What’s coming up?
NO After School Clubs this week
Dates for the Diary
Please check our school calendar to keep up to date with all school events
If you would like to subscribe, click HERE using your phone, and you can automatically add all school events into your own calendar.
Christmas Parties

Wednesday 18th December~
Children are invited to wear their party clothes to school.
Children are asked to bring in some party food for themselves on a labelled plate.
Please note that as we have some nut free classes, please do not send in anything that contains nuts.
Please note the party food is in addition to normal lunchtime arrangements, so please ensure your child has a packed lunch/ school dinner.
Christmas Café
Our Enterprise Troopers would like to invite all parents / carers to our Christmas Café on the morning of Wednesday 18th December. Come along and enjoy a hot drink and a festive snack in our Christmas grotto.

Autumn Term Reports
Next week you will be receiving a brief report to let you know how your child has settled in to their new class this year. For pupils in year 2 to year 6, further information on how your child is progressing can be found by accessing their personalised assessment progress reports on Hwb. See the link below for instructions:
Thank Yous

Thank you to Elliott’s Dad Michael for the £500 Admiral Donation, which we have used to buy playground resources for Bracelet classes
Thank you to Buddy’s mum Leanne for repairing our stage curtains
Message from Swansea Council
Proposed new model for Specialist Teaching Facilities (STFs) across Swansea – Consultation Response Report Available
Following the recent consultation regarding the above proposal, the Consultation Response Report is now available on the link below:
This Consultation Report will be taken to Cabinet on the 12 December 2024 for a decision on whether to proceed to publish a statutory notice.
A hard copy of the consultation report is available on request.
PTA News
A huge thank you to everyone who supported our Christmas stalls during the Christmas concerts. You helped us raise an amazing £474.58 for our school!
Thank you so much to those who volunteered to run the stalls and set up. Without you, we wouldn’t have raised such a brilliant amount.

Our Christmas raffle fundraiser is still live for another few days until Wednesday 18th December when we’ll be drawing our winners. If you’re able to purchase some entries, we’d hugely appreciate it.
Entries can be purchased online via the link below:
Please do also share with family and friends if you can. Entries start at £2 for x10 entries.

Thank you so much for all your support at this time of year.