Resources for parents and carers  - keeping your child safe online

Online issues and worries: social media

This advice is aimed at children who are older than primary school age, however, it is useful to chat with your child about some of these online issues and worries related to social media

What is social media?  

Social media can be a fun way to connect with people and be entertained, but it’s really important to stay safe online.

There are many types of social media, which can all be used for different things. Some of the most popular social media platforms include TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram and YouTube, but there are lots more.

You can use social media to keep in touch with friends and family, meet new people, watch videos and play games. 

What can go wrong?

Social media can be fun, but dangerous or upsetting things can happen online sometimes. Here are some common things that can go wrong:  

Make friendship fall outs even worse

All children fall out with their friends or peers from time to time, this can happen at school or anywhere you usually see your friends. It can be difficult to know what you should do when this happens and feelings are likely to be hurt. When you feel this way, it can be tempting to use social media to carry on an argument outside of school, involve others in your dispute as a way of getting them to take your side or act out in a way that you normally wouldn’t in real life because you are hurt and upset.


This is when someone gets access to your account without your permission and sees your private information. Don’t share your password with anybody, and make sure it’s a strong one.

Illegal, offensive or harmful content

This is something you see online that doesn’t feel right and makes you feel uncomfortable

Online bullying

This is when someone is repeatedly mean to a person they are targeting online.


This means posting something offensive or controversial to cause upset, get attention, or start an argument.


This is when someone pretends to be someone else online. They could be lying about their identity, name, age and where they live.


This is when someone tricks someone into buying something, clicking a link or sharing personal information. Scammers are out to steal your data or your money, so beware of clicking any links.

Feeling pressure

Social media can give the impression that some people are flawless and living their best life. This can put pressure on you or make you feel bad about yourself. Remember that you only get to see the highlights. Real life isn’t always perfect. Don’t be fooled by the filter, stay true to yourself online.

Keeping your account safe

The best way to avoid the things that can go wrong on social media is to make sure you’re staying as safe as possible. These tips will help you keep your account secure:  

  • Update your privacy settings
  • Set strong and unique passwords
  • Set up two-factor authentication

Keeping yourself safe

Before posting, it might be helpful sometimes to picture yourself saying it to your parents/carers, your teacher, your next-door neighbour, or a stranger in the street. Would you share it then? Be smart so you can have fun safely.

  • Think about what information you share
  • Beware of meeting up with strangers
  • Be open about your online life. Talk honestly and openly about how you use social media. It could make it easier to get help from an adult if something goes wrong.
  • Don’t share personal information
  • Age restrictions Most social media accounts are for people aged 13 and over, but some are younger or older. Age restrictions are there for your safety. If they find out that you’re lying about your age, they could close your account or ban you.

Reporting and blocking

You can control what you choose to see online. If you don’t like something, try one of these steps:

  • Report
  • Block
  • Moderate

Where to go for help 

Talk to someone – even when you’ve taken all the steps you can to keep yourself safe, sometimes things can go wrong. If you need help, talk to an adult you trust, like family members, teachers, or youth workers. If you’re worried about starting a conversation with an adulthere are some tips.

  • Meic – free and confidential helpline for children and young people in Wales with advisers to help you find the support you need. Call 080880 23456, text 84001, or chat online 
  • Childline – free, private, and confidential helpline for children and young people in the UK where you can talk about anything. Call 0800 1111  
  • App guides for families – information on the most popular apps, social media platforms and games, including how to block and report content
  • Internet Matters – step-by-step guides to privacy settings on social media, live streaming, and gaming apps 


UK Safer Internet Centre have created some free activities and information for parents and carers which are available at:

Whether you have 5 minutes to start a conversation or hours to spare, there are top tips, quizzes and films which you can use at home with your child.

Newsletter 24/05/24

What’s coming up?

It’s the half term holiday next week, and we have an inset day on Monday 3rd June so pupils return to school on TUESDAY 4th JUNE.

