Author: Mrs Morgans

Newsletter 23/11/18

Llongyfarchiadau – We are very pleased to announce that following an extensive refurbishment of the school kitchen, we have recently been re-inspected by environmental health and awarded 5 stars!

Eco Club – The Eco club have an after school session on Monday until 4.15pm, when they will be making an Eco friendly craft to sell at the Christmas Fete. All existing Eco Club & Eco Council members are welcome. Sorry but we will not be able to take anyone new.

Birthday Cakes – Just a reminder that we are only able to accept either a large cake pre-cut into 30 pieces, or individual cakes such as fairy cakes, cupcakes, mini rolls etc.

Y5/6 Residential – The first instalment of at least £50.00 is due next Friday 30th November.

Child Absent from school – Please remember that parents should contact the school by 9.30am if their child is going to be absent from school due to illness.

Attendance  – Congratulations to Y1/2B with 94%, and to Y3/4N with 98.4% attendance this week, keep up the good work. Da iawn!

Class Dojo – Please remember to check your Class Dojo regularly for important messages.If your child attends one of our after school activities please make sure you are linked to the group on dojo, so that you can receive reminders.

After School Clubs next week

Monday – Eco Club  (all ages) & Chess (all ages)

Tuesday – Mad Science (all ages)

Wednesday – Choir  (Y3/6) & Cross Country (Y5/6)

Thursday – Football (Y5/6)

Criw Cymraeg – Y Criw Cymraeg have set homework for the whole school this week. The task is a competition to design a Welsh Mascot to join our Growth Mindset Mascots. It’s powers would be to make people proud to be Welsh. To help people use Welsh around the school and at playtime and to promote bilingualism. The mascots will need to be in by the end of the day, Wednesday 28th November for the Criw Cymraeg to judge. Don’t forget to name your mascot!. Diolch!

Next week – FBP Movie Night – There are some tickets left for the movie night on Thursday 29th November starting at 5.00pm. The movie is Home Alone, tickets cost £5.00 and include a drink, popcorn & a hotdog. Cakes and sweets will be available for sale. Please note:-Foundation Phase Children (Nursery to Y2) must be supervised by an adult.


Advent Calendars – On sale at the school office, £4.00 each, filled with delicious chocolate, with a picture of school staff on the front, and the names of the children on the back.

Newsletter 16/11/18

A big thank you to everyone who has supported Children In Need today.

Attendance  – Congratulations to Y1/2B with 98.8% and to Y3/4D with 98.2% attendance this week. Llongyfarchiadau

Cycle Training – Our Y6 children had the opportunity to do some cycle training this week, and gained Level 1 or Level 2 certificates in Cycle Proficiency.

After School Clubs

Monday – Chess

Tuesday – Mad Science

Wednesday – Choir

Wednesday –  Cross Country

Y5/6 Residential – The cost of the trip has been set at £160.00, there is a meeting on Thursday (22nd) at 3.30pm with a presentation on the trip, and the chance to speak to the teachers who will be going.

Fri 23rd November – Y5/6M Class Assembly

Eco Club – Monday 26th November – After School Club until 4.30pm

Movie Night – The tickets for the PTA movie night on 29th November are going fast, please call into the school office or send £5.00 in an envelope if you would like to attend.

Xmas Fete – The PTA Christmas Fete is on Thursday 6th December, letters are being sent home asking for donations of items for the hampers or tombola games.

Choir/Carol Aid – Mr McCoy has kindly offered to run choir and Carol Aid in Mrs Howard’s absence. Carol Aid is at Pantygwydr on Fri 7th December.

Parking – As you are probably parking around the school is a problem. However, we repeat our request that that you:-

 – please do not park on the double yellow lines

 – please do not park on the zig zag lines

 – please do not park in the residential bays

 – please do not go the wrong way down the one way streets

– please do not take it upon yourself to confront anyone, we would prefer it if you went through the proper channels, i.e. contact the civil parking enforcement officers 01792 635959, or our local PCSOs on 07825430377 or 07469907939.

Our PCSOs and civil  parking enforcement officers are aware of the problem and are monitoring the situation.

Reception Parents – Individual Meetings with the teachers will take place on Monday 10th December  (Mrs Roach) and Tuesday 11th December (Miss Maliphant) between 2.00pm and 5.00pm. Appointment letters will be sent home in due course.


Newsletter 09/11/18

Monday marks the start of our Anti Bullying week, children are invited to wear blue.

Friday we will be celebrating Children In Need Day, Pupils are asked to Dress Up, or Dress Down, and bring in £1.00 donation towards the charity.

School Christmas Meal – This will be on Friday 14th December, and traditionally lots of children who normally have packed lunches choose to have a school dinner on this day. As we are now cashless for School Dinners, if you would like your child to have a  Christmas Dinner, please make sure that you are signed up to sQuid. We will not be able to take cash on the day. If you are not already signed up, and would like a reminder of the registration details for your child’s account please contact the school office.

Choir – Mr McCoy has kindly offered to run Choir on Wednesdays after school. If your child is new to choir, please complete the forms that have been distributed, or collect one from the school office. (Y3 to Y6).

Rags2Riches – These are being collected on Tuesday, please return any full bags to the school office by Tuesday morning. Thank you

Attendance – Congratulations to Y1/2H with 97.4% and to Y3/4J with 96.2% attendance this week. Da iawn

Reception Parents – Individual Meetings with the teachers will take place on Monday 11th December  (Mrs Roach) and Tuesday 12th December (Miss Maliphant) between 2.00pm and 5.00pm. Appointment letters will be sent home in due course.

PTA events – Thursday 29th November – Movie Night, please see the Friends of Brynmill Primary Facebook page for more details.

Thursday 6th December – Christmas Fete from 3.30pm to 5.00pm.

Advent Calendars, on sale now at £4.00. each.










Newsletter 26/10/18

Great News! – We have been chosen as one of the Coop’s local causes for this year (starting this Sunday).  Please pick up a  membership card next time you are in a Coop branch, nominate us, and we receive a small donation every time you spend on Coop own brand products.  If you are already a member, please log on to your account to change  who you would like to support this year. This could potentially raise over £1,000 for the school to improve the playground facilities. A big thank you to Cat Davies and Leanne Clulee for applying on our behalf.

Attendance – Congratulations to Y1/2B with 99.3% and Y3/4J with 96.2% attendance this week. Llongyfarchiadau!

Staffing Update – We are pleased to inform parents that Mrs L. Davies will be returning to support pupils in Foundation Phase after half term.

Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond the school’s control, Mrs Howard’s absence will be continuing after half term; for continuity, the class will again be covered by Mrs Timeaus.  We do not yet know when Mrs Howard will be returning but we will keep you informed. If you have any concerns, please either contact the class teacher or Mrs Lewis, Foundation Phase Leader directly.

Mrs Davey’s Y3/4D class will continue to  be covered by Mr McCoy for the foreseeable future.

Fundraising – Thank you to those who have signed up to Easy Fundraising, the donations have started to come through. If you haven’t signed up, please go to Before you do your internet shopping with places such as Amazon, ebay, Argos and hundreds of other shops, click through the app, and the school will get a donation at no extra cost to you.

Eco Club – Some members of our Eco Club had a trip to the Baling Plant this week. Here is what they thought about it :- Poppy – the best bit was seeing Jess the hawk, who kept the seagulls away from the food waste bags. Lilias – I learnt that everyone needs to recycle more. Mrs Morgans – I learnt the difference between stretchy plastic, such as carrier bags, which are recyclable, and crinkly plastics such as salad bags, which are not! Miss Rees – I found out that black plastic food trays can be recycled by Swansea Council.

Y5/6 Residential – Letters have been sent home, please can we have deposits of £20.00 as soon as possible.

Proposed Y3/4 Trip to Cardiff – Please return the slip as soon as possible so we can gauge interest for a Y3/4 Overnight Trip to the Urdd, Cardiff.

Christmas Concerts – Please refer to our events page for details of the Christmas Concerts.

Rags2Riches, collection bags are being sent home, please collect old clean clothes, shoes, soft toys, towels, belts & handbags, jewellery & accessories, bedding  & household linen (sorry no badged school uniform) for the collection on 13th November.

Newsletter 19/10/18

Attendance – Congratulations to Y1/2B with 98.5% and to Y3/4J with 98.8% attendance this week.

Halloween Disco – The FBP are having a Spooky Disco this Thursday. Nursery to Y2 children can join us from 5.30pm to 6.30pm, and must be accompanied by an adult,  Y3 to Y6 children can join us from 6.30pm to 7.3opm. Entry is £1.00 for children, and refreshments will be on sale.

On Tuesday representatives from our Eco club are going to the Baling Plant in Llansamlet to find out what happens when we recycle.

Mad Science – We have a Mad Science Assembly next week, and an After School Club starting after half term.

Y3/4J have their class assembly on Friday,  parents and grandparents are welcome to come and watch. It starts just after 9.00am and will last about 20 minutes.

Flu Vaccinations – The school nurses are in School on Friday to give flu vaccinations to those who have given consent. Reminders have been sent home for missing consent forms. Please sign YES or NO and return.

Half Term  – Monday 29th October to Friday 2nd November


Inset Day 4 – Monday 3rd June

Inset Day 5 – Monday 22nd July

Rags2Riches Collection – Please start collecting old clothes, bedding shoes etc (Sorry no school uniform with badges) for the collection on 13th November. This raises much needed funds for our school. Thank you

Year 6 Cycle Training starts on Wed 14th November.

Year 5/6 Residential –Letters are being sent home next week about the Residential Trip to Llanmadoc In April. The cost will be between £150.00 and £200.00, depending on numbers.

