Welcome to the new term, we hope you had a lovely break.
After School Activities
There are NO after school activities for the next couple of weeks. Please keep an eye on the newsletter for information on when they will restart.
Parent/Carer Workshop – Parents and Carers are invited to a workshop on how to support their child with Big Emotions- Worries, next Friday in School.

Fruit Tuckshop –
SCHOOL FRUIT can now be paid for the next 6 weeks. It is available for pupils in Bracelet, Caswell and Oxwich classes. If you would like your child to have a daily piece of fruit at break time, please pay £7 for this half term on iPay.
Please note – the option to pay for fruit is now in the SHOP section:
– Log into iPay
– Go to the menu, accounts, and select your child
– Find the Shop fund and click the shop button
– Choose Fruit tuckshop category
– Click on the offer and change quantity to 1
– Save the item in your basket and then check out
Any problems, please contact the school office.
Here is an updated list of our Governors.
Chair of Governors – Anwaar Younis – Community Governor
Vice Chair – Graham Davies – Parent Governor
Rosh Ali – Parent Governor
Balaussa Shaimakhanova – Parent Governor
Hywel Vaughan – Local Authority Governor
Cllr Peter May – Local Authority Governor
Julie Warren – Community Governor
Owen Davies – Teacher Governor
Angharad Timaeus – Teacher Governor
Kim Morgans – Clerk to Governors
Dates for the Diary
Please check our school calendar to keep up to date with all school events
If you would like to subscribe, click HERE using your phone, and you can automatically add all school events into your own calendar.