Newsletter 04/12/20

In case of a positive Covid test result – If you contact the school to inform us of a positive test result there are some questions we will ask you, so that we can pass them on to Track and Trace.

  • Child’s name
  • Year Group
  • Last Date in School
  • Your address
  • Child’s Date of Birth
  • Contact Telephone Number
  • Symptoms – Cough/Fever/ Anosmia (lost of taste and/or smell)
  • Date of swab
  • Was the child in school of the day of the 1st symptom onset/swab?
  • Was the child in school on the two proceeding days to onset/swab?
  • Was the child in school during 5 days after onset/swab?

Hamper Raffle – We have received a donation of a lovely hamper which we are raffling to raise funds for the school. If you would like to buy tickets please go to Squid/ Trips & Offers purse/ Raffle – Hamper. Tickets are £1.00 each and you can buy as many as you like.

Free School Meals over the Christmas Holidays – The council will be supporting free school meal children by offering either a payment or a food parcel over the Christmas holiday period.  If you have previously received a payment you do not need to do anything. If you have not received anything previously you can either contact the school by 16 December to request a food parcel delivery or await email instructions on how to apply for payment.

Our School Christmas Dinner is next Friday (11th December) If you haven’t done so already please complete this quick questionnaire. Please complete the form even if your child will be bringing a packed lunch, so we can gauge numbers.

Next Friday is also our Christmas Jumper Day in aid of Save the Children, pupils are invited to wear their Christmas Jumper in exchange for a donation to the Charity.

Lateness – We are seeing an increase in the number of pupils who are arriving at the school gates after 9.00am. Please try to be on time. Remember you can bring siblings at any time from 8.30 to 9.00am to Gate 1 on Trafalgar Place.

Elf Day – Thank you to everyone who has supported the staff with their Elf Day today, in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society.

School Christmas Parties – These will take place during the last week of term, children are asked to bring in some party food for themselves, as we are unable to share like we normally do. The party food should be in addition to their normal school dinner or packed lunch.  Children are welcome to dress in party or fancy dress clothes. Please see below for which day each class is having their party.

Monday 14th December – Y1/2H

Tuesday 15th December  – Y1/2L, Y5/6E, Y5/6D

Wednesday 16th December – LFPR, LFPM, Y1/2B Y3/4N, Y4/5J

Thursday 17th December – Y3/4T

Last day of Term – Friday 18th December, we come back on Monday 4th January 2021

Year 6 Leaver’s hoodies. If you would like to order these in time for Christmas. Please click on this link to go to your login page . Or alternatively go to our website and click on “Login” at the top of our home page.

Your login details are as follows: USERNAME: SL52921  PASSWORD: 52921brynmill

You can share these login details with everyone in the year and each person can order and pay for their hoodies online. They can choose their own style, colour and size. Price includes delivery to your home address. We have set the shop to close on the 06/12/20 so please let everyone know that they must place their order by then.

If you haven’t filled in the questionnaire we sent a couple of weeks ago about including your child’s name on the back of the hoodie, please complete this as well.


At the time of writing we have not had any positive Covid cases at Brynmill. We would like to thank parents and carers for continuing to keep everyone safe by:-

  • Wearing face masks at drop off and collection time.
  • Answering our questions as to whether everyone in the immediate family is well, and if there are any Covid symptoms.
  • Socially distancing on the pavement outside school.
  • Seeking medical advice if the children or anyone in their immediate family develops any of the Covid symptoms.
  • Keeping children away from school while they or family members await test results.

We continue to try to keep everyone safe in school by:-

  • Keeping children in class bubbles.
  • Regular hand washing or hand sanitising.
  • Having a one way system in school.
  • Regular cleaning throughout the school day of high touch points such as door handles and hand rails.
  • Regular cleaning of class chairs and tables.
  • Disinfecting or quarantining shared equipment such as ipads, books, stationery and play equipment.
  • Wearing face masks at drop off and collection time.
  • Keeping visitors to the school to a minimum.
  • Socially distancing in class rooms and staff rooms.


