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St David’s Day Concert (for school)

Classes taking part are - Y3/4J, Y1/2L, LFPR, Y1/2B, Y5/6D, Y5/6E Please can all children wear their St David's Day Costumes, or rugby tops, or something red

St David’s Day Concert for parents

Classes taking part are - Y3/4J, Y1/2L, LFPR, Y1/2B, Y5/6D, Y5/6E Please can all children wear their St David's Day Costumes, or rugby tops, or something red

Rags 2 Riches Collection

Collect old clothes and raise money for the school. Please can we have any donations first thing Tuesday morning. Thank you

Red Nose Day

Children are invited to dress as their favourite super hero and donate £1.00. There will also be a talent show - no charge and various games for the children to play( £1.00)  

Parent/Teacher Meetings

Dates & Times to follow (please note change of date from week beginning 25th March)