Newsletter 03/12/21

Y6 Leavers Hoodies – These have now been ordered, and we will distribute them when they come in.

Christmas Concerts Permission – If you haven’t already done so please can you complete the online permission form indicating whether or not we can video your child’s performance in their class Christmas Concert.

Christmas Jumper Day – On Friday 10th December we will be celebrating Christmas Jumper Day in aid of Save the Children. Children and staff are invited to wear their Christmas Jumper, or dress up in anything Christmassy, and donate to this worthwhile Charity. Please donate via the Charity Donation Offer on sQuid. Diolch
Christmas Holidays – Our last day in School is Friday 17th December, and we finish at the normal time.
We have an Inset Day on Tuesday 4th Jan when school is closed to pupils for staff training, so our first day back in school is Wednesday 5h Jan 2022.

Newsletter 26/11/21

Outstanding Flu Vaccine Consent Letters – We still have a few outstanding forms, please complete the form indicating whether you DO or DO NOT give consent, and return on Monday morning. The School Nurses will be chasing up any outstanding forms (Reception to Y6).

Y6 Leavers Hoodies – The deadline is approaching. If you would like to order please do so via Squid by Tuesday.

Afternoon Nursery – reminder that the session times are changing from January to 12.50pm to 3.20pm.

Drop off & Pick Up – Please do not leave your car engine idling if you are dropping off or picking up your child as it is harmful to the planet and children’s health. Please do not stop on the double yellow lines or zig zag lines, as this causes obstructions, and can endanger the lives of children crossing the road. If you arrive at school via a taxi, please ask them to pull into an appropriate parking space, and not stop/wait in the middle of the road.

Absences – if your child is not going to be in school, please message Miss Rees our Attendance Officer by 9.30am. You can email the school at, leave a message on our absence line on 01792463019, or send Miss Rees a message via ClassDojo. Please remember the school has two sessions per day (am/pm) so if the children have an appointment during one session, very effort should be made for them to attend the other session.

Children In Need – A huge thank you to everyone who supported Children in Need last week. We raised £200.00!

Defibrillator – We are very pleased to let you know that we now have a defibrillator on the school premises. Staff have attended a training session, but we obviously hope that we will never need to use it.

Newsletter 12/11/21

Children in Need – Next Friday children are invited to dress up or dress down for Children In Need, and donate to this worthy cause. Please pay online via the Trips & Offers Purse on sQuid. at the checkout please change the amount from £0.00 to your chosen donation amount. Thank you

Flu Vaccinations – Letters were sent home yesterday for Reception, please complete and return as soon as possible with either a YES or NO answer.

Applications for Reception & Year 7 – The deadline is later this month, if your child is currently in Nursery or Year 6, please make sure you have applied. Please contact the office if you need help.


Newsletter 05/11/21

Year 6 Leavers Hoodies – Edward’s mum has kindly offered to organise the Leavers Hoodies. Please order via the Trips and Offers Purse on sQuid. The deadline is Tuesday 30th November at 3.30pm. Unfortunately we can not guarantee that we will be able to order any hoodies after the deadline. The cost of a child size hoodie is £ 15.50. The cost of an adult size hoodie is £ 21.00.

School Photographs – The photos are now ready to view and buy! Please check your junk email folders as sometimes the link goes there.  If your child’s photo was taken on the day, but you hadn’t already registered with the photographers, you will need to register your consent and agree to the T&Cs before Roz & Kirsty can email the photos. Please go to The school PIN is 5825, you will need this to register, and may need it to view the photos.

Last Day of Term – Friday 17th December 2021. First Day of Spring Term  –  Wednesday 5th January 2022.

Nasal Spray Flu Vaccine. The school nurses will be with us on Friday 3rd December, to give the vaccine to those who have consent in Reception to Year 6. In the next couple of weeks a letter will be sent home, with more information and a form for you to indicate if you agree or not agree for your child to receive the nasal flu immunisation. Please complete and return the form EVEN IF YOU DO NOT CONSENT, as the school nurses need to check they have had a completed form from everyone.


Newsletter 22/10/21

We hope you all have a lovely half term break, and look forward to seeing you on Monday 1st November.