After School Clubs (week beginning 3rd June)

Netball (Year 6 ONLY): Thursday 3.20-4.15pm

Dates for the Diary

  • Inset Day 5 – Friday 24th May – School Closed to pupils
  • Half Term Holiday – Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May – School closed
  • Inset Day 6 – Monday 3rd June – School Closed to pupils
  • Maths Parent Workshop – Supporting your child with Maths and Numeracy at home – Wednesday 5th June 3.30-4.00pm
  • Bracelet N Class Assembly – Friday 7th June
  • Oxwich Residential Trip – Wednesday 12th June to Friday 14th June
  • Summer Fete – Friday 28th June
  • Sports Day – Thursday 4th July
  • Reserve Sports Day – Monday 8th July

Maths Parent Workshop

As part of our community workshop programme, after school on Wednesday 5th June, Mrs Timaeus will be running a maths workshop. The session will last approximately 30 minutes and will give parents / carers ideas and tips for supporting young children with numeracy / maths at home.

Fruit Tuck Shop

Remember to pay for your child’s break time fruit again! Look for ‘Fruit Tuckshop 23/24 – Summer Term 2’ in iPay and pay £7 to cover daily snacks for the next seven weeks. Alternatively, you can send a healthy snack in from home. Thank you. * This offer is only valid for Bracelet, Caswell and Oxwich pupils*

School Office on Class Dojo

We are trialling the use of a general School Office account on class dojo, and admin staff will be phasing out the use of their personal accounts. Please message ‘the Office’ with any queries for our admin team or to report your child’s absence.

New iPay app

Message from Swansea Bay University Health Board

Due to the ongoing measles outbreak in South Wales,  Swansea Bay University Health Board is encouraging children, teenagers and adults who have not had two doses of the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine to arrange vaccination.

If an unvaccinated staff member or pupil comes into contact with a case of measles they could be asked to isolate for 21 days.

Personalised letters have been provided via school for parents/ guardians  whose children have been identified as having an incomplete MMR course.

Over this coming May half term, our Immunisation and School Nursing Team will be visiting our local communities offering MMR vaccination catch-up sessions. We would welcome and encourage you to attend your local offering, where you will have the opportunity to have an informed discussion about the MMR vaccine and/or receive the vaccine if you or your child are not yet protected:

If you are unsure of your child’s MMR status or would like to discuss this further,  please contact to speak to a member of clinical staff on 07501726996 who can advise you.

You can also contact Swansea Bay UHB’s Immunisation Administration Team on 01792 200492, to check which doses you or your child needs.

Further information can also be found on: English Final MMR.pages (

Swansea Council: Keeping Safe Online – Tip of the week

Tip twenty-nine encourages parents/carers to remind their children to take precautions to prevent unauthorised access to data and links to a guide on Hwb

PTA News

Thank you so much to everyone who came to our book fair on Tuesday and Wednesday this week we made just under £200 for books for our school! 

Our second hand uniform sale was a huge success too! We were delighted to see so many new families grabbing a bargain. Don’t forget we welcome uniform and fancy dress donations anytime so please keep us in mind when you’re having a clear out. 

Finally we still have some spots available for stalls during our Summer Fete which will be taking place after school on Friday 28th June and stalls cost £10. Please get in touch via to book a spot.

Green Scene

Save the date! Our next Green Scene volunteer session will be taking place on Saturday 15th June. Please let us know if you can join us by messaging Everyone is welcome, please see poster below for details. 

Thank you so much to all of those who attended our last session. We had a blast and had a record number of 34 volunteers! 

Rights Respecting School

As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for May

You have the right to meet with friends and join groups (Article 15)

Value of the Month for May


Newsletter 17/05/24

What’s coming up?

