Free School Meals : Update May15th
Here is the information for the upcoming change to free school meals.
All families eligible for free school meals will receive an e mail from the local authority asking them to make a choice for one of 2 options.
- payment into bank (fortnightly)
- delivery of food boxes
this will need to need to be done by May 20th for registration.
Speech Link support for parents
Some guidance, support and ideas for use with children who may have speech difficulties.
Free School Meals delivery - Food boxes
If you are entitled to free school meals and wish to be added the list for FSM boxes delivery, please click on the link and fill out the form.
All new requests must be submitted on the Thursday afternoon before the Monday delivery day.
Please note, if you have already completed the form and therefore have received a delivery of a food box in the past, you do not need to complete another form. Your delivery will continue each Monday until you notify us by simply filling in another form, that you wish to stop or amend delivery.
Support links for Anxiety and Mental Health - Anna
This link has been shared by the Educational Psychology Team – good links for dealing with anxiety and mental health at this current time.
Link for Speech and Language Resources for parents
This is a link which has resources available to parents for any children with Speech and Language difficulties.
Some lovely activities.
Healthy Lunchbox
The Welsh Government has produced a leaflet for parents and carers which gives advice and suggestions on what foods to include in a nutritious packed lunch, based on the Eatwell Guide. The leaflet also gives money-saving tips and guidelines on choosing healthy options for your children.
Please see the leaflet here