Newsletter 20/12/24

Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! Whether you are celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, or just having a break in the lead up to the New Year, we wish you a relaxing break. We will see you all for the start of Spring Term on Tuesday 7th January 2025.

Fruit Tuckshop

SCHOOL FRUIT can now be paid for the next 7 weeks after Christmas. It is available for pupils in Bracelet, Caswell and Oxwich classes. If you would like your child to have a daily piece of fruit at break time, please pay £7 for this half term on iPay.

Please note – the option to pay for fruit is now in the SHOP section:

– Log into iPay
– Go to the menu, accounts, and select your child
– Find the Shop fund and click the shop button
– Choose Fruit tuckshop category
– Click on Autumn Term 1 and change quantity to 1
– Save the item in your basket and then check out

Any problems, please contact the school office.

The School Nursing service are holding drop in Flu catch up clinics between 10am and 3pm on the following days. Please bring your child along to any of the sessions to receive their flu vaccine.

Monday 30th December – Cwmbwrla Clinic (10-3pm)  80 Caebricks Road, Cwmbwrla, SA5 8NS

Thursday 2nd Jan 25- Resource Centre (10-3pm) Morr Road, Port Talbot SA12 7BJ

Friday 3rd Jan 25 Gorseinon Hospital (phlebotomy) (10-3pm) Brynawel Road, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 4UU

Here is the link for the Consent form, Please note –  If you have previously completed a consent form there is no need to complete another one. Fluenz Nasal Vaccination Form

PTA News:  

Thank you so much to everyone who entered and shared our Christmas Raffle Fundraiser. You helped raise £795 for our school! 

This money will be spent on vital school resources. All winners have been contacted via email or text. 

Thank you so much for your support during the last month and throughout 2024. We can’t wait to host more events next year! 

Newsletter 13/12/2024

What’s coming up?

NO After School Clubs this week

Dates for the Diary

Please check our school calendar to keep up to date with all school events


If you would like to subscribe, click HERE using your phone, and you can automatically add all school events into your own calendar.

Christmas Parties

Designed by Freepik

Wednesday 18th December~

Children are invited to wear their party clothes to school.

Children are asked to bring in some party food for themselves on a labelled plate.

Please note that as we have some nut free classes, please do not send in anything that contains nuts.

Please note the party food is in addition to normal lunchtime arrangements, so please ensure your child has a packed lunch/ school dinner.

Christmas Café

Our Enterprise Troopers would like to invite all parents / carers to our Christmas Café on the morning of Wednesday 18th December. Come along and enjoy a hot drink and a festive snack in our Christmas grotto.

Autumn Term Reports

Next week you will be receiving a brief report to let you know how your child has settled in to their new class this year. For pupils in year 2 to year 6, further information on how your child is progressing can be found by accessing their personalised assessment progress reports on Hwb. See the link below for instructions:

Thank Yous

Thank you to Elliott’s Dad Michael for the £500 Admiral Donation, which we have used to buy playground resources for Bracelet classes

Thank you to Buddy’s mum Leanne for repairing our stage curtains

Message from Swansea Council

Proposed new model for Specialist Teaching Facilities (STFs) across Swansea – Consultation Response Report Available

Following the recent consultation regarding the above proposal, the Consultation Response Report is now available on the link below:

This Consultation Report will be taken to Cabinet on the 12 December 2024 for a decision on whether to proceed to publish a statutory notice.

A hard copy of the consultation report is available on request.

PTA News

A huge thank you to everyone who supported our Christmas stalls during the Christmas concerts. You helped us raise an amazing £474.58 for our school! 

Thank you so much to those who volunteered to run the stalls and set up. Without you, we wouldn’t have raised such a brilliant amount. 

Our Christmas raffle fundraiser is still live for another few days until Wednesday 18th December when we’ll be drawing our winners. If you’re able to purchase some entries, we’d hugely appreciate it. 

Entries can be purchased online via the link below:

Please do also share with family and friends if you can. Entries start at £2 for x10 entries.

Thank you so much for all your support at this time of year.

Newsletter 06/12/2024

What’s coming up?

