Year 5/6 Curriculum Information

Any research in these areas of learning would be beneficial to your child.

Questions you might discuss and research:

  • What sporting events have happened recently and what took place during them?
  • How does exercise and diet impact on our health?
  • What makes a successful athlete?

If you have any items (e.g. books) that you believe might be linked to this topic and would support learning, then please bring them in to class.


Other Information

Please can your child bring a pencil case to school with a pen, pencil, rubber and ruler.

PE Kit is required for all days and should include clothes that can be left in school. If your child is unable to do PE for a medical reason then a note must be provided.


PE Days:

Y5/6D – Thursday

Y5/6E – Tuesday

Y5/6OM – Wednesday


Assembly themes include:

Relationships, Eid, Changes, Healthy Body and Healthy Mind.

Rights of the term:

Article 29: The right to food, water and medical care.

Article 2: The right to life and to be healthy.

Article 7: The right to relax and play.