Half Term – School is closed next week for the half term holidays, and reopens on Monday 7th November.
Fruit – If you would like your child to have a piece of fresh fruit everyday, please pay on sQuid – Fruit Autumn 2 ( This offer is open for Year 1 to Year 6 pupils)
Reception and Year 7 Admissions – Just a reminder that if your child is in Nursery or Year 6 then it is time to apply for a place for next year. The application window closes on the 25th November. Please go to https://swansea.gov.uk/applyforaschoolplace for more information.
Caswell & Oxwich Classes – Over the next few months, we’ll be working with researchers from Cardiff University and University of the West of England, Bristol, on a project that’s exploring children’s ideas about the changing food system. The research is looking at children’s hopes for, and ideas about, food systems of the future – especially at how they might become more ethical and sustainable. Caswell and Oxwich pupils will be involved, completing questionnaires in class this term, before participating in workshops in the spring. The workshops will introduce children to the global context of the food system and will encourage them to think about the information they need to engage critically with, and act on, complex and competing claims about different types of food. Information packs and Consent Forms are being sent home today.
Class Assemblies
Oxwich E – Mrs Evans – Friday 11th November 9.00am approximately
Bracelet B – Mrs Breeze – Tuesday 15th November 9.00am approximately
Parents, Carers and Grandparents are invited to join us for the class assemblies. Please queue at Gate 2 on Trafalgar Place ( once the classes have been let in and the gate is closed)
Children in Need – On Friday 18th November we will help raise money for Children in Need. Children and staff are invited to wear something ‘Spotty’, and donate to this worthwhile charity. Suggested donation is £1.00 per child. Please pay with online with sQuid – Charity Offer.
Advance Notice – Bracelet Bay Classes are going to the Gower Heritage Centre on Tuesday 29th November, for activities based on the story “The night before the night before Christmas”. We will confirm the price when we return after half term.
Inset Days – We have 2 Inset Days at the end of term, so the last day in school will be Wednesday 21st December.
Welsh Water: Help for vulnerable families
With October Half Term fast approaching, we know some families will struggle to
afford essentials.
Families with children who receive traditional free school meals and are in receipt of
a qualifying benefit, may also be entitled to help towards their water bills from Welsh
What financial support is available from Welsh Water?
By switching to Welsh Water’s HelpU tariff, customers could save up to £230 off their
water bill. Find out more here.
Free Meals