.5% of the value of your shop to our PTA. Also, every time somebody opts in, Asda will give an additional £1 to the school Cashpot. Plus, it doesn’t stop there – Asda are also giving £50 to every school to get them started. Asda does the rest, all money raised will be donated to schools to spend on the things they need the most.

Green Scene

Our next Green Scene volunteer session will take place on Sunday 22nd September 10-12:30pm on school grounds. Everyone is welcome to join, both parents, carers, children and members of our local community, just please let us know if you’re coming. 

We look forward to seeing you there for lots of weeding, planting and painting! Green Scene sessions usually take place every 3rd Sunday of the month. 

Please follow us on Instagram for more updates:

Newsletter 06/09/2024

Welcome back! We hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable summer break. We are excited to start a new school year with you and look forward to the opportunities, learning and fun ahead. Thank you for being part of our school community, let’s make it a great year together!

What’s coming up?

After School Clubs

No After School Clubs this week. Choir and Netball to start week commencing 30th September – more information / consent forms to follow

Dates for the Diary

  • PTA AGM and Coffee Morning – Friday 20th September 9am
  • Uniform Sale – Tuesday 24th September
  • Bishop Gore Comprehensive School Open Evening – Thursday 26th September 4-6.30pm (for Year 5 and 6 parents)
  • Halloween Disco – Wednesday 23rd October
  • October Half Term Holiday – Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November – school closed
  • Christmas Holidays – Monday 23rd December to Friday 3rd January – school closed

Fruit Tuck Shop

School fruit will be available from Monday 9th September, for pupils in Bracelet, Caswell and Oxwich classes. If you would like your child to have a daily piece of fruit at break time, please pay £7 for this half term on iPay.

Please note – the option to pay for fruit is now in the SHOP section:

– Log into iPay
– Go to the menu, accounts, and select your child
– Find the Shop fund and click the shop button
– Choose Fruit tuckshop category
– Click on Autumn Term 1 and change quantity to 1
– Save the item in your basket and then check out

Any problems please contact Ms Rees in the school office.

Nut Free Classrooms

Important – As we have pupils with serious nut allergies, all of our classes are now nut free; please check that any snacks or lunches do not contain nuts, peanut butter, or nutella.

If you are sending in birthdays cakes or chocolates to celebrate a child’s birthday, please ensure that these do not contain nuts.

Emergency Contact Form

If you haven’t done so already, please complete our emergency contact form for this year:

PTA News

We hope you had a fun and restful summer. The Friends of Brynmill PTA is thrilled to be here with you once again to support our school community. Whether it’s through volunteering, attending events, or staying connected, your involvement makes a difference. 

We have few upcoming dates for your diaries: 

– 20th September at 9:15, AGM & Welcome Coffee; 

– 24th September at 9:15 & 3:15, Preloved Uniform Sale 

– 23rd October, Spooktacular Disco 

If anyone would like to get involved with the PTA please do drop us a message on 

Here’s to a year filled with learning, growth, and great memories! 

Green Scene

Our next Green Scene volunteer session will take place on Sunday 22nd September 10-12:30pm on school grounds. Everyone is welcome to join, both parents, carers, children and members of our local community, just please let us know if you’re coming by emailing

We look forward to seeing you there for lots of weeding, planting and painting! 

Green Scene sessions usually take place every 3rd Sunday of the month. Please follow us on Instagram for more updates:

Rights Respecting School

As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for September

You have the right to an education (Article 28) 

Value of the Month for September