NO After School Clubs this week

Christmas Concerts

Bracelet – Tuesday 10th December 9.30am and 4.00pm
Caswell – Wednesday 11th December 9.30am and 4.00pm
Oxwich – Thursday 12th December 9.30am and 4.00pm

£1 entry per adult, with all proceeds going to resources for the classes.

For the 4.00pm concerts, children will stay in school and be provided with a light snack before the concert. Children will be collected after the concert from the main hall.

Dates for the Diary

Click below to see our school calendar:

If you would like to subscribe, click HERE using your phone, and you can automatically add all school events into your own calendar.

Pobbles and Bracelet Winter Wonderland

Just a gentle reminder that next Friday 13th December, is our Pobbles & Bracelet ‘Winter Wonderland’.

We kindly ask for donations on iPay or cash to support the funding of the day. Every child will visit Santa, receive a gift and take part in a day full of Christmas activities.

Internet Safety

We would like to remind parents of the importance of internet safety. We have a page of our website all about keeping your child safe online which can be accessed via the link below.


If you are visiting the school, even for a short amount of time e.g. to sign your child in or out, please ensure that the gate is closed behind you. Thank you.


Reminder – we allow a 10 minute grace period following the start of the day to account for traffic etc. however we ask that parents do not rely on this extra 10 minutes, and try to arrive promptly for the start of the day. The poster below outlines some of the reasons that punctuality is important for pupils.

Please also remember that if your child is arriving AFTER 9AM they must be accompanied to the office by an adult to sign them in.

PTA News

A huge thank you to everyone who came to our book fair earlier in the week. You helped us secure £220 worth of books for our school! 

Our Christmas stalls will be on before and after the Christmas concerts. Please remember to bring spare change with you for any tea, coffee, biscuits, mince pies, hand knitted hats, mice, stockings, jumpers and of course raffle tickets for our Christmas Raffle Fundraiser. 

Our Christmas Raffle Fundraiser is online so if you’re unable to buy tickets during the Christmas concerts you can purchase entries online via the link below:

There are a host of amazing prizes from local businesses including Bud & Bay General Store, Duck & Dough Cafe, Beer Riff Brewery and Thirty Pieces of Silver. Please do share with family and friends if you can. 

All funds raised from the stalls and the raffle will go towards new school resources. We really appreciate all of your support.

Rights Respecting School

As a Rights Respecting School, we focus each month on a particular Article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child. Assemblies, Circle time and class activities are based on these Rights. In connection with these, we also have a Value of the Month. Together, the Rights & Values encourage our learners to be respectful of each other, safe, and to be the best they can be.

Right of the Month for December

You have the right to a proper house, food and clothing.  Governments must help families who cannot afford to provide this.  (Article 27)

Value of the Month for December


Newsletter 29/11/2024

What’s coming up?

After School Clubs (week beginning 2nd December)

Choir (Caswell and Oxwich) – Monday 3.20-4.15pm (last one for this term)
NO Netball – finished until the New Year

Christmas Concerts

Pobbles –  Friday 6th December 9.30am & 2.15pm
Bracelet – Tuesday 10th December 9.30am and 4.00pm
Caswell – Wednesday 11th December 9.30am and 4.00pm
Oxwich – Thursday 12th December 9.30am and 4.00pm

£1 entry per adult, with all proceeds going to resources for the classes.

For the 4.00pm concerts, children will stay in school and be provided with a light snack before the concert. Children will be collected after the concert from the main hall.

Dates for the Diary

Remember to check our school calendar for all upcoming events, inset days, holidays etc.

If you would like to subscribe to the calendar, click SUBSCRIBE using your phone, and you can automatically add all school events into your own calendar.

Letter from our Chair of Governors

Dear Parents, Carers, and Pupils  

Retirement – Miss J Simons – Brynmill Primary School – 31st August 2025

I am contacting you to let you know that Miss Simons will be retiring as Head Teacher of Brynmill Primary School at the end of this academic year.

It is with enormous gratitude that we can reflect on the past 18 years with Miss Simons as Head Teacher, during which she has worked tirelessly for the benefit of our school. We know that Miss Simons is immensely proud of our school community, and considers it a privilege to work alongside a superb Leadership Team and wonderful staff body for so many years. Most importantly, I know she has enjoyed seeing a large number of pupils develop and progress during their time with us.

