Author: Mrs Morgans

Newsletter 25/05/18

What a busy week we have had, with

  • Mrs Howard’s Class & Mrs Jenkins’ Class enjoying their attendance rewards on the beach,
  • Our Prefects & Blues Busters enjoying  volleyball & rounders as a thank you for all their hard work this year,
  • Trips to the park for Y1/2,
  • Ancient Greek Olympics for Y5/6.
  • Shwmae Day
  • LFP – Dressing up to celebrate the end of languages week

Next week we have a half term holiday, followed by 2 Inset days, so children are due back on Wednesday 6th June.

After School Clubs After Half Term Week – Choir & Football

Attendance – Congratulations to LFPR with 98.8% and to Y3/4J with 98.6% attendance this week, both well above our 96% attendance target. Da Iawn!

Drop in Sessions – Andy from the Family Partnership Team will be with us on Thursdays from 9-11 for advice and support for parents He will be able to offer either one to one guidance or support, or signposting,  on welfare issues, problems with children’s behaviour etc.

Chance to win a Mad Science Camp Day Voucher. – We have a voucher for a day at a Mad Science Summer Camp. If you would like to buy a raffle ticket, please send  £1.00 per strip of raffle tickets to the school office. The Summer Camps are 23rd to 27th July, 6th to 10th August, 20th to 24th August in Bryn Road Scout Hut. Deadline for raffle tickets is Friday 29th June.

Dear Year 6 parents – Following a vote by children in class last week, the Year 6 leaver party will be a Festival and is planned for Sunday 8 July. This party is organised by parents so we need everyone’s help before and on the day. Please join the Facebook group (‘Year Six Leavers 2018’) to keep updated.  You are invited to a meeting at 3:20 pm on Friday 8 June in the school hall to help plan activities and share out preparation tasks. If you can’t attend, please message the Facebook group to let us know if you can help. If you do not use Facebook, then you can email Nicole ( so details can be copied over to the Facebook group page.

School Kitchen – the Local Authority has started work on the planned kitchen refurbishment, and it is expected to take four weeks. School dinners will be cooked off site, and transported to the school, so there will be minimal disruption to the service, and your child will still have a hot meal (if required). Please note, there is no disruption to Early Bird Club/ BreakfastClub.

GDPR – Please follow the link to a child friendly explanation of GDPR

Our Privacy Notice

Dates for the diary – Our Events Page






Newsletter 18/05/18

Diolch! – First of all a big thank you to all who donated bags of old clothes. We raised £216.35. We will be running this again on a termly basis (next date 13th November), so please remember us when you are having a sort out. Unfortunately we do not have the space to store the bags until the next collection, but will let you know when you can bring them in.

Shwmae Day – As part of our languages week, we will be having a Shwmae Day, children are invited to wear red on Monday which will be filled with fun activities in Welsh.

Attendance – Congratulations to this week’s winners LFPR with 98.2 % and Y3/4J with 98.6%, both classes are well above our target of 96%.

Next week, the winners of the termly attendance prize – Y3/4J & Y1/2H will be going to the 360 Beach & Watersports Centre for an afternoon of beach activities. Enjoy!

One way system around the school  – Just a reminder that there is a one way system around the school,  a few parents have been ignoring this. For the safety of our children, please do not ignore the no entry signs.

Parking – Please do not park on the zigzag or double yellow lines. It is illegal, and puts lives at risk.

Football Match – Our Y5/6’s played some matches against Ysgol Brynymor yesterday. There were two teams the A team and the B team that A team won 3-0 I (Somto) scored a hatrick.It was a very hard game with very small proper goals they have improved as a team and I would like to play them again we had a team of 9 so did they and to sum it up they played incredible.  Somto XD

There was a very good match held at the pitches there were A team  and a B team. Luckily the A team won 3-0 but the B team lost 4-2. It was a hard match with such small goals but it was an amazing one with a lot of chances good goals and close goals. Adam.

In the B-team we had a fantastic first half with two goals scored by Blake and Edward. So we were winning 2-1 at half time. But then Bryn-y-mor scored three more goals in the second half. The final score was 4-2. We really enjoyed the game and both of us almost scored. Jago and Jacob.

A huge thank you to Maggie & Freddie’s Dad, Tim from Cover to Cover for the donation of books. Diolch!

Prefects & Blues Busters – As a reward for all their hard work this year, on Thursday the Prefects and Blues Busters will be going to the 360 Beach & Watersports Centre for a morning of beach fun followed by refreshments.

Inset Days – Please note we have 2 inset days after the half term holidays – Monday 4th June & Tuesday 5th June, when school will be closed to pupils for staff training.

Dates for the diary – please follow the link to our events page

Nursery Open sessions – Our Nursery Open sessions start in June, and we look forward to meeting the children and parents who will be joining us soon.

Sports day – Our sports day for Reception to Y6 children will take place on the morning of Wednesday 27th June, with a reserve date of Tuesday 10th July.

After School Clubs next week –

Monday Creative Club for Y1/2

Wednesday Choir for KS2

No Football or Eco Club this week.

Golden Table – Lukas, Rebecca, Mason, Lara, Fahim. Daniel, Hiba, Zane, Serah, Oisin, Lawa

Dinner Money – From September we will be going cashless for dinner money. This is in line with other Swansea Schools, and to help us comply with the council’s no debt policy. This advance notice will allow plenty of time for parents to register for sQuid, iron out any teething problems, and get used to the system. Please contact the school office if you need your registration information. If you have already registered but are experiencing problems, please go to


Thank you



Newsletter 11/05/2018

Welsh Water Workshop

After School Clubs – Only football on this week.

Golden Table – Rhiannon, Edward, Evin, Emily, Evan, Al Waleed, Zach, Jasper, Sofia, Saud, Dominic

Congratulations to Y1/2PB who had 98.6% attendance this week, and to Y5/6D who had 99.6% attendance, both well above the school target of 96%.

Coming soon – Mad Science After School Club, look out for the leaflets being sent home next week.

Welsh Water – We had a Welsh Water Assembly this week for the whole school. They talked to the children about wasting water and how we could improve as a school. This was followed by workshops for Y3/4 & Y5/6 where the children learnt about how much water is used for different things. They enjoyed the measuring activities!

Rags2Riches4schools – Please bring in your clean old clothes, bedding, accessories & shoes ready for Wednesday’s Collection. If you have lost the plastic bag sent home from school, please use any bag.

Please check out the events page for dates for the diary.


Newsletter w/e 04/05/18

Hello and welcome to our new website, and this blog, which will replace our weekly newsletter.

It has been a busy week with the start of the National Tests for Year 2 to Year 6 pupils. The tests will continue on Tuesday, with time on Wednesday set aside for children who have missed any tests.

Star of the Week – no star of the week today, but from next week, the Stars of the Week will be announced on the Class pages in ClassDojo.

Dates for the Diary – These can now be found on the homepage of this website.

Welsh Water Workshop – KS2 children who have returned their slip to the school office will be attending the Welsh Water Workshop in school next Thursday. Sorry we cannot accept any late slips.

Rags2Riches – Please collect clean used clothing and bedding, we can accept filled bags from Monday 14th May to the morning of Wednesday 16th May, please do not return them before that as we do not have space to collect them. Thank you.

After School Activities next week  – Choir & Football

September – Please inform the school office if

  • You will be leaving at the end of the term, and not returning in September.
  • You will be leaving before the end of the term, and hope to return after the start of the next academic year.

Hope you have a lovely bank holiday weekend, and see you on Tuesday.