School Gateway – Please download the School Gateway App, which is part of the SchoolComms system.
Attendance – If you have any attendance messages please contact the school office by email/phone or School Gateway, please do not use ClassDojo.
Reminder – School Photos – The school photographer will be with us tomorrow ( with Wednesday as a reserve day) Please ensure you have registered with them to have your child’s photo taken.
Please follow the link to register
School Trips – Caswell & Oxwich have trips coming up, and we are asking for voluntary contributions to cover the costs. Unfortunately trips may be cancelled if we are unable to cover the cost of admission and transport.
Vomiting & Diahorrea – The current guidance is that children must stay off school for 48 hours following any vomiting or diahorrea.
Inset Day – Reminder we have an Inset Day on Friday, when school is closed to pupils for staff training.
Caswell H – Mrs Howard’s class assembly is tomorrow, parents and grandparents are invited to come and watch. Please queue at Gate 2 (after the classes have come in and the Gate has been locked).
Building a strong community
Home school communication is important to us at Brynmill. In terms of home/ school communication, we want to ensure that:
- parents and carers contact the member of staff who is best placed to respond.
- important messages are not missed simply because they have not been sent directly to the ‘right’ member of staff.
Class Dojo is currently used as a means of communication. Messages can be sent to class teachers and some other school staff. Staff will try their best to check communication throughout the school day; however, the school day is extremely busy and therefore messages may not be seen until it’s too late. If there is an urgent message please contact the school office.
Please be aware that messages sent outside of the working day (approx. 8:30 am – 5:00 pm) may not be read and therefore class teachers and school staff are unlikely to respond. For this reason, we respectfully ask parents and carers to avoid contacting staff outside of the working day if at all possible
Here are a few examples of the types of things that you may want to raise or discuss and the staff member who is best placed to respond:
Class teacher | Family Wellbeing Leader | School Office/ Admin Team |
Sharing important information with your child’s class teacher | Mrs Ciaburri is our Family Well Being Leader she can be contacted by phone or on class dojo. | Mrs Morgans – School Administrator Miss Rees – Attendance and Dinner money (sQuid) & general enquiries Mrs Evans/ Miss Woollacott – Resources and general enquiries. |
Any worries or concerns about learning or issues directly related to your child in class | Anything relating to the mental or emotional wellbeing of your child, for example, request for support with routines at home | Important messages, for example an unplanned problem with collection arrangements. |
To update Mrs Ciaburri with information that you would like to share. | Messages about your child’s attendance, any issues in relation to absence or punctuality. | |
Squid/ Dinner Money/ issues with Class Dojo. | ||
Please do not send urgent messages/ messages about attendance or squid to your child’s class teacher as they will not be read whilst your child’s teacher is teaching. Please speak to our school office instead. | If you are not sure who to speak to, please speak to a member of the Admin Team, giving a brief reason for your call. |
End of year concerts
Many of us have missed the end of year concerts for the past couple of years and have been eagerly awaiting news of their return in 2022. Each Bay Team will perform a morning and an afternoon concert. The after school performance (with exception of Pobbles) will start at 4 pm, which has the advantage of pupils being able to stay at the end of the school day so not needing to be collected and brought back to school. Additionally, children are less likely to be very tired the following day as the concerts will start and finish earlier. We wanted to give parents/carers/ families as much notice as possible, please find details below: