Author: Mrs Morgans

Newsletter 12/04/19

Parental Questionnaire 

We were overwhelmed by the positive and helpful feedback we received in our recent parental questionnaire. So many of you took the time to thank the staff for their hard work and commitment.  We recognise that there is always room for improvement and the following areas have been identified for further consideration:

  • Homework
  • Visits and events

Can we take the opportunity to say thank you for this but also thank you for your continuing and relied-upon support.

Book Fair – 

The Scholastic Book Fair, run in March, raised £261.81p for the school to spend on books. This is a brilliant result! Huge thanks to all our Friends of Brynmill Primary School helpers, and to everyone who supported the book fair.


Good luck to Mr Davies who will running the London Marathon again, and raising funds for our school. If you would like to show your support there is a fundraising page here, or you can pay on sQuid, or by cash to the school office.



This Week – 

Some members of our Eco Club went to an Eco-Brick workshop in the National Waterfront Museum, they were very enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the subject of plastics and it’s effect on the environment.

After Easter –

Please remember to top up for School Dinners, Fruit, Early Bird Club, and Activity Fund. Please remember we only take online payments now. Please contact the school office if you need a hand setting up your sQuid Account.

After School Activities – Monday – Eco Club (until 4pm), Thursday Football.

The Events section of the Website has been updated for the Summer Term, please take a look.

National Tests for Year 2 to Year 6

Date / Test Numeracy  Reasoning Reading  English
7 May/Mai
Yr/Bl 3 am
Yr/Bl 6 am
8 May/Mai
Yr/Bl 2 am
Yr/Bl 4 am
Yr/Bl 5 am
9 May/Mai
Yr/Bl 2 am
Yr/Bl 3 am
10 May/Mai
Yr/Bl 4 am
13 May/Mai
Yr/Bl 5 am
Yr/Bl 6 am
14 May/Mai MOP UP MOP UP
The Numeracy Procedural Test are online and will be done in small groups throughout the month of May. Click here for more information on the Personalised Assessments.

We hope you all have a lovely break, and we will see you on Monday 29th April for the start of the Summer Term.

Newsletter 05/04/2019

Y5/6 Residential – the children have just arrived back after a very busy week of activities at St Madoc, they were all very happy, but very very tired!

On Wednesday children are invited to wear their Onesies or Pyjamas to help raise awareness for Autism.

On Thursday Mrs Roach’s Reception and morning Nursery class will be holding their Class Assembly – All welcome to come and watch.

No After School Activities next week.

Friday – Last day of term ( normal finish time), Foundation Phase Children– Nursery to Y2 are invited to bring in their Easter Bonnets for the Parade which will start about 9.00ish and last about 20 minutes. Parents are invited to stay and watch. If the weather is fine it will take place in the front yard, and if not it will be in the main hall. KS2 children – Y3 to Y6 are invited to decorate a hard boiled egg for the chance to win an Easter Egg. There is no theme this year, so they can let their imagination/creativity run wild!

Easter Holidays – We are on holiday from Monday 15th April to Friday 26th April, and we start back on Monday 29th April.

Coming Up

Y3/4J Class Assembly – Friday 3rd May

Y1/2L Class Assembly – Friday 10th May

National Tests – for Year 2 to Year 6 – Tuesday 7th May to Tuesday 14th May

Newsletter 29/03/19

Another busy week in Brynmill.

On Monday our Eco club did a litter pick on Swansea Beach, and collected a sack full of wet wipes, cotton bud sticks, cans, bottles, and micro plastics.

On Wednesday Y5 went to a Welsh Gig in the Grange Primary School, and enjoyed a variety of pop songs and show tunes that had been translated into Welsh.

Also on Wednesday we had two Pupil Voice Workshops, and received some very positive feedback from the parents who attended.

Thursday we had our Maths Day, and the Foundation Phase children found a giant footprint in their classrooms, and had to use maths skills to work out who they belonged to. KS2 children found out that a valuable artifact had been stolen, we had a visit from PC Paul, and a crime scene in the photocopying room, children used their maths skills to work out the height of the suspect.

Next week – there are no After School Activities

Monday to Friday – Y5/6 Residential trip to Llanmadoc

Friday  – Miss Maliphant’s Reception and Morning Nursery Assembly

Thurs 11th April  – Mrs Roach’s Reception and Morning Nursery Assembly

Fri 12th April – Last Day of Term,

Fri 12th April – Foundation Phase – Easter Bonnet Parade, children are invited to make an Easter Bonnet at home, and bring it in on the day, Parents are invited to stay and watch the parade, which starts at 9.00am approx and lasts for 10-15minutes.

