Newsletter 04/10/2024

What’s coming up?

After School Clubs (week beginning 7th October)

Choir (Caswell & Oxwich) – Monday 3.20 – 4.15. Consent:
Netball (Oxwich) – Thursday 3.20 – 4.15. Consent:

Dates for the Diary

  • Wear Red Day (Show Racism the Red Card) – Fri 18th October
  • Parent Workshop – Emotional Regulation – Fri 18th October 9.15am
  • Halloween Disco – Wed 23rd October
  • Parent Workshop – Everyday Welsh at home – Thurs 24th October 3.45pm – 4.30pm
  • Inset Day 3 – Fri 25th October – school closed to pupils
  • October Half Term Holiday – Mon 28th October to Fri 1st November – school closed
  • Individual / Sibling Photos – Tues 5th November
  • Parent Workshop – Big Emotions – Anger – Fri 15th November 9.15am
  • Pobbles Christmas Concert – Fri 6th December
  • Bracelet Christmas Concert – Tue 10th December
  • Caswell Christmas Concert – Wed 11th December
  • Oxwich Christmas Concert – Thurs 12th December
  • Christmas Holidays – Mon 23rd December to Fri 3rd January – school closed
  • Inset Day 4 – Mon 6th January – school closed to pupils

Class Assemblies

Parents / carers / grandparents are welcome to join us for class assemblies. They start at approx. 9.00am and last about half an hour. Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in. These are the class assemblies coming up:

  • 11th October – Caswell H
  • 24th October – Oxwich E
  • 8th November – Caswell M
  • 15th November – Caswell N

Athlete Visit

Our Great Athletes visit on Wednesday was a huge success. The children had fun doing their sponsored circuits, learning about the benefits of keeping fit, and meeting Natalie Powell who talked about her journey to becoming an Olympic athlete, and demonstrated some of her judo skills!

Thank you so much for all of the sponsorship money, the current total is over £1300 to spend on sports equipment. If you haven’t had chance to sponsor yet, there is still time, you can sponsor online here: or send in the sponsor form and money next week.

Reception / Year 7 applications

The admission window for parents to apply for Reception and Year 7 places for September 2025 is due to open on Monday 7th October 2024 and will close on Friday 29th November 2024.

Please look out for more information which will be sent out by email on Monday.

PTA News

Spooky season is here! Which means there’s less than three weeks to go until our Spooktacular Disco on Wednesday 23rd October. Check out the poster below for full details: 

These events are only possible with the help of our amazing volunteers. If you’re able to help with this event, even if that’s for just one of the discos or the full duration, please get in touch via 

Finally we’re calling for donations of baked goods to sell during the disco. If you’re a dab hand in the kitchen, and would like to donate something tasty, please get in touch via the email address above. 

Thank you so much for your support.

Rights Respecting School

As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for October

You have the right to clean water, healthy food, a clean environment and good healthcare (Article 24)

Value of the Month for October