Newsletter 27/11/20

Face Masks – As per our message earlier this week, we are asking parents to please wear face masks at drop off and pick up time. We continue to appreciate your support and patience while we take time to check if anyone in your immediate family has any Covid Symptoms.

Informing the School of a Child’s Positive Covid Test – Fortunately we have not had any Covid cases to date, but if your child develops symptoms and you receive a positive test result, we would be grateful if you could let us know as soon as possible (as well as liaising with Track & Trace). During the school day you can ring the school number on 01792 463019, or if you receive the result outside of school hours please send a message via ClassDojo to Mrs Morgans.

School Christmas Dinner – If you haven’t done so already please complete this quick questionnaire about the School’s Christmas Dinner on Friday 11th. Please complete the form even if your child will be bringing a packed lunch, so we can gauge numbers.

Elf Day – Next Friday staff will be dressing up as Elves to raise money for the Alzheimer Society, it is completely optional but if children would like to join in too, for a small donation towards the charity, that would be fantastic. There is a Charity Donation offer in the Trips and Offers part of sQuid.

Inset Days – We have two Inset days on Monday 21st & Tuesday 22nd December, which means our last day in school this term is Friday 18th December. We start back on Monday 4th January 2021.

Urgent – Christmas Concerts Consent – Mr Davies has sent out a link to a parental consent form to allow us to film children performing their Christmas item.  If you haven’t done so already please complete the form here .

Christmas Jumper Day – To coincide with our Christmas Dinner Day children are invited to wear their Christmas or Festive Jumpers on Friday 11th December in exchange for a donation to Save the Children. There is a Charity Donation offer in the Trips and Offers part of sQuid.

Parent Governors – Thank you to everyone who returned a voting slip. The votes have been counted and verified, and we would like to welcome Mr David Rees & Mr Steven Lovatt as our new Parent Governors.

Newsletter 20/11/20

A big thank you to everyone who donated to last week’s Children in Need, we raised £ 270.00.

Parent Governor Elections – Please look out for the letter coming home today. Please complete the form and return by next Friday morning.


Elf Day – On December the 4th the school staff will be dressing up as Elves and donating money to the  Alzheimer’s Society.

If any children would like to join in too they are more than welcome, and there will be an offer on sQuid for  any donations.




Our School Christmas Dinner is on Friday 11th December, if you haven’t done so already please complete this short questionnaire.  That day is also our annual  Christmas Jumper Day in aid of Save The Children,  children are welcome to wear a festive jumper and there will be an offer on sQuid for  any donations.

Christmas Concerts –  Unfortunately we will not be able to put on our Christmas Concerts this year, however we hope to be able to film each class performing an item, and edit them together into a video. We are still working out the details, and will need to get parental consent for children to appear in the video, but this will be in the next couple of weeks.

Welsh government launches ‘Parenting. Give it time’ campaign
The Welsh Deputy Minister for Health and Social Services, Julie Morgan has launched a new campaign to give information, support and advice to parents. “Parenting. Give It Time” recognises that the pandemic has had an impact on families, including through increased isolation, supporting children who are self-isolating, or dealing with children’s anxiety. The new campaign provides information to parents on how to understand and respond to their children’s behaviour. It offers practical tips and advice on a range of issues. The core three themes are: your child’s behaviour, giving your child time, and supporting parents through the challenges they face. Full details available here:

COVID-19: Useful videos 

Self-Isolation and a negative test. What happens next?

Has your child tested positive for COVID-19? 

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

There are loads of benefits to sending your child back to school

As always, a big thank you for bearing with us at the beginning of the school day while we check that everyone is well and doesn’t have any Covid symptoms, and for keeping everyone safe by adhering to social distancing. Diolch

Newsletter 13/11/20

New arrangements for Gate 1 & Gate 2 – From Monday we will be altering the arrangements slightly. If you are bringing your child to line up with their class ( Y1/2L, Y4/5J , Y3/4N) please use Gate 2 (the double gates). If you are bringing siblings or you are late for your class line up, please use Gate 1 (the single gate). Thank you.

Earlier this week we sent home a questionnaire about Service Children, thank you if you have already completed it. If you haven’t had the chance please take a few of minutes to answer a couple of questions here.

