What’s coming up?
Christmas Concerts
Bracelet – Tuesday 12th December 9.30am and 4.00pm
Caswell – Wednesday 13th December 9.30am and 4.00pm
Oxwich – Thursday 14th December 9.30am and 4.00pm
£1 entry per adult
For the 4.00pm concerts, children will stay in school and be provided with a light snack before the concert. Children will be collected after the concert from the main hall.
Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day
Friday 15th December
The school dinner on this day will be a Christmas Dinner of turkey , chipolata sausage, roast and creamed potatoes, peas, carrots and gravy, with an ice cream tub for dessert. Halal and Vegetarian options are available. The usual Friday dinner of Fish and Chips, or Cheese Wrap and Chips will be swapped to the Thursday for this week.
Children can wear a Christmas jumper, suggested charity donation of £1 to Save the Children.
Christmas Parties
Wednesday 20th December
Children are invited to wear their party clothes to school.
Children in Pobbles & Bracelet are asked to bring in some party food for themselves on a labelled plate. Please note that as we have some nut free classes, please do not send in anything that contains nuts.
Children in Caswell are asked to bring in some sweet food to share, such as cakes and biscuits, popcorn etc. (Please note if any items are home made please label any allergens such as nuts, seeds or eggs).
Children in Oxwich are asked to bring in some savoury food to share, such as small pasties, sausage rolls, samosas, crisps etc. (Please note if any items are home made please label any allergens such as nuts, seeds or eggs)
If you child has any allergies you are welcome to provide them with their own labelled container/plate of party items.
Please note the party food is in addition to normal lunchtime arrangements, so please ensure your child has a packed lunch/ school dinner.
Dates for the Diary
- Christmas Holidays – Monday 25th December to Friday 5th January
- Inset Day – Monday 8th January – School closed to pupils for staff training.
After School Clubs:
- No After School Clubs until after Christmas
Road Safety

We are always trying to find ways to keep our pupils and families safe around the school and would like to remind parents / carers about road safety. We ask that you do not stop or park on the zig zag or double yellow lines outside the school. Please find a safe place to park and walk with your child to the school gate.
There is currently a vacancy for a School Crossing Patrol – if you are interested, please see the advert on the Swansea Council website here: https://www.swansea.gov.uk/article/16253/School-Crossing-Patrol-closing-date-31032024
Reporting absence
If your child is absent from school please report this to the school office by phoning the school on 01792 463019 and leaving a message on our attendance line, including the reason for absence. Alternatively you can email the school office at brynmill.primary@swansea-edunet.gov.uk. Please do not rely on passing on messages to staff at the school gate or via class dojo as these do not always reach our attendance officer.
Vacancy – Lunchtime Supervisor
We have a vacancy for a lunchtime supervisor – 5 hours a week (one hour a day) term time only. Starting in January. If you are interested please contact the school office.
Dinner Money
Reminder that Swansea Council have a zero debt policy, and dinner money must be paid in advance. If your child is having school dinners and is not eligible for Free School Meals, please ensure that your iPay account is topped up.
Easy Fundraising
You can support the school just by doing your usual shopping. To find out more about easy fundraising and to sign up click the link:
PTA news
If you’re lucky enough to be attending the Christmas concerts over the next week, please remember to bring spare change with you as Friends of Brynmill Primary School will be selling refreshments including tea, coffee, herbal tea, squash and mince pies to raise funds for the school.
We will also be selling hand knitted jumpers, bed socks, mice, hedgehogs, cats, monkeys and ladybirds. Raffle tickets will also be on sale, but if you’re unable to attend you can also buy tickets on the link below:
There are some fantastic prizes including a 30 minute flight with a pilot from team Raven!
Also a huge thank you to everyone who attended our book fair, the number of books sold meant the teachers have acquired 80 books for our school!
Rights Respecting School
As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.
Right of the Month for December
You have the right to a proper house, food and clothing. Governments must help families who cannot afford to provide this (Article 27)
Value of the Month for December