Bumped Head Messages – We are changing the way we inform parents about minor bumped head injuries (if they have opted in to receive a message). Previously we have used a texting service which is only accessible to the Admin Team  and which we have to pay for,  but in the future we will use ClassDojo to send bumped head messages, allowing more members of staff such to send the messages, as well as save the school some money.

Class Dojo – We are very pleased that nearly 99% of children have one or more parents accessing ClassDojo. If you would like to add another parent,  have changed phones and forgotten how to log in, or if you have any other query, please contact the school office and we can assist you.

E-Safety  – Useful information for parents – The E-Safety page of our website contains a useful collection of  guides for the most popular social media and gaming apps that children are using today. Each guide includes key information including the official age ratings, how children and young people are using the app, potential risks and design, data & costs.

Admission to Reception or Year 7 for September 2022 – The deadline is Friday 26th November, please follow the link to apply online

Outstanding Paperwork – We are chasing some outstanding paperwork

For children joining us since September, we are chasing outstanding Admission Forms, Proof of Date of Birth, and Proof of Address.

For all children, we are chasing outstanding Emergency Contact Forms, and Parental Consent Packs.

If you receive or have recently received a message, please complete the relevant online form as soon as possible, and for the proof please either bring the original documents to school for us to photocopy, or send a photo or scan of the original document to


Inset Day 3 -Tuesday 4th January 2022

Inset Day 4 – Monday 6th June 2022

Inset Day 5 – Tuesday 7th June 2022

Inset Day 6 – To Be Confirmed

After School Club – We are very pleased that our After School Club is restarting after Half Term. For any enquiries please contact Playworks on 02920 864780 or






Newsletter 15/10/21

Absence Messages – There are a number of ways you can inform the school if your child is going to be absent. Please ring the school on 01792 463019 and leave a  clear message on our absence line or our answerphone, you can send a message via ClassDojo to Miss Rees our Attendance Officer, you can text the school on 01792 720076, or you can email the school at Which ever way you would like to get in touch please do so before 9.30am. Thank you.

Embassy Letters/ Copy Reports – We have had a number of requests for Embassy Letters and Copy Reports this week. Please note that they cost £5.00 per child per letter or copy report, please pay on sQuid in the Trips & Offers purse. Once we have received payment we will produce the documents in up to 5 working days.

Parent/carer short questionnaire – We understand that you are busy people but If you can spare the time to answer a few brief questions about our drop off and collection arrangements, we would be very grateful. We estimate that the questionnaire should take no more than a few minutes to complete. Thanks in advance

The School Photographers will be with us on Monday & Tuesday to take individual and sibling photos of pupils attending our school. If you would like your child/ren to be included please give your consent via  and use the PIN 5825. You are under no obligation to buy the photos. (Please note they will not be photographing pre – school children or any siblings who are not in our school, to minimise the amount of people coming in and out of the school).

Fruit Tuckshop – This half term we have reintroduced our Fruit Tuckshop  and it has proved to be very popular (especially the mini cucumbers!) If you would like to join in for next half term the price will be £7.00 payable on Squid. Sorry this offer is not available to Shooting Stars or Rainbows, and all children are welcome to bring in a healthy snack from home to enjoy at playtime.

Newsletter 08/10/21

#HelloYellow – A big thank you to pupils and staff who have worn yellow and donated for YoungMinds World Mental Health Day.

Late Arrivals -We are having a lot of children regularly arriving late in the morning and missing their class line up. They are then missing the start of their lessons. The gates open at 8.40am and the classes start lining up at 8.50am. Please make every effort to arrive on time.

School Photographer – Roz & Kirsty our school photographers will be with us on Monday 18th October to take individual and sibling photos of pupils attending our school. If you would like your child/ren to be included please give your consent via and use the PIN 5825. You are under no obligation to buy the photos. (Please note they will not be photographing pre – school children or any siblings who are not in the same school, to minimise the amount of people coming in and out of the school.)

Admissions –  The admission window for parents to apply for Reception and Year 7 places for September 2021 is now open and will close on Friday 26th November 2021. Please contact the school if you haven’t received an Admission letter by email.

Parental Consent Form – If you haven’t already done so, please provide up to date information for school trips, photographs & videos, bumped head texts etc. Please complete the online form here (one form per family). Thank you.