Children in Need – Thank you to everyone who joined in today, and for the donations. The offer will remain open on sQuid for a few days if you haven’t had the chance to make a donation yet.

Parent Governor Elections – we received three nominations for the two vacancies, so we will be sending home ballot papers for an election in the next week or so.

Reminder – Please can children bring in their own pencil cases (Year 1 to Year 6) with some pens/pencils/ruler/eraser/sharpener etc. We do have some items to lend children but they have to be thoroughly sanitised/ quarantined before they can be lent out again.

School Dinner Menu – The options have changed, and Miss Rees has sent a copy of the new menu out via Dojo today.

Message from the Local Authority – Digital Exclusion – During the first lockdown, schools looked to identify those pupils that were digitally excluded and with the support of Swansea Council and Welsh Government, provided connectivity and devices to learners. We are currently trying to ascertain any further barriers to home/blended learning, especially those caused by digital exclusion. The responses from this survey will enable us to find what these are and help us to provide appropriate strategies for the continuation of learning.

Just a reminder that if any pupils or members of their household are showing any Covid symptoms please isolate immediately and seek medical advice.




Newsletter 23/10/20

Dear Parent/Carer

Despite the restrictions, we have been determined to find alternatives where possible that allow us to maintain a sense of community and communication. These have ranged from recording our Star of the Week and other assemblies to be played in class to offering teacher/parent meetings via telephone or video conference. We hope that you found the parents ‘meeting’ as useful as we did.

Health and Safety has always been a very high priority to our staff and governors but it has obviously come into sharp focus since March. Schools have been told that the Health & Safety Executive will be carrying out spot checks to confirm that arrangements comply with Welsh Government and local safety guidelines including how we communicate and maintain safe drop off and collection times. We have been very grateful to you all for the way that you have supported us over the course of this half term and again ask for your continued support and understanding when we return on Monday 2nd November 2020.

I probably should not speak too soon but I am so relieved that we have got through a whole half term (at time of writing) without one positive case amongst our staff or pupils. This has meant that no classes have been told by TTP (Track, Trace & Protect) to self-isolate for a period of time. Please be assured that should there be a positive case over half term, senior leaders, our school administrator and myself will make ourselves available to work with TTP and the Local Authority to identify contacts and communicate with parents/carers and staff in affected classes.

Other schools have reported that keeping contact groups separate both within and outside of school, has been enormously helpful in minimising the number of classes/ children and staff affected. Whatever your view, I am sure most of us are keen to avoid staff and pupils being directed by TTP to self-isolate. Naturally, children want to see their friends, have sleep overs and play dates, perhaps with friends from other classes but I know many of you agree that we all have a collective responsibility to play our part in keeping the numbers of our school community affected by self-isolating to a minimum.

I know the next 2 weeks of National Lockdown rules will be especially difficult for families over half term and hope that the children manage to enjoy the week despite the restrictions.

Please visit our school website for key documents including packs and other key information supporting continuity of learning.

Miss Simons

Please find a link to a letter from the Interim Director of Education – letter to parents Oct 20

Flu Vaccinations – Just to confirm that the school nurses attended today to give the Flu Vaccinations to those with consent. Please find a link to a postcard which is normally handed to those children who have received the vaccination Beat Flu-ChildrensPostcard-Eng-

What’s coming up.

Autumn Half Term Holiday- Monday 26th October to Friday 30th October

Inset Day 3 – Monday 21st December

Inset day 4 – Tuesday 22nd December

Christmas Holidays  – Wednesday 23rd December – Friday 1st January

Spring Half Term Holiday – Monday 15th February to Friday 19th February

Easter Holidays – Monday 29th March to Friday 9th April

Summer Half Term Holidays – Monday 31st May to Friday 4th June


Newsletter 16/10/20

Flu Vaccine – The school nurses will be with us next  Friday to give the nasal flu vaccine to those children who have had consent. If you haven’t returned your form yet, please do so on Monday (even if you are not giving consent), so that the correct number of vaccines can be ordered.

Please take a minute to watch this video with your child, so they know what to expect when the school nurses visit.

Breakfast Club – If you would like to be added to the Breakfast Club Dojo Group, so that you get the weekly booking form, please contact Mrs Morgans.

Coming to school – A big thank you to parents for their patience with our staggered start times, and different gates, it really does help us keep the children safe in their bubbles. We will continue to  follow Welsh Government Guidance and ask parents if they, or anyone in their family,  are displaying any Covid symptoms.

  • If you have children with staggered start times you are welcome to bring them together to Gate 1  or Gate 2 from 8.35am.
  • If you are late and have missed your gate/start time, please bring your child(ren) to Gate 1 or 2.
  • If Gate 1 is locked, please ring the school office and we will come and collect your child.

We have had a few instances of parents stopping their cars in the middle of the road and ushering their children out. This is not acceptable, please park in the nearest space, get out of the car, and walk your child(ren) to the gate. We would prefer you were slightly late but safe, as we do need to ask you the Covid symptoms questions before admitting your child to school.

Parent Governor Vacancy – We have a vacancy for a Parent Governor. Nomination forms have been sent home via School Comms and ClassDojo, with paper copies available on request. The deadline to return the form is next Friday at 3.30pm.






Newsletter 25/09/20

Letter from the Interim Director of Education – With this afternoon’s news that Swansea will go into lockdown, please find a link to the letter from the Interim Director of Education. School will be open next week as we have been since the beginning of term. (Except for Thursday and Friday when we have two planned Inset Days).

Inset Days – School will be closed to pupils on Thursday & Friday, October 1st & 2nd for Staff Training.

Continuity of Learning – As part of our own ‘Continuity of Learning Plan, we have posted an outline of our arrangements for times when remote or blended learning may be needed and have also included a link to some video clips that we have made which we hope parents will find helpful. We will continue developing our ‘tutorials’ over time in response to emerging questions about how to support your child/ren with remote learning.  Please click on the link below:


Up to Date Contact Information – At this time of year we always ask parents to update their contact information. This year it is very important that we have the correct information because IF we have a positive case of Covid 19 Public Heath Wales will use the information we hold to contact you. Please complete and return the Contact Sheet that was sent home this week.

Staggered Start Times – To help us with our staggered start times, please do not start to line up more than 5 minutes before the gate is due to open, this helps us prevent children from different classes mixing. Dropping off – Please remember parents do need to park and bring their children to the gate. this is so we have the opportunity to ask the questions about Covid symptoms. Please do not pull up in the car and attempt to drop your child off.

ReminderPlease do NOT send your child to school if they, or anyone else in your household has any of the symptoms of Covid- 19


1. Are you, your child or anyone in your household a confirmed case of COVID-19/Coronavirus?
2. Do you, your child or anyone in your household have symptoms – a new, continuous cough and/or a high temperature/fever, loss of smell or taste?
3. Are you, your child or anyone in your household in self-isolation?

If your child has a cough (even if you think it is only part of a cold) please ring your Doctor and seek medical advice.  They will advise you whether to have a test or not. If you do have a test and have a negative result, your child may return to school once they are well enough.

Siblings – If you have different children coming to different gates at different times, you are welcome to bring them together to either Gate 1 or Gate 2 from 8.45 to 8.50 in the mornings.

Parent’s Evening – Class Teachers will be holding parent’s evenings remotely this year, they will put a link to a booking form on their class page for you to complete, and arrange either a Teams Meeting or Phone Call at a mutually convenient time.

Vacancy for Parent Governor –  Ms Cat Davies & Mrs Louise Beckett have come to the end of their terms of office, we would like to thank them for the time and commitment they have given to our Governing Body over the last 4 years. We therefore have some vacancies, if you are interested in becoming a School Governor and would like to find out more information before putting your name forward please contact Mrs Kim Morgans – Clerk to Governors via ClassDojo or by emailing Nomination forms will be sent out next week.

Pens & Pencils – Just a little reminder, but at the moment we are unable to share equipment so please provide your child with some stationary in a pencil case. (suggested items – pens, pencils, rubber, sharpener, gluestick & ruler)

Home Learning – We are preparing in case a class bubble has to go into isolation, or the school goes into lockdown. If you haven’t done so already please give your consent for your child to take part in sessions led by the class teacher.

Activity Fund – We are grateful for any voluntary contributions to our Activity Fund, which enables us to buy extra resources for the children. If you would like to contribute please pay via Squid. Diolch

PTA – Friends of Brynmill Primary – As we are not able to share equipment at the moment, we are very grateful to the PTA for providing £30 per class bubble  to buy their own playground equipment such as racquets, balls, hoops, beanbags etc.

Fruit Tuck Shop – We are unable to provide the Fruit Tuckshop at this time, you are welcome to provide a healthy snack from home for your child to eat at playtime.

Privacy Statement – Brynmill Primary School is the data controller who is responsible for holding the data you provide. We will use your data to keep you up to date with school activities such as concerts, fundraising and sports days. We will not share your data with anyone else and we hold your information on the basis of your consent, which you can withdraw at any time by contacting the school office. More information on your rights can be found in our privacy notice  and our data protection policy.

Nasal Spray Vaccine – The School Nurses will be in school on Friday 23rd October (subject to change) to give the Flu Vaccine to children from Reception to Year 6. Consent forms will be sent home in the next couple of weeks. Please complete the form and indicate whether you agree or not to consent. Here is a link to a video for you to share with your child about what they can expect this year.




Times when Remote Learning may be needed

Brynmill Primary Remote Learning for Children affected by COVID 19 

The Local Authority are supporting schools by putting together a learning continuity template, in the meantime, we thought it wise to put something together for times when remote learning may be needed.  

*For tutorials to access any of the digital learning platforms, please follow this link: 

Times when Remote Learning may be needed: 

  1. If your child is awaiting a test or test result there will  be a work pack linked in J2E for 

them to use. It will be called the “Waiting for a test result pack.” Teachers are unable 

to mark this work or give feedback. This pack must only used should your child be 

waiting for a test result. 


  1. If a childhas tostay in quarantine for 10/14 days  due to them or a family member testing positive for Coronavirus or If a child has to stay in 14 daysquarantine following an overseas holiday to a country not on the governments’, we have made  a “My Quarantine Pack” available through a link in J2EA hard copy is available on request, although please bear in mind that some tasks may have to be adapted if they include interactive links.  

*Reception children’s’ activities will be posted through Class Dojo.  

  1. If the class contact group or bubble has been told by Public Health Wales/ Track, Trace & Protect that they must self-isolate for a period of 14 day quarantine due to a case of COVID 19 in that bubble  In this instance, remote learning will be available, unless the class teacher shows signs of COVID 19 and becomes unwell (in this situation no teaching can be provided in the short term while plans are put in place) 

A blended model using the Hwb platform, J2e and where appropriate, Microsoft Teams will be used. The class teacher will have the ability to use recorded and live sessions as well as check in phone calls to support continuity of learning.  

During this time, your child will need to continue to undertake schoolwork at homeIf it is at all possible, it would be beneficial for children to follow their normal routine and be ready to start their school tasks in the morning 

Teachers will set an outline of tasks needed to be completed via live and recorded sessions, links in J2e and Microsoft Teams, dependant on the age of the child. Teachers will indicate whether a task needs to be returned as a file, link or upload a video/photo of completed work. Once again, please see our tutorials page how to do this. If you have any questions about thisplease contact your child’s teacher via Class Dojo. Teachers will be available during school hours to support pupils and parents.  For live sessions to be used, parents MUST complete the required consent, as per Welsh Government guidance. A link is to be found here: 

For a link to our Distance Learning Policy, which includes Safeguarding guidance, please use the following links: 

Distance Learning Policy 

Distance and Blended Learning Brynmill Way 



Brynmill Opening Logistics Key Points for Parents  

Welsh Government has issued comprehensive guidance for schools for the Autumn Term which details the planning and reorganisation that schools will need to put in place in readiness for a full return on 14th September.  


