Week 2 Training

Well done to all who came this week! We are finding the long grass quite tricky! But no mud yet. As soon as we’ve had a few more sessions the children can post their own race reports. I’ll also try and get a few pictures. The idea is that they can compare their times each week and see their improvement.

Mr D

Place Racer name Finish time
1 Daniel 2:15.6
2 Tyra 2:20.2 +0:04.6
3 Jack 2:21.1 +0:05.5
4 Iolo 2:21.7 +0:06.1
5 Lili 2:29.1 +0:13.5
6 Nia 2:36.3 +0:20.7
7 Davey 2:40.0 +0:24.4
8 Shinji 2:40.6 +0:25.0
9 Oscar 2:48.6 +0:33.0
10 Robyn 2:51.0 +0:35.4
11 Seren 2:56.1 +0:40.5
12 Caio 3:31.6 +1:16.0
13 Gram 3:33.0 +1:17.4
14 Beau 3:35.4 +1:19.8
15 Bayan 3:40.3 +1:24.7
16 Miss Edey 3:42.2 +1:26.6
17 Sofia 3:46.2 +1:30.6
18 Cielo 3:47.4 +1:31.8
19 Lokyee 3:48.2 +1:32.6


Newsletter 21/09/18

New Curriculum – The whole approach to developing young people aged 3 to 16 will change. The new curriculum will have more emphasis on equipping young people for life. It will build their ability to learn new skills and apply their subject knowledge more positively and creatively. As the world changes, they will be able to adapt more. Mrs Nicholas will be holding an open meeting  to discuss “what matters to us” and shape a curriculum for the children that will prepare them to be ambitious, capable learners that are ready to learn throughout their lives. The meeting is on Tuesday at 4.00pm in the school hall.

Golden Table – Tom R, Alisha, Anas, Sophie B, Maisie, Isabella, Tegan , Kier, Ingrid, Ethan & Enok.

Data Collection – Forms have been sent home, please complete and return as soon as possible. We have had some forms back that haven’t included a codeword for use if we don’t recognise people collecting your child from school. If you have already sent back your form, but didn’t include a code word, please contact the school office.

My Selfie – Please complete and return the My Selfie forms that have been distributed. Thank you.

ClassDojo – Have you joined ClassDojo yet? Two of of our classes have 100% of parents connected! Please contact the school office if you need help or further information. Did you know that Eco,  Choir, Cross Country & Football Club use ClassDojo too?

Inset Day – Monday 1st October – school closed to pupils for staff training.

School Photographer – Our school photographer will be with us on Tuesday 16th & Wed 17th October to take individual and sibling photos. Please can children be ready for the photos on both days.

Harvest Festival – We will be celebrating Harvest on Thurs 18th Oct & Friday 19th October, and are asking families to donate non perishable food items, which we will pass on to homeless charities or food banks. Suggested donation 2 tins per family.

Fundraiser – We’ve registered with easyfundraising and we need your help!

easyfundraising is a great website where you can help Brynmill Primary School raise funds simply by doing your everyday online shopping with over 3,300 big name retailers like Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, Booking.com, eBay, Boden, and M&S.

Every time you shop, we receive a small donation to say ‘thank you’ and it’s completely free too!

Our target is to raise £500 to purchase new ICT equipment for the school, so please download the app to your phone and download the Donation Reminder toolbar to any computer that you use to shop online.

We want raise as much as possible so please sign up and help us at https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/brynmillps/

After School Clubs – Wednesday – Cross Country, Thursday  – Football. No Choir on Wednesday

Week 1 Training

Well done , not bad for a first week’s effort. Not all the children remembered their race number. I’ll try and make it clearer next week.