Fi 12th April – KS2 – Decorate an egg competition. Children are invited to decorate a hard boiled egg, there is no theme this year, so let your imagination run wild!

Easter Holidays – Mon 15th April – to Friday 26th April.

Monday 29th April – Start of Summer Term.


Competition Time

We have a few competitions taking place at the moment.

My Amazing Dairy – a creative writing competition for children in Years 1 & 2, with prizes for the winning pupil and the winning school. Closing date 12th April 2109.

The Incredible Diary of …  – a creative writing competition for children in Years 3 – 6, with prizes for the winning pupil and the winning school. Closing Date 12th April 2019.

Easter Egg Design Competition – for all ages. The winning school will receive £100 and the winning designer an Eater Egg. Closing Date 5th April.

If any of our creative pupils would like to enter any of the competitions, please contact the school office for templates.

Good luck!

Newsletter 15/03/19

Red Nose Day, thank you to everyone who has supported Comic Relief today. We are still counting the money, and will let you know soon how much we have raised. Thank you to our Enterprise Troopers for organising the events.

Our Rags to Riches Collection raised £195.00 for the school, and they will be back in June.

Year 5/6 watched a performance of Abbie Ayre and the shed of Science, which will was about Air Quality and Sustainable Travel.

Thank you to two of our parents who came into talk to the pupils as art of Science Week.  Mrs Clulee talked about making textiles out of banana leaves, and Dr Baker talked about turning steel into cars. Diolch.

Attendance – Llongyfarchiadau to LFPR with 97% and to Y3/4J with 100% attendance this week.

Y6 – The leavers party will be held on Saturday 20th July at Tycoch Sports Hall starting at 1.45pm. Please could anyone with children in Year 6 and interested in attending join the Facebook group Brynmill Year 6 Leavers group or speak to Mason’s mum Sian Harvey or Blake’s mum Zoe Melville for all additional information. The leavers hoodies have now been ordered.

Parental questionnaire

Please spare a few minutes to complete a short questionnaire.

What’s on Next Week?

Monday & Tuesday – Parent’s Evenings for Reception to Year 6 pupils, please contact your child’s class teacher if you would like to make an appointment.

Monday & Tuesday – Book Fair – PTA book fair on Monday & Tuesday after school.

Wednesday – Cross Country

Thursday – Dr Bike – Y5/6 children are invited to bring their bikes into school on Thursday for free maintenance checks.

Thursday – Football

Friday – Y1/2B Class Assembly  – All welcome

Friday – Science Exhibition – Parents invited to join us between 2.00pm and 3.00pm

What’s coming up?

Eco Club Beach Litterpick – Monday 25th March

Pupil Voice Exhibition 2.30pm & 5.30pm – Wed 27th March

Y5 Welsh Gig – Wed 27th March – £2.50 contribution towards transport please.

Y5/6E Class Assembly – Fri 29th March

Monday 1st April to Friday 5th April – Y5/6 Residential

Foundation Phase – Easter Bonnet Parade – Fri 12th April, KS2  Easter Egg Competition




Visit by Artist

Last week we welcomed Emma Cownie, a local Artist who came to visit Y5/6 as part of Welsh Week.

Emma was very impressed by our children, and took the time to email the school to let us know.

Dear Miss Simons,

I was invited to come and talk to your Y5 pupils this morning by Mrs Lewis. I am writing to you to say how much I enjoyed visiting your bright and friendly school. 

I was really impressed by the enthusiasm and excellent behavior shown by your pupils. They asked lots of really thoughtful and interesting questions. I hope that I have inspired a few future artists. 

The pupils were a real credit to you and your school. Please also pass on my thank to all the staff who attended the chat, including Mrs Lewis who I didn’t have a chance to speak to before I left,

Best wishes,

Emma Cownie 

The children really enjoyed her talk, and even had a go at replicating one of her pieces of art.




Newsletter 08/03/2019

Wow,  what a busy week, with lots of activities to celebrate our Welsh Week.

On Tuesday we had our St David’s Day Concert with various classes performing, and the Chairing of the Bard ceremony, Llongyfarchiadau Alexia! This was repeated on Wednesday for the parents to watch, and we would like to  thank you for your support, we had a queue stretching all the way to the shelter, and hurriedly had to organise extra chairs for you all.

The winners of last years flag competition saw their designs incorporated into one design which is proudly flying from our flagpole.


We had lots of entries for the Welsh Week Competition, which will be judged next week, so still time for any late entries.

