HALF TERM – Next week is Half Term, school starts back Monday 3rd March.
St David’s Day Celebrations – We will be celebrating St David’s Day on Friday 7th March. Children are invited to wear Welsh costumes, Rugby or Football Shirts, or anything red.
After School Activities – There is no Choir or Netball for the week after half term.
World Book Day – We will be celebrating World Book Day on Friday 14th March – children are invited to dress up as their favourite book character, or bring their favourite book in to school. Here are some links to easy costumes.
Class Assemblies. Please queue at Gate 2 once you have dropped your child off. Parents/Grandparents welcome.
Friday 14th March – Caswell M – Miss Maliphant
Friday 21st March – Pobble N – Mrs Nicholas (Reception children only)
Friday 28th March – Pobbles T Mrs Timaeus (Reception children only)
Friday 4th March – Bracelet L – Mrs Lewis
Family Learning Session – Wed 12th March – Please see the post on the School Story on Dojo
Parent/ Toddler Group – Monday 10th March – Please see the post on the School Story on Dojo
Easy Fundraising
Brynmill Primary School has been paid £162.73 this week thanks to our community shopping online! A huge thank you to everyone who supports us. Want to get involved? Sign up to easyfundraising so your online shopping at your favourite retailers turns into much-needed funding for us. It’ll take you two minutes to sign up: https://join.easyfundraising.org.uk/brynmillps/kay456/dda/U5SijpKB/Q4244/facebook/162.73
PTA News: We have a fantastic lineup of events planned for parents, carers, and children after the half-term break! Take a look at the poster below for all the details.
To stay updated on PTA news and events—or if you’re interested in helping out—follow our Facebook page or join our WhatsApp group on the link below:
You can also find all PTA updates in the school newsletter and on Dojo. Thank you for your continued support!

Green Scene: Thank you so much to those who joined us for last weekend’s Green Scene volunteer session!
We did some weeding, topped up around the tree in Bracelet yard, decorated milk planters and planted some flowers in them for Oxwich & Caswell yard, watered the bamboo in Pobbles yard, found caterpillars, cocoons and worms, repotted the Christmas tree and ate the most delicious cookies!
We also practiced our wheelbarrow skills! Top work, Kai, Mark, Mari, Dillon and Bethany. We also found a buried egg in Oxwich & Caswell yard which we think might have been a fox. The veg in Oxwich & Caswell yard is also doing great and we’ve spotted our first turnip.
Our next session will be on Sunday March 16th from 10-12:30pm and we’d love to see as many of there as possible.
Follow us on Instagram for more updates: