Year 6 Cycle Proficiency – Please can those who have signed up for the cycling proficiency please bring their bikes and helmets in on Monday.
Monday – Choir – After School Activity (Caswell & Oxwich)
Wednesday – Mr Jenkins will be offering Year 4 children the Ball Skills After School Club on Wednesdays until 4.15pm.
If your child is interested please complete the online form.
Thursday – Netball – After School Activity (Oxwich)
Friends of Brynmill Primary – Film Night = For children in Pobbles and Bracelet only (and their siblings), limited tickets available.

Volunteers Please -We’d like to be able to gather some volunteers monthly to help maintain the garden, plant pots and yard generally. Duties would include weeding, general plant maintenance, sweeping the yard etc. Organised by a member of the Moss family, the maintenance would be carried out after school hours and/or on the weekends.
Nursery September 2023 – We will soon be processing applications for Nursery for September 2023. If you have any younger children, or have friends with younger children, please check that an application form has been submitted.
Change of Address – If you have recently moved, please remember to provide proof of your new address so that we can update our systems.