Progress Reports and Personalised Assessments

In line with curriculum changes, we are giving more regular feedback on progress to parents. In the Autumn term, you will receive a brief report outlining learners main strengths and areas that need to be developed. This also includes ways that you can support your child at home.

In November and June, your child completed the online personalised assessments for Numeracy (Procedural, Numeracy Reasoning) and Reading if they are in Year 2 and above. 

In order to access the feedback from these assessments, your child will need to log in to their school Hwb account.

The purpose of personalised assessments is to help learners progress, through understanding what they can do, the things they need to work on, and their next steps. In such assessments, the questions are generated based on the learner’s response to the previous question. This process continues until the assessment system has covered the relevant aspects of the curriculum and gathered sufficient information on the learner’s responses. This provides an individual assessment experience and tailors the level of challenge for every learner.

As a school, we use the information as one part of the continual assessment process for each pupil as they move from Y2 to Year 6. This allows us to continue to set appropriately challenging targets while offering additional support where necessary. Note: some children may not have a recent result e.g. if they arrived late in the year, were absent, or are not ready to access them due to an additional learning need. 

Guide notes or watch the video below:

Autumn Term Progress report:

Strengths and Targets, examples of questions that can help at home

Summer Term Progress Report:

Strengths and Targets, Progress Score and graph of progress over time, Examples of questions that can help at home.

Please log on with your child’s Hwb to access the feedback reports. The video above shows how this may be done.

If there are no results, this could be because the learner arrived after this term’s assessments OR they are not yet ready to access assessments due to an additional learning need or language barrier.