It's Easter
Hello from Criw Cymraeg 2020/2021
Hi everyone,
We will be posting a feature that we will call ‘The latest Welsh pattern & phrase’. We’d really like you all to try using the latest pattern and phrase and to help your child practice too. Diolch.
Thank you very much to every one who brought in or baked cakes for our cake sale. We raised £120.
da iawn!
Y Criw Cymraeg
We are the Criw Cymraeg. our names are Saara, Ozzie, Flo, Joe, Tegan, Estelle, in Foundation Phase
and Natalia, Julia, Troy, Dima, Susie, Hannah, Bronnie, Ffion, Nia, Lara, Annabelle and Stephanie In KS2.
Our aim is to develop bilingualism and the use of Welsh in our school.
Next week we will be teaching the children Welsh yard games and having lots of fun.
We will also be holding a cake sale to make money for welsh activities and resources. This will be on Monday 28th of January. Donations of cakes will be gratefully received on this day.
Diolch yn fawr.