Welsh Government say that “It is expected that planning and preparation days will take place at the start of term to enable schools and settings to work with their staff on reviewing their risk assessments, processes and associated systems.” 


In order to mitigate some of the risks associated with a full return, schools are being asked to reduce contact by: 


  • Grouping learners together 
  • avoiding contact between groups as much as possible 
  • arranging classrooms with forward facing desks where appropriate 
  • staff maintaining distance from learners and other staff as much as possible 


Below is a set of answers to the things we think most parents will want to know.If you have any other questions, we will use them to update this page.  


Point   Actions  
What date will my child start?    From Thursday 3rd September – Year 6 and Reception in phased groups only  From Monday 7th September  – Year 1, 3, 5 (Year 6 and Reception phased groups will continue to attend)  

From Wednesday 9th September  – Year 2 & 4 (all other year groups with exception of Nursery will continue to attend) 

From Thursday 10th September – Full return of all pupils with exception of Nursery  

Will there be staggered drop off and collection times? Yes  

What will the timings be? 


Where do I line up with my child?  


  • Gate 1 Trafalgar  
  • Gate 2 Trafalgar  
  • Gate 3  - Kemble 
  • Gate 4 – De Breos 
  • Gate 5 – Waterloo 


In line with Welsh Government’s suggested measures for arriving and leaving schools, classes will have a different drop off and collection times. The timings will be as follows   

8:30 am – 3:00 pm  

1 /2 H – Gate 3 

1 /2 L – Gate 1 & 2 

1 / 2 B – Gate 4   


8:45 am to 3:15 pm  

LFP M – Gate 4 (with runner)  

LFP R – Gate 3 with runner  

4/5 J - Gate  1 & 2  


9:00 am – 3:30 pm 

3 /4 N Gate 1 & 2 

3 /4 T Gate 3 

5/6 D Gate 4  

5/6 E Gate 5 


Dropping off my child  



How will they come into school? 

Pupils will arrive and wait at different gates with one parent on socially distanced queue spots next to their class’s assigned gate/s.   

*It is important that pupils are accompanied by one parent or carer and that parents/ carers are on time. 


Parents/ carers will be asked if they or their child have any Covid symptoms.  


Children will enter one at a time and find a splat to stand on. They will take turns in using  

All children will use hand sanitiser as they enter school and the need to handwash reinforced throughout the day.   

Collecting my child  How will they leave school? 


All pupils must be collected from school including Year 6 pupils. Staff will bring pupils down to the allocated exit and wait on splats.  Parents/carers are asked to wait on queue spots, a member of staff will call each child in turn. Once reunited with your child, parents and carers are asked to move away from the gate to avoid a gathering of any kind 
How will children be grouped?   Your child will be in a consistent class size contact group 
What about break times?  Pupils will stay with their class for break times and lunch play on a staggered basis. They will be able to use an outdoor zone (weather permitting) with the aim of minimizing contact between groups, whilst still giving our children chance to run around and play together.  
Will there be Social Distancing?  Reducing the number of contacts between learners and staff will be achieved through keeping groups separate and through maintaining distance between individuals.  In primary schools, especially for younger learners the emphasis will be on separating groups. For learners old enough, they should be supported to maintain distance and not touch staff where possible. 


What if my child becomes unwell?  Pupils who are feeling unwell during the school day will be allocated an isolation room for their and others’ safety.   Pupils who are feeling ill before school should not attend and if they exhibit COVID19 symptoms, they should follow Public Health Wales advice for families in terms of quarantine.   
Will the Local Authority continue to provide emergency childcare>   No, there will be no emergency childcare provision in the autumn term. 
What about Lunchtimes?  Pupils will stay with their contact group (class) and will eat together in class or outside.   The Local Authority catering service have informed schools that they are planning to offer school meals. However, direct provision for school dinners will start from 14th September. All pupils will need to bring a packed lunch for the first 2 weeks until the 14th.

For parents who wish to use this service, it will be available via Squid as usual. There will be a choice of hot or cold meal which will be delivered to the classroom in disposable containers and with disposable cutlery. 

Will my child need equipment?  


Can my child share class resources? 