The process will now begin to appoint a new Head Teacher, and we will keep you informed as and when we appoint a replacement.

For obvious reasons, it is important to note that Miss Simons shall remain in post and be fully committed to Brynmill Primary School until her retirement. 

We understand that any period of change can be unsettling for both parents and children and we would like to reassure you that we are working with all staff to ensure stability and consistency for the school both in the short and long-term. As always, our key focus and priority is the welfare and education of our children

Yours sincerely

Anwaar Younis

Chair of Governors

Jumble Sale

Thank you for all of your generous donations so far. We look forward to welcoming you to our first jumble sale on Tuesday and Wednesday next week!

Battery Collection

Please note that we are only able to collect household batteries. Please no vapes, power banks or batteries not included on the list.

PTA News

Next week we’re super excited to be hosting another Scholastic Book Fair at school on Tuesday 3rd & Wednesday 4th December from 3:15-4:30pm. There will be an amazing selection of books on offer and as usual, the school will receive a selection of FREE books based on the percentage of sales. 

Purchases can be made with cash or via a QR code using card details. This event will run the same time as the Community Room’s Jumble Sale which will have a host of second hand toys and books on offer for a small cash donation. 

Thank you so much to those who have let us know they can help with our Christmas stalls this year that will be running before and after the concerts. If you’re able to help just 20 minutes before and after the concerts on a stall we’d hugely appreciate the help. 

You’re welcome to reserve your seats when you come in so you don’t have to miss out getting a good spot! Please let us know if you can help out by emailing We’re particularly short for helpers for the Pobbles, Caswell and Oxwich concerts in the afternoons.  

Finally, our Christmas Fundraiser Raffle is now live! Entries can be purchased from the link below starting at just £2 for x10 entries: 

Thank you so much to all of the local business that have donated prizes. This year we are so lucky to have incredible prizes from a host of local businesses including the likes of Thirty Pieces of Silver, Unwind Beauty Therapy, LC Swansea, Beer Riff Brewery, No.8 Project, Exist Skatepark, Broadway Hair, Beauty & Holistic Centre, Sloth Coffee Co., Duck & Dough, Square Peg, Coast Cafe, RAVS Vintage, Plants & Papers, Bud & Bay General Store, Crewders and &Mother Store! 

Please support us if you can buy either buying some entries or sharing this link with your family and friends! All of the funds raised from the book fair, the Christmas stalls and the raffle will go towards new school resources. Thank you so much for your support.

Free Local Event

Newsletter 22/11/2024

What’s coming up?

After School Clubs (week beginning 25th November)

Choir (Caswell and Oxwich) – Monday 3.20-4.15pm
Netball (Oxwich) – Thursday 3.20-4.15pm

Christmas Concerts

Pobbles –  Friday 6th December 9.30am & 2.15pm
Bracelet – Tuesday 10th December 9.30am and 4.00pm
Caswell – Wednesday 11th December 9.30am and 4.00pm
Oxwich – Thursday 12th December 9.30am and 4.00pm

£1 entry per adult, with all proceeds going to resources for the classes.

For the 4.00pm concerts, children will stay in school and be provided with a light snack before the concert. Children will be collected after the concert from the main hall.

Dates for the Diary

Remember to check our school calendar for all upcoming events, inset days, holidays etc.


If you would like to subscribe to the calendar, click SUBSCRIBE using your phone, and you can automatically add all school events into your own calendar.

Leaving Brynmill?

If your child is leaving the school, please complete our leavers form with as much notice as possible:

The process of applying to a new school can take several weeks so if you are moving out of the area we would advise you to apply for a new school as soon as possible to avoid your child missing out on education.

Children in Need

Thank you for your donations to Children in Need last week. We raised £185 for good causes.

Brynmill Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland is coming to Pobbles & Bracelet!

The Pobbles and Bracelet staff along with our amazing Community group will be creating our very own Christmas experience for our children. Santa will come to visit the children on Friday 13th December and each child will receive a little treat. Throughout the day, the children will take part in lots of fun activities from baking to a scavenger hunt and Christmas stories at the park. We kindly ask for a donation to help cover the cost of running the activities and here’s to the children having an exciting day. Donations can be made on iPay (Fund ‘Brynmill Winter Wonderland Donations’) or in cash to the school office.

