We have a busy couple of months!
We had a recycling assembly for the whole school, and were visited by Sammy the Seagull, who helped us decide what items to recycle and which bag to put them in.
We encouraged the whole school to get involved with the Big School Spring Clean, and every class did a litter pick in or around the school.
The Eco Club wanted to take it one step further and so we did a Beach Clean, the children were amazed at the amount of plastic litter and micro plastics that they found on the Beach.

We attended an Eco Brick workshop in the National Waterfront Museum, and will share what we have learnt with the rest of the classes.
We now collect empty crisp packets for recycling, as well as batteries and writing implements.
All our events have spurred us on to do a Plastic Free Day in School. Children were invited to choose reusable alternatives to single use plastic in their lunchboxes, and we had the school milk delivered in glass milk bottles, instead of the plastic containers.
The Eco Club was interviewed by Bay TV about our Plastic Free Day, and what the school is doing to encourage pupils and staff to Reduce, Reuse & Recycle.