What’s coming up?
Tuesday 24th October – Individual & Sibling Photos – School Photographer. Please ensure you have completed the consent form. https://schools.rozandkirsty.co.uk/add_consent/brynmill?pin=5825
Fri 27th October – School Nurse – Flu Vaccinations for those who have given consent ( Reception to Year 6)
Fri 27th October – Oxwich E – Class Assembly. Parents and Grandparents welcome from 9.00am to 9.30am approximately.Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in.
Half Term – Monday 30th October to Friday 3rd November
Friday 10th November – Caswell N – Class Assembly. Parents and Grandparents welcome from 9.00am to 9.30am approximately.Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in.
Fri 17th November – Oxwich J – Class Assembly. Parents and Grandparents welcome from 9.00am to 9.30am approximately.Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in.
Christmas Holidays – Monday 25th December to Friday 5th January
Inset Day – Monday 8th January – School closed to pupils for staff training.
Tesco Blue Token Scheme – If you are in either the Marina or Fforestfach branch of Tesco, please pick up the blue tokens and vote for us!

Admissions for Reception/ Year 7 for September 24 – The application process has started, and the link to the online forms has been sent out to parents. if you have recently changed address, please provide proof of address. Your application may be delayed if the address on your application does not match the one on our system.
Flu Vaccine – We have recently sent out the forms, and ask for them to be completed and returned as soon as possible, even if you are not giving consent. Please ask at the office if your haven’t received a form.
Oxwich Classes – Residential Trip – Advance Notice – The dates of the residential are 12th to 14th June 2024, and it will be at the St Madoc Centre in Llanmadoc, Gower. Look out for more information, coming soon. Please complete the form so we can guage interest, thank you if you have already done so. https://forms.office.com/e/c8Cjm29J4M
iPay – We have had a few queries from parents who can’t find the various offers such as fruit Tuckshop/ Y6 Hoodies. The iPay home page only shows a couple of offers, to find the rest:-
Log in to iPay – ipayimpact.co.uk
Click the three horizontal lines/ menu button
Select Account
Select your child
Scroll down
You should now be able to see all relevant offers.
Free Period Products – We have some Eco Friendly free Period Products to give to girls in the Caswell & Oxwich Classes. Please complete the form if you are interested https://forms.office.com/e/wtdsC1mriN
Contact Forms – Please help ensure our information is up to date by completing our Contact Form, you can put all siblings attending Brynmill on the same form. https://forms.office.com/r/gUSxsjUVmG. Thank you to those who have already completed it so far this term.
PTA News: –
PTA News:
Thank you so much to all of the children and parents who attended our Spooktacular disco last week. You helped raise an amazing £360 for our school!
We’re going to be hosting another second hand uniform sale in November and we’re keen for any donations. This can include coats, P.E kit and shoes with lots of life left in them as well as any uniform. Please can any donations be dropped off at the school office in a bag. All donations must be washed and dried.
We’re making a call for prize donations for our annual Christmas raffle and would love to know if any individuals or local businesses would consider donating a prize, that could take the form of a physical item or a gift voucher. Please let us know by emailing friendsofbrynmill@gmail.com if you can donate a prize. We would be incredibly grateful and will ensure to circulate prize details via our social media channels and via the school comms channels.
Thank you so much for all of your continued support!
Green Scene
Green Scene’s next monthly volunteer session is taking place tomorrow Saturday 28th October at Brynmill Primary School in gardening alley. Come join the fun from 10-12pm we’ll be preparing the veg beds for sowing winter veg with the children, sweeping the yard and painting pallets.
Please contact Jodi Moss on 07910705147 if you’d like to join.
Rights Respecting School – As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month e.g. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.
Right of the Month for October – You have the right to clean water, healthy food, a clean environment, and good healthcare.
Value of the Month for October – Tolerance