Harvest  – A big thank you to everyone who supported our Harvest Festival, either by donating tins of food to people in need, or by coming to watch the fabulous performances at our festival. Diolch



Newsletter 12/10/18

We have a very busy week next:-

On Monday our Y5/6’s are going to the LC for a sports session with UWTSD. The cost is £2.50, and children should wear sports clothes, bring a packed lunch and a bottle of water.

On Tuesday & Wednesday, our school photographers are in taking individual and sibling photos. If you have siblings who are not in school, and would like them to be included in a sibling photo, please come to the school at 8.30am on either day. (1.00pm for Afternoon Nursery children). A link to the photos will be sent out via email, so please make sure you have given permission for us to pass on your email address.

On Thursday we have our Harvest Festival for the rest of the school, and on Friday for Parents. The classes performing are LFPMam, Y5/6M, Y3/4D, Y3/4N,  & Y1/2L.

For Harvest we are asking for donations of non perishable goods, which we will pass onto a charity that helps people in need. ( Suggested donation 2 tins per family). These can be sent into school from Monday. Thank you.

Attendance – Llongyfarchiadau to Mrs Howard’s and Mrs Breeze’s classes who both achieved 97.3% and to Y3/4D with 98.2 % attendance this week.

Calpol – We have a small amount of Calpol available in school for children who become ill during the school day ( after we have had confirmation from a parent). If your child comes in to school, slightly under the weather, and you would like them to have Calpol at lunchtime, please provide some from home, and complete the medicine form available in the foyer.

FBP – Friends of Brynmill Primary – A big thank you to the retiring committee, and welcome to our new commitee, who have lots of events planned to raise money for the school, such as:-

Halloween Disco – Thurs 25th Oct

Christmas Movie Night – Thurs 29th October

Christmas Fete – Thursday 6th December

After School Clubs Next Week

Monday – Chess

Wednesday – Cross Country

Thursday – Football



Eco Club 11/10/18

We had a lovely turn out at Eco Club this week.

We have 12 places available for our visit to the bailing plant in a couple of weeks. If your child is interested please return the form by noon on Friday. Sorry but this trip is only open to KS2 pupils. If we have more names than places we will do a random draw.
We have started to recycle writing implements such as pens,highlighters, correction fluid. If you have any at home please send them in.
We are having a Rags4Riches collection in November so please save clean old clothes and bedding.
We continue to recycle used batteries, so please send your old ones to the school office.
Finally we had lots of great ideas from the children about what they would like to do in Eco, such as litter picks, recycled crafts and finding out about plastic pollution.
They are a great bunch of future Eco Warriors♻😊

Newsletter 05/10/18

PTA- AGM – The PTA AGM is on Monday at 3.20pm. The PTA are key in supporting our school, raising additional funds and running key events and activities. There are various places on the committee to fill, as well as event specific leaders. Please join us if you are available.

PTA Disco – Our first disco  of the year is on Thursday  25th October, look out for more information coming soon.

Thank you – A big thank you to the Arts Council of Wales and National Lottery, who gave us a grant for the Y5/6 children to go and see Theatr Na Nog’s production of The White Feather. We were also lucky enough to win some Technocamp workshops linked to the performance, these will take place in school next Tuesday.

Y1/2B – Class Assembly – The first of our Class Assemblies start next week on Friday , all welcome.

Y5/6 have a trip to the LC for a Sports Session with UWTSD, we are asking for £2.50 voluntary contribution towards the cost of the bus. Children are asked to wear sports clothes, have a packed lunch, and bring a labelled bottle of water.

School Photographer – Our school photographers will be with us on Tuesday 16th & Wed 17th Oct. Please can children come prepared to have their photo taken on both days. If you would like photos with any siblings who are not in school, these will start at 8.30am  and be on a first come first served basis (If your child attends afternoon Nursery then these sessions will be at 1.00pm on those days).  Children with siblings in school will have their photos taken during the school day.  The photographer will send out a link to view the photographs via email, if you haven’t previously provided or given your consent for us to pass on your email address, please contact the school office. You are under no obligation to buy the photos.

A plea from a very busy school office. We apologise for the amount of paperwork we have sent home recently, but would appreciate it if you could return any outstanding forms, such as Admission Forms, Data Collection Forms, Flu Vaccine Consent, My Selfie Consent, Proof of Date of Birth or Proof of Address. If you think it’s a lot of paperwork, please consider the Admin Team who have to process 300 times that amount! 🙂

Head lice/ Nits – Please check your child for head lice/nits and treat if required.

Child Absent from School – Just a reminder that if your child is going to be absent from school, we ask that you contact the school by 9.30am to let us know where they are.  Please call the school office on 463019, or email If we haven’t heard from you we will send a text, if we do not receive a reply to the text  then unfortunately we will give your child an unauthorised absence mark on the register.

Reception and Year 7 Admissions – September 2018. If your child is currently in Nursery or Year 6, they will receive a letter from the Local Authorities’ Admissions Team asking you to apply for a place for next year. If you do not receive a letter, please contact the school office.

Attendance – Congratulations to Y1/2H with 100%, and to Y3/4J with 98.6% this week. Llongyfarchiadau!