What’s coming up?
After School Clubs (week beginning 25th November)
Choir (Caswell and Oxwich) – Monday 3.20-4.15pm
Netball (Oxwich) – Thursday 3.20-4.15pm
Christmas Concerts
Pobbles – Friday 6th December 9.30am & 2.15pm
Bracelet – Tuesday 10th December 9.30am and 4.00pm
Caswell – Wednesday 11th December 9.30am and 4.00pm
Oxwich – Thursday 12th December 9.30am and 4.00pm
£1 entry per adult, with all proceeds going to resources for the classes.
For the 4.00pm concerts, children will stay in school and be provided with a light snack before the concert. Children will be collected after the concert from the main hall.
Dates for the Diary
Remember to check our school calendar for all upcoming events, inset days, holidays etc.
If you would like to subscribe to the calendar, click SUBSCRIBE using your phone, and you can automatically add all school events into your own calendar.
Leaving Brynmill?
If your child is leaving the school, please complete our leavers form with as much notice as possible:
The process of applying to a new school can take several weeks so if you are moving out of the area we would advise you to apply for a new school as soon as possible to avoid your child missing out on education.
Children in Need
Thank you for your donations to Children in Need last week. We raised £185 for good causes.

Brynmill Winter Wonderland
Winter Wonderland is coming to Pobbles & Bracelet!

The Pobbles and Bracelet staff along with our amazing Community group will be creating our very own Christmas experience for our children. Santa will come to visit the children on Friday 13th December and each child will receive a little treat. Throughout the day, the children will take part in lots of fun activities from baking to a scavenger hunt and Christmas stories at the park. We kindly ask for a donation to help cover the cost of running the activities and here’s to the children having an exciting day. Donations can be made on iPay (Fund ‘Brynmill Winter Wonderland Donations’) or in cash to the school office.
Let the Christmas celebrations begin!
Jumble Sale
Our Brynmill Community group have been working hard to organise our first ‘Brynmill Jumble Sale’. If you have any donations of clothing or pre loved toys please send them into school and they will will be loved and used by other families. Thank you!

PTA News
We’ve got some fantastic prizes for our upcoming Christmas raffle thanks to some amazing local businesses! The raffle will be launching on Wednesday next week so there’s still time to donate a prize if you can.
Thank you so much to Duck & Dough cafe, Square Peg cafe, Plants & Papers shop, RAVS Vintage shop and LC Swansea for their recent prize donations! If you or your employer could donate a prize, please get in touch via friendsofbrynmill@gmail.com

Save the date for our upcoming Book Fair! This will take place after school between 3:15-4:30pm on Tuesday 3rd & Wednesday 4th December. We look forward to seeing you all there! The Community Group Jumble Sale which will have second hand toys and clothes on offer will take place at the same time.

Finally with Christmas Concerts nearing, we’d love to know of anyone who would be keen to help volunteer 20 minutes before and after the concerts to sell tea and coffee to help raise funds for our school. We are particularly short of volunteers for the Pobbles & Oxwich concerts. If you’re happy to volunteer, please can you email us on friendsofbrynmill@gmail.com
All funds raised from our raffle, the book fair and Christmas concert stalls will go towards new school resources. Thank you so much for your support!
Green Scene
Thank you to our volunteers who braved the weather for our last session of the year last month. We planted Winter veg and salad, Spring bulbs in our recycled, milk containers and took part in a ‘spooky’ Halloween trail.
A big thank you also to all our volunteers from parents and children who attend Brynmill Primary, family members, work colleagues and friends, students and members of the local community who have joined in our monthly volunteer sessions. We would also like to thank Crewders for supporting us by providing free tea and coffee for the volunteers. You guys are the best.
Finally, a reminder that our sessions will restart in Feb/March and all are welcome! From all of us at Green Scene Swansea, we hope you have a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!