Healthy Lunchbox

The Welsh Government has produced a leaflet for parents and carers which gives advice and suggestions on what foods to include in a nutritious packed lunch, based on the Eatwell Guide. The leaflet also gives money-saving tips and guidelines on choosing healthy options for your children.


Please see the leaflet here


Newsletter 22/02/19

Change of address – Just a reminder if you move house, please bring in proof of your new address to the school office. Thank you

Nursery & Reception – the children had a rainbow day today, where the children either dressed up in clothes with rainbows on them or in one of the colours of the rainbow, to celebrate the end of their topic on the weather. They looked very colourful 🙂

Packed Lunches – If you child has a yoghurt for lunch, please remember to give them a teaspoon to eat it with. If any of our teaspoons have come home with your child, please can we have them back. Thank you

KS2 Pencil cases  – Over half term, please can you restock your child’s pencil case with pens, pencils, pink & green highlighters, eraser, sharpener and a gluestick. Thank you

Rags 2 Riches – We are again collecting old clothes for the Rags 2 Riches scheme which raises money for the school, collection bags are being sent home today, please fill and return to the school from Friday 8th March, ready for the collection on Tuesday 12th March. Thank you.

Personalised Assessments – Welsh government are introducing new online personalised assessments for all learners  from Year 2 to Year 6 over time. This year, the current paper based assessment for procedural will be replaced. During the next half term pupils in these year groups will have to opportunity to try out and become more familiar with the new personalised assessments. A copy of FAQs and an animated short introduction to personalised assessments is available. Please click on the following link.

St David’s Day Competition -Foundation Phase Children are asked to draw or make a model of a castle. KS2 children can either draw or make a model of a lovespoon, or design a £5.00 note depicting a famous Welsh person. Please can we have entries in by  Monday 4th March. Diolch!

We are going cashless! In line with other schools, and following on from the success of going cashless for school dinners, we are rolling this out for trips and offers.  We will implement this from Monday 4th March.  Please contact the school office if you need any help with registering, or have any other queries. Thank you.

Whats on after half term?

Monday – Deadline for the St David’s Day Competition.

Tuesday 5th March – St David’s Day Concert for School – please can children wear Welsh Costume, Welsh Rugby/Football top, or a red T Shirt/jumper on both Tuesday 5th & Wednesday 6th March.

Wednesday 6th March – St David’s Day Concert for Parents – Classes taking part = Y3/4J, LFPR ( Reception & AM Nursery), Y1/2B, Y1/2H, Y5/6D, Y5/6E.

Thursday – Football


We hope you all have a lovely half term break, and see you on Monday 4th March.











Digital leaders parent workshop

A few weeks ago, the Digital Leaders had a parent workshop to teach them about our school’s internet safety. The digital leaders had different workshops, one all about the social media policy, one about the e-safety policy and one had a questionnaire. The parents learned a lot and it was all a big success. To all parents that came along, thank you for your time and we really appreciate it. Thank You!

Eco Update


We have had a busy week this week in Eco Club.

We made Vegan Bird Seed Balls, and discussed the forthcoming  Big School Clean Up, when we hope to do a litter pick on the beach.

We will be taking part in the No Single Use Plastics Day, and decided to survey the amount of single use plastics used at lunch time this week, and compare this to the amount on the day itself, and hopefully see a reduction.



Curriculum Info Spring

In the Spring Term we will be covering the following Whole school projects:

*Internet Safety Week. *Welsh Week. *Science Week. *Outdoors. *Spring Festivals. *World Maths Day.

As a Lower Foundation Phase, we will be covering the topic of ‘Pitter Patter’ and we will also have a 2 week project following the interests of the children in class.


How can I help my child at home?

Any research in these areas of learning would be beneficial to your child.

If you have any items (e.g. books, leaflets, etc.) that you believe might be linked to this topic and would support learning, then please send them into class.

Encouraging your child to draw, write, count, share books, notice words, letters and numbers around them as well as playing and talking is hugely beneficial.