For individual and very frequently used equipment, such as pencils and pens, pupils need to have their own items that are not shared. They should bring in their own pen and pencil case (one) which should contain a pen, pencil, ruler, sharpener, rubber, and some colouring pencils. Extra items that would be useful are a gluestick , a whiteboard/dry erase pen and  pink, green & purple highlighters.  However, if pupils need to borrow, then these will be cleaned at the end of the day.    

Classroom-based resources, such as books and games, can be used and shared within the contact group; these will be cleaned regularly 


Pupils should bring in their own water bottle and can fill it up through the day themselves, not share.   

Will there be Nursery provision?  Nursery will not be returning at the beginning to the Autumn Term.  At the time of writing, schools are awaiting the publication of further guidance on early years and nursery provision 
Do staff or pupils need PPE?  Due to the scientific evidence related to the wearing of PPE clothing and masks, the schools risk assessment identifies when it may be needed, and that staff may choose to wear masks. If you wish your child to do so, we respect that choice however, parents are asked to consider WG guidance, which states that “No one who may not be able to handle face coverings as directed (e.g. young learners, or those with special educational needs or disabilities) should wear them as it may inadvertently increase the risk of transmission, ”  

They must wash their hands upon arrival and dispose of temporary face covering in a bin. 


 Hand washing should always be practiced before putting on and after removing PPE   

How will infection control be managed?    Additional cleaning will take place through the day of all surfaces, high touch areas and resources used. Children will only use resources that can be frequently cleaned. Posters and videos will reinforce this with pupils. Toilet usage will be managed be allocated members of staff and water fountains will be made unavailable. Pupils with First Aid or Personal Care needs will be attended to by staff with PPE.   
What about uniform / clothing?  There is an expectation that pupils will wear uniform from September in line with the school policy. 
Will there be Breakfast Club?  Breakfast clubs and After school clubs will not be in place for the first few weeks – inline with the Welsh Government guidance ” It is likely that schools and settings will need to respond flexibly and build this up. It is recognised that this may be logistically challenging, particularly when offering facilities across year groups.”We are hopeful that we will be able to phase in Breakfast Club from September 14th.  Schools are awaiting further advice from the Local Authority regarding how schools can make Breakfast Club work alongside the wider protective measures.  


Will Playworks After School Club be operating from September?  At the time of writing, Playworks After School Club are awaiting Welsh Government Operational Guidance from which to plan for a safe return. It’s unlikely that Afterschool Club provision will be available from the very start of the Autumn term. Playworks will contact registered parents with updates and start dates in September 
What will children be doing?  WG are directing schools to develop an approach to learning for the Autumn term which is flexible enough to adapt to different scenarios and differing amounts of in-school learning and learning at home or elsewhere.  

Schools have been asked to consider a range of priorities including 

  • health and well-being  
  • what is important for learners now, the skills that our learners need to develop most both currently and in the longer-term 
  • literacy, numeracy and IT skills  
  • Opportunities across all of the curriculum areas, developing learning experiences which involves learning inside and outside school 


Will I be able to talk with my child’s class teacher  Of course however ad hoc site visits are not permitted. Where possible, we would try to arrange consultation remotely either via a telephone call or video conferencing at the earliest convenience  

Please note, with the exception or drop off and collection, all gates will be locked. Should parents/carers require access to the school building, please contact the school office of 01792 463019  


Class dojo messaging service should be used as a means of communication between school and home.  

Free School Meals  The Local Authority will be providing a choice of a hot or cold option which those eligible for Free School Meals will be able to order via Squid  If you think you are eligible but have not already applied, please follow this link. 

All children will need to bring water bottle.  



 I have children with different start and   finish times. What are my options?  Dropping off  

Where siblings start times are different we would ask that the children arrive at the time (and gate) of the later sibling. 




WG Guidance for the September return demands that schools endeavour to avoid contact between different groups of learners.   When scaled up to a full return, it would not be possible to have children from many different contact groups leaving their classrooms at the same time.  


 We would ask, unless in the case of an emergency, that your child/ren are collected at their allotted class pick up time