Newsletter 11/10/2024

What’s coming up?

After School Clubs (week beginning 14th October)

Choir (Caswell & Oxwich) – Monday 3.20 – 4.15. Consent:
Netball (Oxwich) – Thursday 3.20 – 4.15. Consent:
Please note – you only need to complete the consent form once

Dates for the Diary

  • Wear Red Day (Show Racism the Red Card) – Fri 18th October
  • Parent Workshop – Emotional Regulation – Fri 18th October 9.15am
  • Halloween Disco – Wed 23rd October
  • Parent Workshop – Everyday Welsh at home – Thurs 24th October 3.45pm – 4.30pm
  • Inset Day 3 – Fri 25th October – school closed to pupils
  • October Half Term Holiday – Mon 28th October to Fri 1st November – school closed
  • Individual / Sibling Photos – Tues 5th November
  • Parent Workshop – Big Emotions – Anger – Fri 15th November 9.15am
  • Pobbles Christmas Concert – Fri 6th December
  • Bracelet Christmas Concert – Tue 10th December
  • Caswell Christmas Concert – Wed 11th December
  • Oxwich Christmas Concert – Thurs 12th December
  • Christmas Holidays – Mon 23rd December to Fri 3rd January – school closed
  • Inset Day 4 – Mon 6th January – school closed to pupils

Class Assemblies

Parents / carers / grandparents are welcome to join us for class assemblies. They start at approx. 9.00am and last about half an hour. Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in. These are the class assemblies coming up:

  • 24th October – Oxwich E
  • 8th November – Caswell M
  • 15th November – Caswell N


Thank you so much for your generous Harvest donations, which will be given to The Salvation Army to distribute to those in need. If you haven’t had chance yet and wish to donate there is still time to bring in items next week.

School Battery Recycling Competition

We want your old batteries! We are taking part in the School Battery Recycling Competition, where winning schools will receive Amazon Vouchers.

Please start collecting your old household batteries, and send them into school. We have a few battery collection boxes, if you would like one please call into the school office to pick one up, or send the School Office a message on Dojo, and we can send one home.

The winning school will receive Amazon Gift Vouchers.

International Walk to School Month

October is International Walk to School Month and to celebrate, Living Streets have created an Autumn Street Safari. If you don’t do so already, why not try walking to school, or if it’s too far – parking a little further away and walking the rest of the way. How many of the activities you can do on your walk? Children who walk to school can also earn WOW badges, with a different fun design each month.

Attendance Reminders

  • If your child is going to be absent from school please inform the school office by 9.30am by phone, email, or messaging ‘The Office’ on class dojo.
  • If your child has an appointment during the day, please try to minimise the amount of school missed by bringing them in before and/or after wherever possible.
  • For planned absences / holidays please complete the form:
  • Please try to arrive to school on time (between 8.40am and 8.50am). If you arrive after the gates have been closed you will need to accompany your child to the school office to sign them in.

PTA News

 There’s less than two weeks to go until our annual Spooktacukar Disco! 

These events are only possible because of our wonderful volunteers, if you’re able to help out during any of the times below, please can you email us on

Set up: 2pm-3:15pm 
Pobbles & Bracelet: 3:15-4:30pm 
Oxwich & Caswell: 4:30-5:45pm 
Clean up: 5:45-6:15pm 

Equally if you’re able to help for the duration of the event, please let us know! We’re so grateful for your support. 

We’re also seeking donations of baked goods on the day. If you’re able to donate something, please can you email us on the address above. Anything donated must have a clear list of ingredients written on the back of the box they are dropped off in as well as the name of the person the box belongs to. 

Please don’t forget, we’ll be running our carved pumpkin competition during both events, any pumpkins that would like to be entered, need to be brought to the disco and given to a member of staff or of the PTA. Please make sure they are clearly labelled with the child’s name and their class. Prizes will be given out towards the end of each disco! 

Please see poster below for all event details. Don’t forget your costume!

Green Scene

Our next Green Scene volunteer session will be taking place on Sunday 20th October from 10-12:30pm. This will be our last session of 2024 and we’d love to see a host of lovely faces there!

As always, there will be lots of jobs to get stuck in with and all equipment will be provided. We also provide refreshments and offer a creative activity for children after our break around 11:30am.

Please let us know if you can attend by emailing Thank you so much!