After School Clubs (week beginning 20th May)

Choir (Caswell and Oxwich): Monday 3.20-4.15pm
Netball (Year 6 ONLY): Thursday 3.20-4.15pm

Dates for the Diary

  • Enterprise Fair – Tuesday 21st May after school (open to parents and carers – more info to follow)
  • Book Fair – Tuesday 21st May and Wednesday 22nd May
  • Second Hand Uniform Sale – Wednesday 22nd May
  • Bracelet L Class Assembly – Thursday 23rd May – Parents and Grandparents welcome. Starts approx. 9.00am and lasts about half an hour. Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in.
  • Inset Day 5 – Friday 24th May – School Closed to pupils
  • Half Term Holiday – Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May – School closed
  • Inset Day 6 – Monday 3rd June – School Closed to pupils
  • Maths Parent Workshop – Supporting your child with Maths and Numeracy at home – Wednesday 5th June 3.30-4.30pm
  • Bracelet N Class Assembly – Friday 7th June
  • Oxwich Residential Trip – Wednesday 12th June to Friday 14th June
  • Summer Fete – Friday 28th June
  • Sports Day – Thursday 4th July
  • Reserve Sports Day – Monday 8th July

Universal Free School Meals – Update from Swansea Council

Further to previous correspondence, we are pleased to announce we will be rolling out free school meals to all year 5 pupils from 3 June 2024 (after half term). Please note this will be automatic and there will be no requirement to apply for the meals. We aim to complete the roll out to year 6 as soon as possible and will update you on our progress in due course.

For those pupils who have credit in their school meals account and are now eligible for Universal Free School Meals, refunds will be issued onto the card that the original payment came from.

Enterprise Fair

Pupils have been working hard on their products for the enterprise fair, and would love to see you all there. Prices range from approx. 50p to £3.50 so please bring some change.

Numeracy Workshop – now open to RECEPTION parents / carers

Please complete this form to book your place:

Swansea Council: Keeping Safe Online – Tip of the week

Tip twenty-eight encourages parents/carers to discuss cyberbullying with their children and links to a guide on Hwb

PTA News

Thank you so much to everyone who attended our Ladies Game Night last night, we had a blast and hope to do it again soon. We’ve raised over £60 from the nights and made many new friends. 

Don’t forget, next week we’re hosting a Scholastic book fair after school on Tuesday and Wednesday. Check out the details on the poster below. 

Finally some super exciting news…we’re bringing back the Summer Fete! The fete will be taking place after school on Friday 28th June and we’re looking to hear from anyone who might be interested in having a stall. Stalls cost £10, please do get in touch via if you’d like to grab a spot! 

Green Scene

Our next volunteer session is taking place on school grounds TOMORROW 10-12:30pm. 
Everyone welcome! Please see poster below for full details:

Rights Respecting School

As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for May

You have the right to meet with friends and join groups (Article 15)

Value of the Month for May


Newsletter 10/05/24

What’s coming up?

After School Clubs (week beginning 13th May)

Choir (Caswell and Oxwich): Monday 3.20-4.15pm
Netball (Year ONLY): Thursday 3.20-4.15pm

Dates for the Diary

  • Caswell Trip to Swansea Museum – Tuesday 14th May
  • Enterprise Fair – Tuesday 21st May after school (open to parents and carers – more info to follow)
  • Book Fair – Tuesday 21st May and Wednesday 22nd May
  • Second Hand Uniform Sale – Wednesday 22nd May
  • Bracelet L Class Assembly – Thursday 23rd May – Parents and Grandparents welcome. Starts approx. 9.00am and lasts about half an hour. Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in.
  • Inset Day 5 – Friday 24th May – School Closed to pupils
  • Half Term Holiday – Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May – School closed
  • Inset Day 6 – Monday 3rd June – School Closed to pupils
  • Maths Parent Workshop – Supporting your child with Maths and Numeracy at home – Wednesday 5th June 3.30-4.30pm
  • Bracelet N Class Assembly – Friday 7th June
  • Oxwich Residential Trip – Wednesday 12th June to Friday 14th June
  • Summer Fete – Friday 28th June
  • Sports Day – Thursday 4th July
  • Reserve Sports Day – Monday 8th July

Digital Skills Workshop

Thank you to those who attended the workshop with Mr Davies on Wednesday, we hope you found it useful. For those who missed it, here is a link to the presentation and a video:

Swansea Council: Keeping Safe Online – Tip of the week

Tip twenty-seven encourages parents/carers to discuss the dangers of sharing images online and links to a video guide on YouTube:

Enterprise Fair

Poster below from our Enterprise Troopers pupil voice group about our upcoming Enterprise Fair. Hope to see you there. Please bring change.


We have a small amount of Calpol available in school for children who become ill during the school day (after we have had confirmation from a parent). If your child comes in to school, slightly under the weather, and you would like them to have Calpol at lunchtime, please provide some from home, and complete the medicine form available in the foyer.

Free Welsh Course for Parents / Carers

Clwb Cwtsh is a short, online, fully funded informal 8 week Welsh taster programme focussed on speaking Welsh with young children (and is aimed at parents to be, parents/carers, members of the extended family). Learners won’t need any Welsh to join. To register email:

Half Term Activities in Brynmill Park

Easy Fundraising

Thanks to our amazing supporters, we’re in the top 50% of schools on easyfundraising! If you’re not signed up yet, please join today and you can raise free donations for Brynmill Primary School every time you shop online. All the big names like John Lewis & Partners, Expedia, Argos and Just Eat are ready to donate at no extra cost to you. Plus, join today and we could win a £50 bonus:

PTA News

Thank you to all who came along to the Family Film Night at Swansea University. A huge thank you as well to the Swansea Uni Go Team for organising the event. 

We had a lovely coffee morning today, thank you for those that made.  It was lovely to meet you all. We’re hoping to have another coffee morning soon, so look out for that. 

Next week we are hosting a Ladies Games Night (May 16th) Please see poster below for details. We’d love to see you there. 

Rights Respecting School

As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for May

You have the right to meet with friends and join groups (Article 15)

Value of the Month for May


Newsletter 03/05/24

What’s coming up?

After School Clubs (week beginning 6th May)


Dates for the Diary

  • Early May Bank Holiday – Monday 6th May – School Closed
  • ICT Parent Workshop – supporting your child at home with their digital skills – Wednesday 8th May 3.30-4.30pm
  • Caswell N Class Assembly – Friday 10th May – Parents and Grandparents welcome. Starts approx. 9.00am and lasts about half an hour. Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in.
  • Caswell Trip to Swansea Museum – Tuesday 14th May
  • Enterprise Fair – CHANGE OF DATE: Tuesday 21st May after school (open to parents and carers – more info to follow)
  • Book Fair – Tuesday 21st May and Wednesday 22nd May
  • Second Hand Uniform Sale – Wednesday 22nd May
  • Bracelet L Class Assembly – Thursday 23rd May
  • Inset Day 5 – Friday 24th May – School Closed to pupils
  • Half Term Holiday – Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May – School closed
  • Inset Day 6 – Monday 3rd June – School Closed to pupils
  • Maths Parent Workshop – Supporting your child with Maths and Numeracy at home – Wednesday 5th June 3.30-4.30pm
  • Bracelet N Class Assembly – Friday 7th June
  • Oxwich Residential Trip – Wednesday 12th June to Friday 14th June
  • Sports Day – Thursday 4th July
  • Reserve Sports Day – Monday 8th July

Swansea Council: Keeping Safe Online – Tip of the week

Tip twenty-six encourages parents/carers to consider using a child friendly search engine with their children and links to an article from SWGfL on safe search engines

PTA News

We’ve got a jam packed line up of events coming this month! Check out our poster below for a list of what’s on. 

First up is our Family Film Night at Swansea University which is taking place next week Wednesday 8th May. See Dojo, our FOBP Facebook page or drop us a message via for more details! 

We hope to see lots of you over the next few weeks. All proceeds raised from these events go towards new school resources. Thanks for your support!

Green Scene

Our next Green Scene volunteer session will be taking place on Saturday 18th May 10-12:30pm at Brynmill Primary School. 

We’d love to see as many volunteers there as possible. Children and adults from the community are all welcome. Drinks and snacks will be provided as well as tools. Please let us know you’re coming by emailing 

Come lend a helping hand and make sure the grounds are looking their best for everyone! 

Rights Respecting School

As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for May

You have the right to meet with friends and join groups (Article 15)

Value of the Month for May


Newsletter 26/04/24

What’s coming up?

After School Clubs (week beginning 29th April)

Choir (Caswell and Oxwich): Monday 3.20-4.15pm
Netball (Year ONLY): Thursday 3.20-4.15pm
Advance notice: apologies, due to staff training after school, there will be no netball on Thursday 9th May

Dates for the Diary

  • Caswell N Class Assembly – Friday 10th May – Parents and Grandparents welcome. Starts approx. 9.00am and lasts about half an hour. Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in.
  • Caswell Trip to Swansea Museum – Tuesday 14th May
  • Bracelet L Class Assembly – Thursday 23rd May
  • Enterprise Fair and Book Fair – Thursday 23rd May pm (open to parents and carers – more info to follow)
  • Inset Day 5 – Friday 24th May – School Closed to pupils
  • Half Term Holiday – Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May – School closed
  • Inset Day 6 – Monday 3rd June – School Closed to pupils
  • Bracelet N Class Assembly CHANGE OF DATE: will now take place on Friday 7th June
  • Oxwich Residential Trip – Wednesday 12th June to Friday 14th June
  • Sports Day – Thursday 4th July
  • Reserve Sports Day (in case of bad weather) – Monday 8th July

Curriculum Information

The Summer Term Curriculum Information for parents / carers has been posted on class pages. See the links below for an outline of this term’s learning and other important information:


Criw Cymraeg Cake Sale

Thank you to everyone who supported the Criw Cymraeg Cake Sale by providing or buying cakes. We have raised a fantastic £275 which will go towards Welsh activities.
Also, a big thank you to Crewders for the donation of their delicious doughnuts!
Diolch yn fawr!
Y Criw Cymraeg

Maths Workshops for Nursery parents / carers

If you are interested please fill in the form to book your place: Please note that this is only open to parents / grandparents / carers who have a child in nursery.
Any questions please see, or send a class dojo message to, Mrs Timaeus.

Swansea Council: Keeping Safe Online – Tip of the week

Tip twenty-five encourages parents/carers to be positive role models and links to a guide to talking to your child from Hwb

PTA News

It’s less than 2 weeks to go until our Family Film Night at Swansea University for Oxwich and Caswell pupils! Please purchase your tickets on iPay and see posters below for all details: 

Did you know Friends of Brynmill Primary are on Facebook? You can keep up up date with all of our news and volunteering opportunities via this page so please give us a follow if you’re not already doing so. See link below to page:

Rights Respecting School

As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for April

You have the right to practise your own religion (Article 14)

Value of the Month for April


Newsletter 19/04/24

What’s coming up?

After School Clubs (week beginning 22nd April)

Choir (Caswell and Oxwich): Monday 3.20-4.15pm
Language Explorers (Caswell): Thursday 3.20 -4.15pm (this will be the last session)
Netball (Year 6 ONLY): Thursday 3.20-4.15pm

Dates for the Diary

  • Class Photo Day – Tuesday 23rd April
  • Criw Cymraeg Cake Sale – Wednesday 24th April
  • Bracelet B Class Assembly – Friday 26th April – Parents and Grandparents welcome. Starts approx. 9.00am and lasts about half an hour. Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in.
  • Bracelet N Class Assembly – Friday 3rd May
  • Caswell Trip to Swansea Museum – Tuesday 14th May
  • Inset Day 5 – Friday 24th May – School Closed to pupils
  • Half Term Holiday – Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May – School closed
  • Inset Day 6 – Monday 3rd June – School Closed to pupils
  • Oxwich Residential Trip – Wednesday 12th June to Friday 14th June
  • Sports Day – Thursday 4th July
  • Reserve Sports Day (in case of bad weather) – Monday 8th July

Criw Cymraeg Cake Sale

We will be having a cake sale on Wednesday 24th April (next week) to raise money for Welsh activities. The cake sale will take place during school time so we are asking if children could bring some money to buy items (suggested amount £1.00).

We would be very grateful for donations of cakes, biscuits or healthy options for us to sell. If you have made something please could you provide the list of ingredients.

Because several of our classes are nut free please do not send anything containing nuts.