Place Racer name Finish time
1 Daniel 2:09.1
2 Jack 2:13.6 +0:04.5
3 Lara 2:17.5 +0:08.4
4 Davey 2:21.2 +0:12.1
5 Lili 2:21.7 +0:12.6
6 Unknown racer 2:34.3 +0:25.2
7 Unknown racer 2:47.2 +0:38.1
8 Unknown racer 2:56.0 +0:46.9
9 Beau 3:21.5 +1:12.4
10 Caio 3:21.8 +1:12.7
11 Unknown racer 3:39.2 +1:30.1
12 Unknown racer 4:12.7 +2:03.6
13 Unknown racer 4:30.6 +2:21.5

Newsletter 14/09/18

Parent/ Teacher meetings – Our Parent Teacher Year Group Meetings are next week, this is an opportunity to meet the class teachers, and find out what your child will be learning this year. There will also be the option to have a brief chat with the teacher should you require, and a sign up sheet  for this will be available  at the meetings.

Mon 17th September  – Year 1/2 at 2.30pm or 5.30pm

Tues 18th September – Year 5/6  at 2.30pm or 5.30pm

Wed 19th September – Year 3/4 at 2.30pm or 5.30pm

Thurs 20th September  – Nursery/Reception Meeting at 2.30pm

Stranger Danger – We know that as responsible parents/ carers, you instill the importance of keeping safe with your children. In the hopes of reinforcing this message and following reports of children in the Brynmill area/ park being approached by strangers, we have arranged for our  Police Liaison Officer P.C.Paul  to come into school on Tuesday and speak to the children in Key Stage 2  (Years 3 to Year 6) about Stranger Danger. Teachers of younger pupils in Foundation Phase will reinforce the messages at an age appropriate level in class.

We are mindful that pupils in Foundation Phase (Nursery to Year 2) will always be accompanied by an appropriate adult at all times. However,  parents/carers of older children may decide to  allow their child/children increasing levels of independence, allowing our oldest pupils the opportunity of walking  to school or going to the park by themselves.  If you have any concerns about the talk, please speak to a member of staff.”

Year 5/6 – Trip to see The White Feather at Dylan Thomas Theatre, plus activities in Swansea & National Waterfront Museums. £2.00 voluntary contribution please. Packed lunch required.

Year 2 – On Wednesday Year 2 start their Kerbcraft Lessons, please ensure you have returned your consent form.

PTA Book Fair – The book fair will take place next week on Monday & Tuesday from 3.30pm to 5.00pm, please come along and support it, every book sold raises commission for the school to spend on books. Thank you.

Second Hand Uniform – We have a selection of second hand uniform, available for a small donation towards the school funds. They will be available during the parent/teacher meetings.

Y6 – Bishop Gore Open Evening Thursday 27th September from 5.00pm to 8.00pm.

Monday 1st OctoberInset Day 3 – School Closed to children for staff training.

Class Assemblies – Parents & Grandparents are invited to join us for class assemblies, please have a look at our events page of the website for the date of your child’s class assembly.

After School Clubs next week

Wednesday –  Choir for Y4 to Y6, if you would like to join please collect a form from the office

Wednesday – Cross Country for Y5/ Y6, letters coming home

Thursday  – Football for Y5/6

Procedures – We would like to remind you of our procedures. Unless the children are attending breakfast club, they should not arrive at school before 8.40am. Foundation Phase (Nursery to Y2) children should have an accompanying adult with them until the bell goes at 8.50am. If the weather is fine children will line up in their classes, ready to be collected by their teacher. If the weather is bad, children from Y1 to Y6 will be let into the halls from 8.40am using the entrance at the front of the school where they will be supervised until school starts. Nursery & Reception children can use the Foundation Phase shelter. If your child is upset or reluctant to come into school, we ask that you do not try to enter school with them, but instead come into the school office, where support staff will be able to help you. When school finishes at 3.20pm Foundation Phase children should be collected by a responsible adult. If there is to be a change in the normal collecting arrangements the school should be notified.

Supervising children— Before and after school children are your responsibility and parents should ensure that their children are safe and not, for example, swinging on the school gates.

Speaking to a member of staff—Keeping the lines of communication open is important, we would rather you informed us about a small concern than for it to become a big problem. The teaching staff and the Head Teacher are regularly out on the playground in the mornings before school should any parent wish to have a quick word. If however, you require a lengthier meeting, we ask that you call in the office or contact the school in the usual way to book an appointment. Whilst it is not always possible to grant a request for an immediate meeting, we will, subject to availability, always try our best to accommodate you if at all possible (Please note, when requesting to meet with your child’s class teacher this will need to be outside of teaching time).

