Newsletter 16/12/22

Christmas Concerts – A big thank you to everyone for supporting the Christmas Concerts this week.

Christmas Parties – On Monday – Children are invited to wear their party clothes to school.

Children in Pobbles & Bracelet are asked to bring in some party food for themselves on a labelled plate.

Children in Caswell are asked to bring in some sweet food to share, such as cakes and biscuits, popcorn etc. (Please note if any items are home made please label any allergens such as nuts, seeds or eggs)

Children in Oxwich are asked to bring in some savoury food to share, such as small pasties, sausage rolls, samosas, crisps etc. (Please note if any items are home made please label any allergens such as nuts, seeds or eggs)

If you child has any allergies you are welcome to provide them with their own labelled container/plate of party items.

Please note the party food is in addition to normal lunchtime arrangements, so please ensure your child has a packed lunch/ school dinner.

Kool Pack Amnesty – Our first aiders use Kool Packs to treat minor bumps, unfortunately a lot have gone missing over the last week or so, if any have made their way home in the bottom of school bags, please return them.


In line with curriculum changes, we intend giving more regular feedback on progress to parents. In the Autumn term, you will receive a brief report outlining learners main strengths and areas that need to be developed. This also includes ways that you can support your child at home. You can find out more here

Missing Bag – If anyone who attend the Oxwich Christmas Concert last night picked up the wrong bag, please can you let us know and bring it back to school so we can reunite it with its owner.

Coming Up

Tuesday 20th December – School Christmas Carol Service at St Gabriel’s – (sorry this is for pupils only, and no parents are invited)

Wednesday 21st December – Last Day of Term

Thursday 22nd December – Inset Day 4

Friday 23rd December – Inset Day 5

Monday 9th January – First day back