Diolch yn fawr,

Y Criw Cymraeg.

Swansea Council: Keeping Safe Online – Tip of the week

Tip twenty-four asks’ parents/carers to encourage their children not to befriend strangers online and links to a healthy online relationships guide from Hwb

PTA News

A huge thank you to everyone who joined us this week for Family Film Night at Swansea University. A special thank you to the team at Swansea University for organising and all of the students who volunteered as part of the event. 

Our next Family Film Night for Caswell and Oxwich pupils will be taking place on Wednesday 8th May. Tickets can be purchased on iPay and all details can be found on the posters below. Please message us if you have any questions at all via 

Green Scene

Our next Green Scene volunteer session is taking place TOMORROW Saturday 20th April at Brynmill Primary School. We’d love to see as many people there as possible, everyone is welcome, children and adults, we just need to know you’re coming so please confirm by emailing 

Thank you so much for all of your support! Full details can be found on our poster below:

Rights Respecting School

As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for April

You have the right to practise your own religion (Article 14)

Value of the Month for April


Newsletter 12/04/24

What’s coming up?

After School Clubs (week beginning 15th April)

NO Choir – Apologies, there will be no choir this week.
Language Explorers (Caswell): Thursday 3.20 -4.15pm (2 sessions left, last one will be 25th April)
Netball (Year 5s only): Thursday 3.20-4.15pm (last session for Year 5s. Only Year 6 from 25th April)

Dates for the Diary

  • Caswell Trip to St Fagans – Tuesday 16th April
  • Caswell M Class Assembly – Friday 19th April – Parents / family members welcome. Starts approx. 9.00am and lasts about half an hour. Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in.
  • SJA Martial Arts Free Taster Session – Friday 19th April 3.30 – 4.15pm (Bracelet and Caswell – MUST be booked)
  • Class Photo Day – Tuesday 23rd April
  • Bracelet B Class Assembly – Friday 26th April
  • Bracelet N Class Assembly – Friday 3rd May
  • Inset Day 5 – Friday 24th May – School Closed to pupils
  • Half Term Holiday – Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May – School closed
  • Inset Day 6 – Monday 3rd June – School Closed to pupils
  • Oxwich Residential Trip – Wednesday 12th June to Friday 14th June

Sweet Treats Questionnaire

Thank you to the parents/carers who shared their views and offered insightful comments in response to our Sweet Treats questionnaire. Many respondents stated that they felt that this was down to parental choice, with others commenting that for some parents and carers, this might be the most convenient or affordable way of celebrating a birthday with class friends. A small minority of respondents however,  expressed a wish for schools to be sugar free zones or are in favour of a complete ban as a way of managing allergies of individual children.  ​

‘I think it should be down to parent/carer to decide what is appropriate for their child to have in regards to sweet treats ‘ ​

‘I don’t think banning sweet treats is a suitable way forward. Teaching balance is the thing.’ ​

​Regarding the matter of selling of sweet treats for enterprise and school events such as Friends of Brynmill Primary (PTA) events e.g. school discos, the general view seems to be about a balanced approach to diet however, a few respondents expressed a wish for healthy options to be sold instead. ​

e.g. ​ ‘I would be happy if money raising events would offer children healthy snacks and healthy treats …’ ​

‘Banning sweet foods does not teach good food habits. There are no good and bad foods. It’s about teaching kids moderation and to have a healthy balanced diet…’ ​

​In summary: ​​

  • Most parents are against a complete ban on sweet treats. ​
  • Most parents are in support of continuing to allow treats to be offered on the occasion of a birthday or an event such as a Christmas party. ​

​Like most respondents, we are keen to promote balance and respect parental choice in this matter . The points raised in reference to selling/ offering sweet treats eg at PTA events has given us pause for thought and would recommend additional healthier choices to also be made available in future.​

We will continue to be vigilant responding to dietary needs and allergy information – please check with your child’s teacher if you need further guidance.  ​

Guidance on healthy lunch boxes will be posted on our website. We follow the Healthy School’ guidance with regard lunches and lunchboxes brought from home and avoid offering treats of any sort as incentive for good behaviour. ​

Measles and MMR vaccination programme

Please see the link below for more information on measles and the MMR vaccination. Pupils identified as not being up to date on their MMR vaccine should have brought home a letter from the school nurse, which included information on drop in vaccination sessions that you can attend. If you have any queries please contact your GP.

