Newsletter 13/12/2019

This is the last newsletter of the year so we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!














Y3/4 Urdd Trip Just a reminder to pay for the trip either in full or by instalment. The deadline for the Urdd trip is 14th January. Please complete and return the Health & Consent Form as soon as possible. There will be a cake sale at the beginning of January and we would be grateful if you would support this, as the profits will go towards keeping the cost of the trip as low as possible.

Y5/6 Llanmadoc Trip – Please pay in full or by instalment by the 20th March.

Cardboard – Thank you to everyone who donated cardboard for props etc. We have plenty to keep us going, so cannot accept any more at the moment.

Lost property – Please come and claim your items of lost property before next  Friday, anything unclaimed and unlabelled will be bagged up and donated.

Healthy Packed Lunches – Please can we remind parents that children should have healthy choices for their lunches. Please follow the link to information to the healthy-lunchboxes-leaflet

Christmas Concerts – A big thank you to everyone who supported our recent concerts, we raised over £500 for the school which will be spent on creative arts resources and activities.

FBP/PTA  – The winning raffle numbers have been picked and the prizes distributed to the winners. Diolch to all the PTA volunteers who helped provide refreshments during the concerts.

Road Safety – Following concerns raised by a neighbour of the school, we would like to remind parents about road safety, and ask that you do not park on the zig zag lines, or drop off at the school gates road safety leaflet

Christmas Jumper Day – Thank you to everyone who joined in today, we raised £115.00 for Save the Children

What’s on next week ?

Tuesday – School Christmas Carol Service

Wednesday – Xmas Parties

Children are invited to wear their party clothes, and bring in some food to share (please see below). Please note this is in addition to school dinner/packed lunch.

Y5/6D—Crisps, sausage rolls or savoury snacks, mini dessert
Y5/6E—Sandwiches, pasties, samosas, or bhajis, cakes
Y4/5J – Mini Desserts, cakes or biscuits
Y3/4T—Crisps, sausage rolls or savoury snacks, biscuits
Y3/4N—Sandwiches, pasties, samosas, or bhajis, cakes
Y1/2H—Crisps, sausage rolls or savoury snacks
Y1/2L—Sandwiches, pasties, samosas, or bhajis
Y1/2B—Mini Desserts, cakes or biscuits
Nursery & Reception—Individual labelled plate with a selection of party food

Thursday – Mad Science

Friday – Toy Day, please do not send in anything that needs charging, is valuable, or has lots of small parts. We would prefer  if children did not bring in their phones to play on, but if they do, the sim cards will be removed and given back at the end of the day, thank you.

School finishes at 3.20pm on Friday 20th December and restarts on Monday 6th Jan

Next Term

Please remember to top up on sQuid for School Dinners,  pay for Fruit Tuckshop if required, as always we welcome donations to our Activity Fund.

Friday 24th January – Y5/6E Class Assembly

Friday 31st January – Y1/2H Class Assembly

Friday 14th February – Y1/2L Class Assembly

Friday 28th February – Y3/4N Class Assembly