Curriculum information - Summer Term

In the Summer Term we will be covering the following Whole school projects:

*Enterprise *Well-being*

As a Lower Foundation Phase, we will be covering the topic of ‘Scrumptious’ and we will also have a 2 week project following the interests of the children in class.

How can I help my child at home?

Any research in these areas of learning would be beneficial to your child.

If you have any items (e.g. books, leaflets, etc.) that you believe might be linked to this topic and would support learning, then please send them into class.

Encouraging your child to draw, write, count, share books, notice words, letters and numbers around them as well as playing and talking is hugely beneficial.

Tedi Twt Sacks

We have enjoyed using Tedi Twt sacks in our classes. Tedi Twt will continue to go home with a different child each week and we love seeing what he’s been up to in the accompanying book. They will have the opportunity to share what they did with him with the rest of the class. Please ensure all items are in the sack when it comes back to school.


Please can reading books be returned at least once a week. Pupils are involved in a range of other reading activities in class but it is important that pupils can practice at home. We encourage that all pupils enjoy reading and listening to stories at home.

PE Day for Reception

Miss Maliphant: Wednesdays

Mrs Roach: Fridays

No special kit is required, please send your child in suitable clothing and avoid shoes with laces if possible so children can be encouraged to take them on and off themselves.

Assembly Themes

Charity, Special places and celebrations, Special books, Healthy, body, Healthy mind, Here comes Summer, Changes.

Class Assemblies

Miss Maliphant’s Reception & Morning Nursery: Friday 24th May

Mrs Roach’s Reception & Morning Nursery: Friday 28th June

(parents/ family welcome – main hall at 9am)

Rights of the Child

May: Article 13 – right to find out things and share what you think with others

June:  Article 6 – right to life and to be healthy

July: Article 31 – right to relax and play


Newsletter 03/05/19

Welcome back, we hope you had a lovely break

Top up- Please remember to top up on sQuid for fruit, school dinners, Early Bird Club, and as always we welcome voluntary donations to our Activity Fund. Please contact the school office if you need to register or have problems with sQuid.

Nursery September 2019 – We are starting to prepare for September, so if you have younger siblings or friends with children who are due to start, please make sure you have applied, please contact the school office if you need to check.

Mad Science were in this week for an assembly, and will be starting their After School Club after Half Term. Please see the flyers that have been sent home for more information.

What’s on next week ?

Monday – Bank Holiday – No School

From Tuesday –  National Tests for Y2 to Y6

Wednesday – Plastic Free Day, please join us in trying to cut down on single use plastics, and use reusable alternatives instead.

Wednesday – Curriculum Forum for Parents at 5pm

Thursday – Y5/6E Swiming at Bishop Gore

Friday –  Y1/2L Class Assembly

What’s coming up?

Wed 15th May – School Photographer for Class & Team Photos

Fri 24th May LFPM Class Assembly

Mon 27th May to Fri 31st May – Half Term

Monday 3rd June – INSET DAY 4 – School closed for staff training



Curriculum Changes

A new curriculum for Wales  – a guide for children, young people and parents




Curriculum Changes

The new Draft Curriculum for Wales has been been launched by Welsh Government. This is an exciting time for Welsh education and we are looking forward to developing our Brynmill curriculum with our school community. For more information about the changes, click below:

Newsletter 12/04/19

Parental Questionnaire 

We were overwhelmed by the positive and helpful feedback we received in our recent parental questionnaire. So many of you took the time to thank the staff for their hard work and commitment.  We recognise that there is always room for improvement and the following areas have been identified for further consideration:

  • Homework
  • Visits and events

Can we take the opportunity to say thank you for this but also thank you for your continuing and relied-upon support.

Book Fair – 

The Scholastic Book Fair, run in March, raised £261.81p for the school to spend on books. This is a brilliant result! Huge thanks to all our Friends of Brynmill Primary School helpers, and to everyone who supported the book fair.


Good luck to Mr Davies who will running the London Marathon again, and raising funds for our school. If you would like to show your support there is a fundraising page here, or you can pay on sQuid, or by cash to the school office.



This Week – 

Some members of our Eco Club went to an Eco-Brick workshop in the National Waterfront Museum, they were very enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the subject of plastics and it’s effect on the environment.

After Easter –

Please remember to top up for School Dinners, Fruit, Early Bird Club, and Activity Fund. Please remember we only take online payments now. Please contact the school office if you need a hand setting up your sQuid Account.

After School Activities – Monday – Eco Club (until 4pm), Thursday Football.

The Events section of the Website has been updated for the Summer Term, please take a look.

National Tests for Year 2 to Year 6

Date / Test Numeracy  Reasoning Reading  English
7 May/Mai
Yr/Bl 3 am
Yr/Bl 6 am
8 May/Mai
Yr/Bl 2 am
Yr/Bl 4 am
Yr/Bl 5 am
9 May/Mai
Yr/Bl 2 am
Yr/Bl 3 am
10 May/Mai
Yr/Bl 4 am
13 May/Mai
Yr/Bl 5 am
Yr/Bl 6 am
14 May/Mai MOP UP MOP UP
The Numeracy Procedural Test are online and will be done in small groups throughout the month of May. Click here for more information on the Personalised Assessments.

We hope you all have a lovely break, and we will see you on Monday 29th April for the start of the Summer Term.