Swansea Council: Keeping Safe Online – Tip of the week

Tip twenty-three asks’ parents/carers to discuss the consequences of online arguments with their children and links to a online hate guide from Hwb

Martial Arts

SJA Martial Arts have running sessions in school this week and are putting on a free taster session next Friday after school for Years 1 to 4. See below for more information and to sign up:

PTA News

Join us next week for our Family Film Night on Wednesday April 17th at Swansea University! 

This event is Pobbles & Bracelet pupils only. Please book in advance using iPay and please see the posters below for all of the event details. 

Family Film Night for Caswell & Oxwich pupils will now take place on Wednesday 8th May. Apologies the date has now changed. 

Green Scene

Our next Green Scene volunteer session is taking place on Saturday 20th April at Brynmill Primary School. 

We’d love to see as many people there as possible, everyone is welcome, children and adults, we just need to know you’re coming so please confirm by emailing Thank you so much for all of your support! Full details can be found on our poster below:

Rights Respecting School

As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for April

You have the right to practise your own religion (Article 14)

Value of the Month for April


Newsletter 22/03/24

Happy Easter!

Wishing all our pupils and families a happy Easter Break. See you on Monday 8th April!

What’s coming up?

After School Clubs (week beginning 8th April)

NO Choir – will start back on Monday 15th
Language Explorers (Caswell): Thursday 3.20 -4.15pm  
Netball (Year 5s only): Thursday 3.20-4.15pm.
*Netball will switch back to Year 6 on 25th April*

Dates for the Diary

  • Easter Holiday – Monday 25th March to Friday 5th April – School closed
  • Bracelet L Class Assembly – Friday 12th April – Parents / family members welcome. Starts approx. 9.00am and lasts about half an hour. Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in.
  • Caswell Trip to St Fagans – Tuesday 16th April
  • Caswell M Class Assembly – Friday 19th April
  • Class Photo Day – Tuesday 23rd April
  • Bracelet B Class Assembly – Friday 26th April
  • Bracelet N Class Assembly – Friday 3rd May
  • Inset Day 5 – Friday 24th May – School Closed to pupils
  • Half Term Holiday – Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May – School closed
  • Inset Day 6 – Monday 3rd June – School Closed to pupils
  • Oxwich Residential Trip – Wednesday 12th June to Friday 14th June

Fruit Tuckshop

You can now pay for school fruit for the next term on iPay. If you would like your child to have a piece of fruit or veg from school during morning breaktime, please go to ‘Fruit Tuckshop 23/24 – Summer Term 1’ to pay £7. If you prefer, your child is welcome to bring a healthy snack from home. Please note that fruit tuckshop is not available to Pobbles pupils.

MMR Vaccine Drop in Sessions

The school nurse has sent letters home to pupils who are not up to date with their MMR vaccine. Please see below for details of drop in vaccination sessions that are available:

Free Packed Lunches in the Easter holidays

PTA News

Friends of Brynmill Primary School are hosting lots of events on over the next few weeks! 

Check out our poster below for dates of all our upcoming events. For more details on each event, please see our Facebook page or Dojo. First Family Film Night details also below. 

We’re looking for homemade cake and biscuit donations that we can sell during our Easter Egg Trail event. If you’re able to donate something please can you get in touch with us on 

All funds raised during our events go towards much needed school resources. Thank you so much for your support.

Green Scene

Thank you so much to everyone who attended our last Green Scene volunteer session at Brynmill Primary School. We had a blast and got lots done!

Our next volunteer session is taking place Saturday 20th April 10-12:30pm. We hope to see lots of you there, everyone is welcome and refreshments are provided. Please message Jodi on if you’d like to attend. 

Rights Respecting School

As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for March

You have the right to an identity, including a name and nationality (Article 8)

Value of the Month for March