Curriculum Changes

Please click here for information about our forthcoming Workshop on Curriculum Changes-

We are excited to share with you the changes to our curriculum in response to the Successful Futures developments in Wales. In order to prepare for this we are reviewing our curriculum topics and themed weeks to ensure that pupils have a voice in how and what they learn. We are excited to share with you the changes to our curriculum in response to the Successful Futures developments in Wales. In order to prepare for this we are reviewing our curriculum topics and themed weeks to ensure that pupils have a voice in how and what they learn.

The whole approach to developing young people aged 3 to 16 will change. The whole approach to developing young people aged 3 to 16 will change.
The new curriculum will have more emphasis on equipping young people for life. It will build their ability to learn new skills and apply their subject knowledge more positively and creatively. As the world changes, they will be more able to adapt positively. The new curriculum will have more emphasis on equipping young people for life.
They will also get a deep understanding of how to thrive in an increasingly digital world. A new digital competence framework is now introducing digital skills across the curriculum, preparing them for the opportunities and risks that an online world presents.
Meanwhile teachers will have more freedom to teach in ways they feel will have the best outcomes for their learners.
The central focus of assessment arrangements will be to ensure learners understand how they are performing and what they need to do next. There will be a renewed emphasis on assessment for learning as an essential and integral feature of learning and teaching.
The purpose of the new curriculum is to support our children and young people to be:

    • ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives
    • enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work
    • ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world
    • healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.

It will have six ‘Areas of Learning and Experience (AoLE). It will have six ‘Areas of Learning and Experience (AoLE).

    • Expressive arts.
    • Health and well-being.
    • Humanities (including RE which should remain compulsory to age 16).
    • Languages, literacy and communication (including Welsh, which should remain compulsory to age 16, and modern foreign languages).
    • Maths and Numeracy
    • Science and technology.

It will also include three cross-curricular responsibilities: literacy, numeracy and digital competence.
Assessment is a continuous process and takes place on a daily basis in schools. Progression reference points help learners, teachers, parents and carers to understand if appropriate progress is being made. They will set out expectations for learners in each area of their learning relating broadly to ages 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16.


Newsletter 07/09/18

Welcome/Croeso to a new school year.

Our 3rd Inset Day is on Monday 1st October, when school will be closed to pupils for staff training.

School Dinners now cost £2.30 per day or £11.50 per week. We no longer accept cash for School Dinners, and payment should be made online via sQuid, or Paypoint Card. Please contact the school office if you require assistance.

Activity Fund – We are very grateful for any voluntary contributions of £5.00 per term to our activity fund which pays for extra resources for art, food tasting, gardening, cooking, golden time activities, outdoor play equipment etc.

Fruit Tuckshop starts next week. It costs £1.00 per week for a piece of fresh fruit every day. You can pay on sQuid per half term or for the year.

Parent/Teacher Meetings – These take place the week after next. Please see our events page for more information.

Y5/6 Trip to Theatre Na Nog – On Wednesday 19th Sept Y5/6 will be going to the Dylan Thomas Theatre and Swansea Museum for a day of theatre  and workshops. We have been lucky enough to receive a grant towards most of the cost of the activity and transport, and are therefore asking for a small voluntary contribution of £2.00 to cover the shortfall.

Kerbcraft – Y2s will be taking part in Kerbcraft, learning all about road safety, it starts on Wed 19th Sept and continues every Wednesday for approximately 10 weeks.

Book Fair – The Book Fair runs after school from Monday 17th to Wednesday 18th September, please support this if you can as the school gets commission for every book sold.

Our achievement tree has shed all its leaves, we would love to see it bloom again. If your child has any achievements outside of school such as swimming, dance, karate, reading scheme etc, please ask them to bring their certificate in to show us, they will then have a leaf with their name on it to put on the tree.

After School Clubs – Football starts on Thursday for Y5/6 children.

Eid Parties – Next Friday we have our Eid Parties. Children are invited to wear their party clothes, and bring in some food to share (please see below). Please note this is in addition to school dinner/packed lunch.