Let the Christmas celebrations begin!

Jumble Sale

Our Brynmill Community group have been working hard to organise our first ‘Brynmill Jumble Sale’. If you have any donations of clothing or pre loved toys please send them into school and they will will be loved and used by other families. Thank you!

PTA News

We’ve got some fantastic prizes for our upcoming Christmas raffle thanks to some amazing local businesses! The raffle will be launching on Wednesday next week so there’s still time to donate a prize if you can. 

Thank you so much to Duck & Dough cafe, Square Peg cafe, Plants & Papers shop, RAVS Vintage shop and LC Swansea for their recent prize donations! If you or your employer could donate a prize, please get in touch via 

Save the date for our upcoming Book Fair! This will take place after school between 3:15-4:30pm on Tuesday 3rd & Wednesday 4th December. We look forward to seeing you all there! The Community Group Jumble Sale which will have second hand toys and clothes on offer will take place at the same time. 

Finally with Christmas Concerts nearing, we’d love to know of anyone who would be keen to help volunteer 20 minutes before and after the concerts to sell tea and coffee to help raise funds for our school. We are particularly short of volunteers for the Pobbles & Oxwich concerts. If you’re happy to volunteer, please can you email us on 

All funds raised from our raffle, the book fair and Christmas concert stalls will go towards new school resources. Thank you so much for your support!

Green Scene

Thank you to our volunteers who braved the weather for our last session of the year last month. We planted Winter veg and salad, Spring bulbs in our recycled, milk containers and took part in a ‘spooky’ Halloween trail. 

A big thank you also to all our volunteers from parents and children who attend Brynmill Primary, family members, work colleagues and friends, students and members of the local community who have joined in our monthly volunteer sessions. We would also like to thank Crewders for supporting us by providing free tea and coffee for the volunteers. You guys are the best. 

Finally, a reminder that our sessions will restart in Feb/March and all are welcome! From all of us at Green Scene Swansea, we hope you have a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Newsletter 15/11/2024

What’s coming up?

After School Clubs (week beginning 18th November)

Choir (Caswell and Oxwich) – Monday 3.20-4.15pm
Netball (Oxwich) – Thursday 3.20-4.15pm

Dates for the Diary

See the link below to our new school calendar for all upcoming events, inset days, holidays etc.

Brynmill Primary School Calendar

If you would like to subscribe to the calendar, click SUBSCRIBE using your phone, and you can automatically add all school events into your own calendar.

Easy Fundraising

Thank you to everyone who supports us through Easy Fundraising. If you would like to sign up and start raising funds on your Christmas shopping go to:

Flu Vaccinations

The school nursing team will be attending school on the 11th December to administer the nasal flu spray to pupils from Reception to Year 6. Please click on the link below and complete the form if you would like your child to receive the vaccine OR if you do not wish for your child to have the vaccine.
Further information on the vaccination has been sent via email


As we move into the winter months, please make sure that your child brings a coat to school for play and lunchtime. Remember to label it with their name so they can be easily reunited with it if lost!

Children in Need

Pupils and staff enjoyed dressing up in Spots and Stripes today to raise money for Children in Need. Thank you for your donations. If you haven’t had chance yet you can still donate on iPay.

PTA News

A huge thank you to the parents and local business who have helped us secure prize donations for our upcoming Christmas raffle! We have prizes from jewellers Thirty Pieces of Silver, interior design studio No.8 Project, Sloth coffee shop, Crewders doughnut & coffee shop, Bud & Bay florist & homewares shop and online shop & Mother Store to name a few! 

We’d love to secure a few more prizes to help us raise much needed funds for our school, so if you or your employer could donate a gift, please get in touch via 

Thank you so much for your support! The raffle will go live in a few weeks time. 

Artwork by Cadi Rhind.

Save the date for our upcoming Book Fair! This will take place after school between 3:15-4:30pm on Tuesday 3rd & Wednesday 4th December. We look forward to seeing you all there! 

Finally with Christmas Concerts nearing, we’d love to know of anyone who would be keen to help volunteer 20 minutes before and after the concerts to sell tea and coffee to help raise funds for our school. If you’re happy to volunteer, please can you email us on Thank you so much!