Mrs Bruce-Lloyd who is one of our Parent Governors came into Y1/2 and cooked Welsh Cakes for the three classes and staff,  they were delicious. (Culinary skills are not a requirement for being a Parent Governor, but are an added bonus 🙂 )

Nursery & Reception practised their Welsh Folk Dancing Skills,  Y3/4 had a Twmpath, and Year 5/6 had a visit by local artist Emma Cownie,

Some our Eco Warriors were interviewed by The Wave and met Jamie who presents the afternoon show. They were excellent ambassadors for the school, and will also feature in their Women of Steel promotional voice clips which will be aired at a later date.

Next week we will be supporting Comic Relief, children (and staff) are invited to dress up as their favourite hero, and donate £1.00 to the Charity. There will also be a talent show in the afternoon, and  games stalls, so if the children would like to bring in an extra £1.00 to play the games they are more than welcome.

Attendance – Congratulations to LFPR with 97.4%, and to Y5/6M with 99.3% attendance this week. Da iawn!

Fruit – Just a little reminder that if you would like your child to have fruit this half term, please pay £6.00 on sQuid.

Y5/6 Residential Trip. Any outstanding amount must be paid by the 15th March.

Children late for school – We have a number of parents/pupils who are frequently late and arrive after school started. This causes disruption to the office staff, the class teacher, the class, and any assemblies/concerts or school trips, and can be a cause of  anxiety for the child. School starts at 8.50am, and children should either be in the Free Breakfast Club, or in the yard by 8.40am ready for the start of school. Please remember that Foundation Phase Children (Nursery to Y2) should be accompanied by a parent whilst they are in the yard before school starts. If your child arrives after the register has closed they will be classified as having unauthorised absence. If their attendance drops to under 90% you may be liable to a penalty notice.

After School Clubs next Week  –

Monday – Cross County Competition, please see Dojo for more information

Wednesday – Cross Country

Thursday –  Football Club

Pupil Voice -On Tuesday 26th March Wednesday 27th March we will be having some a Pupil Voice Event, where parents and governors are invited to come in and have an update on what the various Pupil Voice Groups have been doing, and what they have got planned. The event will be at 2.30pm and again at 5.30pm. There will be presentations from the

  • Learning Detectives
  • Digital Leaders
  • Sports Ambassadors
  • Criw Cymraeg
  • Eco Council
  • Enterprise Troopers
  • Well Being Warriors
  • Sennedd

We hope that you will be able to join us.

Newsletter 22/02/19

Change of address – Just a reminder if you move house, please bring in proof of your new address to the school office. Thank you

Nursery & Reception – the children had a rainbow day today, where the children either dressed up in clothes with rainbows on them or in one of the colours of the rainbow, to celebrate the end of their topic on the weather. They looked very colourful 🙂

Packed Lunches – If you child has a yoghurt for lunch, please remember to give them a teaspoon to eat it with. If any of our teaspoons have come home with your child, please can we have them back. Thank you

KS2 Pencil cases  – Over half term, please can you restock your child’s pencil case with pens, pencils, pink & green highlighters, eraser, sharpener and a gluestick. Thank you

Rags 2 Riches – We are again collecting old clothes for the Rags 2 Riches scheme which raises money for the school, collection bags are being sent home today, please fill and return to the school from Friday 8th March, ready for the collection on Tuesday 12th March. Thank you.

Personalised Assessments – Welsh government are introducing new online personalised assessments for all learners  from Year 2 to Year 6 over time. This year, the current paper based assessment for procedural will be replaced. During the next half term pupils in these year groups will have to opportunity to try out and become more familiar with the new personalised assessments. A copy of FAQs and an animated short introduction to personalised assessments is available. Please click on the following link.

St David’s Day Competition -Foundation Phase Children are asked to draw or make a model of a castle. KS2 children can either draw or make a model of a lovespoon, or design a £5.00 note depicting a famous Welsh person. Please can we have entries in by  Monday 4th March. Diolch!

We are going cashless! In line with other schools, and following on from the success of going cashless for school dinners, we are rolling this out for trips and offers.  We will implement this from Monday 4th March.  Please contact the school office if you need any help with registering, or have any other queries. Thank you.

Whats on after half term?

Monday – Deadline for the St David’s Day Competition.

Tuesday 5th March – St David’s Day Concert for School – please can children wear Welsh Costume, Welsh Rugby/Football top, or a red T Shirt/jumper on both Tuesday 5th & Wednesday 6th March.

Wednesday 6th March – St David’s Day Concert for Parents – Classes taking part = Y3/4J, LFPR ( Reception & AM Nursery), Y1/2B, Y1/2H, Y5/6D, Y5/6E.

Thursday – Football


We hope you all have a lovely half term break, and see you on Monday 4th March.