Y5/6D—Crisps, sausage rolls or savoury snacks
Y5/6E—Sandwiches, pasties, samosas, or bhajis
Y5/6M—Mini Desserts, cakes or biscuits
Y3/4D—Crisps, sausage rolls or savoury snacks
Y3/4N—Sandwiches, pasties, samosas, or bhajis
Y3/4J—Mini Desserts, cakes or biscuits
Y1/2H—Crisps, sausage rolls or savoury snacks
Y1/2L—Sandwiches, pasties, samosas, or bhajis
Y1/2B—Mini Desserts, cakes or biscuits
Nursery & Reception—Individual labelled plate with a selection of party food

Newsletter 20/07/18

A big thank you to our Eco Club who did a litter pick in and around school this week, assisted by Cllr. Irene Mann. They collected 3 bags of litter, and are so enthused that they want to do a Beach Litter Pick next!

School Dinners – The price of a school dinner is increasing to £2.30 from September. Please remember we will be going cashless for school dinner payments from September, so please sign up for sQuid, or ask at the office for a payment card.

Attendance – Congratulations to Y1/2H with 96.2% and to Y3/4N with 98% attendance this week.

Congratulations to the children who achieved 100% attendance this year, they have been treated with a trip to Brynmill Coffee House, and had cake and  milkshakes, smoothies or hot chocolate. They have all promised to get 100% next year, so we can have more cake!

Open afternoon – we have our open afternoon on Monday, where parents are invited to come and have a look at their child’s work. Entry is from 2.00pm to 3.10pm, and if you are attending you can take your child home after 2.30pm (( please remember to sign them out at the school office).

Last Day of Term – On Tuesday it is Toy Day, and non school uniform day. Children are invited to dress up or dress down, and bring in £1.00 which will go towards much needed school resources.

Advance Notice – Y5 & Y6 will be going to Theatr Na Nog’s performance of The White Feather on the 19th September. The cost will be approximately £10.00, but we have applied for a grant, and if successful it will be less, we will let you know as soon as we have the price confirmed.

Leaver’s Mugs – Please can the Y6 children return the misprinted Leaver’s Mugs. Replacements are on their way, and we will arrange to get them to you in September.

Goodbye – A few goodbyes

– to Miss Pardoe and Miss John who will be leaving us for pastures new, good luck in your new jobs.

– to our wonderful Year 6’s, we will miss you, good luck in secondary school.

– to the children leaving to go back to their home country, we hope you have enjoyed your time in Wales.

– to the children moving to new schools, thank you for being a part of our school, we hope you settle in well.

Mrs Nicholas causes a storm!

Good luck to Mrs Nicholas in her cricket endeavours. For those that don’t know, Mrs Nicholas  was the first Welsh player to appear in the Kia Super League , and she was a key contributor to Western Storm’s 2017 success.

On the back of that, the children in Year 3/4 had a taster session with Cricket Wales this afternoon, which they really enjoyed!


Good luck Mrs Nicholas in this years tournament – would you like a leaf on the achievement tree??!

E Safety Concern

We have had an increasing number of comments from parents telling us that a few children in Year 5 and 6 are using WhatsApp irresponsibly outside of the school day. This is taking a considerable amount of school time to deal with the fallout from incidents. Whilst we are duty bound to pass on any offensive material that is shared with us, our role is not to police the use of Social Media amongst pupils outside school.
The school asserts the following guidance:

WhatsApp’s age has recently been upgraded to 16.

Pupils should NOT be adding contacts and creating groups for the purposes of sharing offensive posts with pupils.

Passing on offensive material is considered legally to be on a par with initiating it.

Making multiple groups/ multiple Admins is inadvisable at best.

Should parents feel that their child is emotionally responsible enough to use apps such as WhatsApp despite being considerably underage, we advise that you discuss this with your child and agree boundaries.

Please be assured that your child’s emotional well being is important to us and we are keen to work in partnership with parents on a range of E Safety concerns. With this in mind please follow this link for further guidance.


Thank you
Mr Davies