Tedi Twt Sacks

We have enjoyed using Tedi Twt sacks in our classes. Tedi Twt will continue to go home with a different child each week and we love seeing what he’s been up to in the accompanying book. They will have the opportunity to share what they did with him with the rest of the class. Please ensure all items are in the sack when it comes back to school.



Please can reading books be returned at least once a week. Pupils are involved in a range of other reading activities in class but it is important that pupils can practice at home. We encourage that all pupils enjoy reading and listening to stories at home.


PE Day for Reception

Miss Maliphant: Wednesdays

Mrs Roach: Fridays

No special kit is required, please send your child in suitable clothing and avoid shoes with laces if possible so children can be encouraged to take them on and off themselves.


Assembly Themes

Going for Goals. Growth Mindset. Chinese New Year. Awe and

Wonder. St David’s Day. Relationships. Easter.


Rights of the Child

January.  Your right to be the best that we can be. Article 29

February.  All children have rights.  Article 2

March / April.  Your right to a name and nationality. Article 7


Yr 5/6 Spring Term curriculum information

Any research in these areas of learning would be beneficial to your child.

Questions you might discuss and research:

  • How do freezing, boiling, drying, dissolving and burning impact materials?
  • Do we change the state of materials in our homes?
  • A famous person who invented or created a medicine.

If you have any items (e.g. books) that you believe might be linked to this topic and would support learning, then please bring them in to class.


Other Information

Please can your child bring a pencil case to school with a pen, pencil, rubber and ruler.

PE Kit is required for all days and should include clothes that can be left in school. If your child is unable to do PE for a medical reason then a note must be provided.


PE Days:

Y5/6D – Wednesday

Y5/6E – Tuesday

Y5/6OM – Wednesday


Assembly themes include:

Gwasanaeth Cymraeg, Learning from our mistakes, Going for Goals, Perseverance and focus, Prayer, Chinese New Year, Taking on a challenge, Taking risks.

Rights of the term:

Article 29: Right to be the best that we can be

Article 2: All children have  rights

Article 7: Right to a name and a nationality


Y34 Curriculum Information Spring Term 2019

In the Spring Term we will be covering the following Whole school projects:

*Internet Safety Week * Welsh Week * Science Week * Outdoor Project * Spring Festivals

As a Y3/4 Phase, we will be covering the topic of Blood, Bones & Gory Bits and we will also have a 2-week project following the interests of the children in class.

Questions for you to discuss:

  • What do you know about the human body?
  • Why is being active and eating healthy important to our bodies?
  • Where are all the different organs positioned in our body?

If you have any items (e.g. books) that you believe might be linked to this topic and would support learning, then please bring them in to class


Other Information

  • Please can reading books be returned at least once a week. Pupils are involved in a range of other reading activities in class but it is important that pupils can practice at home. We encourage that all pupils enjoy reading and listening to stories at home.
  • Please can your child bring a pencil case to school with a pen, pencil, rubber and ruler.
  • PE Kit is required for all lessons and should include clothes that can be left in school. If your child is unable to do PE for a medical reason, then a note must be provided.

PE Days:

Y3/4J – Monday

Y3/4N & Y3/4D – Thursday


Assembly themes include: Going for goals, Perseverance and Focus, Chinese New Year, , Prayer, Awe and wonder of Nature & Topic, Taking on a challenge (GM), St.David’s Day, Taking Risks (GM), Practice makes perfect (GM), Relationships, Asking questions (GM), Easter.


Rights of the term:

  • Your right to be the best you can be. Article 29.
  • All children have rights. Article 2.
  • March/April Your right to a name and nationality. Article 7.


Newsletter 15/02/19

Year 6 Leavers – A couple of mums have kindly offered to organise the hoodies for the Y6 leavers, they are available in a variety of sizes and colours, and cost £13.70 for child sizes and £18.20 for adult sizes. If you would like one, you can order and pay on sQuid. Please return the form that requests your consent to include your child’s name incorporated into the design for the hoodie and for the Leavers Mug.

What’s on next week?

