Newsletter 28/06/2024

What’s coming up?

After School Clubs (week beginning 1st July)

Choir: Monday 3.20-4.15pm (Last one of the term – Choir’s Got Talent!)
Netball (Year 6 ONLY): Thursday 3.20-4.15pm

Dates for the Diary

  • Sports Day – Thursday 4th July 9:20am start – St Helens Ground
  • Pobbles T Class Assembly – Friday 5th July – Parents and Grandparents welcome. Starts approx. 9.00am and lasts about half an hour. Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place from 8.50am after the children have been let in.
  • Reserve Sports Day – Monday 8th July
  • Pobbles R Class Assembly – Friday 12th July
  • Year 6 Leavers Concert – Wednesday 17th July
  • Last Day of Term – Friday 19th July
  • Summer Holidays – Monday 22nd July to Friday 30th August
  • 2024/2025 Inset Day 1 – Monday 2nd September (school closed to pupils)
  • 2024/2025 Inset Day 2 – Tuesday 3rd September (school closed to pupils)

Leaving Brynmill?

We are currently planning next year’s classes. If your child will not be returning in September please complete our online Leavers Form here:
(this does NOT need to be completed for Year 6 pupils who are moving up to comprehensive school)

Sports Day

Our Sports Day is on Thursday 4th July (our reserve sports day is Monday 8th July 2024). 

Each child belongs to one of our 4 houses, Waterloo (blue), Kemble (green) Trafalgar (yellow) & De Breos (red) and you will be informed of the colour T-shirt they should wear on the day. Please look out for the stickers the children come home with.

If you are joining us in St Helen’s Cricket Ground, please see approximate timings below:  

Safety and security during the event 

While we are mindful that we want our Sports Day to be as enjoyable as possible, we also want the children to be safe. As such, there are a number of safety factors that we would like your help with:- 

  • Please ensure your child has a sunhat and is wearing long lasting sun cream 
  • Toilets – there are only two toilets available for use on the day. Please give priority to children wanting to use the toilet, and please work with the member of staff who will be supervising the area. 
  • Water – Please provide your child with a labelled bottle(s) of water. 
  • Please use the entrance near the Patti Pavilion 
  • Parents/carers & relatives will be based in the stands, whilst the children will be sat with their teams on the other side of the track.  You are more than welcome to come down to the field to watch your child in their carousel or event, but we ask that you do not take your child back to the stands with you. 
  • When watching track events, we ask that parents/carers & relatives (and younger siblings) avoid standing on the track itself and if possible, view from the side of the track nearest the stands.   
  • Can parents of pupils with younger siblings who are not of school age, please keep their little ones with them at all times. 
  • Photos/filming – You are welcome to take photos/film your own children for your own use, but please remember that we do not have photo/filming permission for all children, so please do not put photos containing images of other children on social media unless you have the permission of their parent. 
  • Please note: Dogs are not allowed at the event 
  • There is no parking at St Helens. Disabled parking can be arranged in advance with Mrs. Morgans. 

Safety for all leaving the event 

I am sure that you appreciate that the end of the event can be very busy with a lot going on. We rely on your support and patience in ensuring that all pupils leave safely and that no child is left unaccounted for. With this in mind, we ask for your help with the following;  

  • At the end of the event, you are welcome to say goodbye to your child, but please ensure that they stay in the designated area near to the class teacher or associate staff. We will be taking registers before we leave. We will be staggering the classes leaving to avoid a large crowd at the exit gates. 

We appreciate your help in making sure this fun event runs smoothly. 

Yours sincerely 
Miss J Simons 

Swansea Council: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) ‘Myth-Busting’ campaign

We are pleased to formally announce that the ASD ‘Myth Busting’ media campaign is live and up to date. Link here:

The myth busting project aims to raise awareness for parents and carers of children and young people who are either awaiting and assessment along the Neurodevelopmental Pathway or who already have a diagnosis of Autism.

The campaign consists of a short web-based animation which explains what support can be given at home, at school and from the community regardless of whether formal diagnoses have been received. It aims to support a needs-led approach to supporting neurodiversity in line with National thinking.

Clips from the animation are also being displayed electronically in the central bus station and car parks. Swansea Council social media channels will also raise awareness.

The project is a joint venture between Swansea ALN Inclusion Team and Neath Port Talbot Inclusion Team. It has been made possible through West Glamorgan Regional Partnership Board Funding, as part of Neurodevelopmental Transformation Fund.

A digital and printed resource book for schools has also been developed and made available to support schools and parents.

Phase two will include workshops for parents and carers, hosted in Swansea School to raise awareness. Details to follow.

Rights Respecting School

As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for June

You have the right to rest and play (Article 31)

Value of the Month for June
