Parents Esafety Drop-in

We were delighted to have 3 responsible Digital Leaders be on hand during the Book Fair to share our E-Safety guidance. There will be another team on hand on Wednesday – please come over to find out about or ask any question related to keeping your child safe online, in particular about the growing pressures of social media.
Here is the discussion of our Pupil Voice Questionnaire with Children in Oxwich , completed in February.
Safer Internet Day 2023
This year’s theme was

We had assemblies and also followed up with activities around positive conversations and relationships online. We did some pupil voice questionnaires to find out what their favourite things are to do online and there were some useful bits of feedback that we feel parents should be aware of. For further advice please see our E Safety Page.
Here are the assembly presentations:
3-7 year olds
Here is the discussion of our Pupil Voice Questionnaire with Children in Oxwich.
Curriculum Information for Pobbles Spring Term 23
Please take a look at our Curriculum information for this term. The whole school themes relate to ‘ Out of this World’ Science.
Below is a screenshot or feel free to download a copy.

Curriculum Information for Bracelet Spring Term 23
Please take a look at our Curriculum information for this term. The whole school themes relate to ‘ Out of this World’ Science.
Below is a screenshot or feel free to download a copy.

Curriculum Information for Caswell Spring Term 23
Please take a look at our Curriculum information for this term. The whole school themes relate to ‘ Out of this World’ Science.
Below is a screenshot or feel free to download a copy.

Curriculum Information for Oxwich Spring 23
Please take a look at our Curriculum information for this term. The whole school themes relate to ‘ Out of this World’ Science.
Below is a screenshot or feel free to download a copy.