Monday – Cross Country Competition

Wednesday – Cross Country

Thursday – Football

Friday – Y5/6M Class Assembly

Friday – Installment for Y5/6 Residential (please ensure you have paid at least £140.00 by this point). The remaining £20.00 is due by the end of March.

Half  Term  Holiday- Monday 25th February to Friday 1st March

Tues 5th March – St David’s Day Concert for School (please can children wear Welsh Costume, Welsh Rugby Top, or a red tshirt or Jumper)

Wed 6th March – St David’s Day Concert for Parents please can children wear Welsh Costume, Welsh Rugby Top, or a red tshirt or Jumper) Classes taking part are Y3/4J, Y1/2L, LFPR, Y1/2B, Y5/6D, Y5/6E

Senedd Visit – Representatives from the school went to the Welsh Assembly in Cardiff this week. They reported back to the rest of the school today, and explained what they had learnt. Please keep an eye on our Pupil Voice pages on the website for more information.


Please see below for an extract from a local authority communication sent to schools

  1. The School Run: Briefing Note

Whether you’re a parent or driver, it’s important that you take extra care on the roads and encourage your children to do the same. With that in mind, here are a few simple tips to make the morning and evening commute that little bit safer.

Using the car

  • Check that your child is correctly restrained. If you’re planning to carry any extra children make sure that you have the age-appropriate child seat. Please see RoSPA’s dedicated website for more advice.
  • Choose a safe place to drop your child off near to the school. Aim for somewhere you won’t cause congestion and danger to those walking or cycling to school.
  • Talk to your children about road safety on your way to school, stress the importance of wearing a seatbelt.

Walking to school

  • If you are planning to let your child walk to school on their own for the first time, talk to them about the route they will use and the dangers they may encounter. Watch your child so that you can judge whether they have the ability to cross roads safely on their route to school.
  • Children learn by watching adults. If walking your child to school, talk to them about how they can keep themselves safe and always try to set a good example when crossing the road

For drivers:

  • Be extra observant and keep a watchful eye for children walking and cycling to school, they might be distracted and excited.
  • Reduce your speed where you see lots of children, especially near to schools. If you are driving at 30mph and a child runs out, your stopping distance will be at least 23 metres.
  • Rushing causes accidents – give yourself more time for your journey and never be tempted to speed!

Parking enforcement can help to tackle problem parking in Swansea. The launch of a parking enforcement camera car in Swansea has been hailed a success in changing motorists parking habits. The Council launched the camera enforcement car in 2015 in a bid to tackle parking issues outside schools and in bus stops. Civil Enforcement Officers (CEO’s) may issue Penalty Charge Notices for numerous offences which contravene to parking restrictions for on and off street parking. The current penalty charge is either £70 for high rate contraventions, or £50 for low rate contraventions. This is reduced by 50% if the penalty is paid within 14 days, or increased by 50% if the penalty is outstanding after the 28 day payment period.

Do not:

  • park on yellow lines
  • cause an obstruction
  • park on bus stop or clearways even to drop people off
  • park on zig zag lines
  • park or wait in taxi ranks. Tow away zones apply to all taxi ranks.




Outcomes of Community Links Questionnaire December 2018

Outcomes of Community Links Questionnaire December 2018


Thank you all for your responses. They were very useful in informing our vision for Parent Workshops in the future.

The main question results can be seen in the following link

Outcomes of Community Links Questionnaire December 2018

Additional responses included requests for detail on the following:

  • Well being
  • Fitting in to school
  • Supporting children’s learning at home
  • Outdoor experiences
  • Music and the Arts
  • Welsh


We will consider how to best accommodate these into a programme of workshops over the coming year.


In response to a few queries, Welsh is taught across all year groups in the form of short bursts of speaking and listening that we call Slott Ddrilio as well as through weekly longer lessons involving reading and writing appropriate to their age. We also report on Welsh Attainment as part of our annual reports and to give an overall Welsh Level at end of KS2.



The remit of this questionnaire was to establish greater home school links rather than provide detail on individual children’s progress, which is better achieved through Class Dojo and discussions at Parents Meetings. The next ones are scheduled in March.


Thanks again,

Mr Davies