Newsletter 16/10/20

Flu Vaccine – The school nurses will be with us next  Friday to give the nasal flu vaccine to those children who have had consent. If you haven’t returned your form yet, please do so on Monday (even if you are not giving consent), so that the correct number of vaccines can be ordered.

Please take a minute to watch this video with your child, so they know what to expect when the school nurses visit.

Breakfast Club – If you would like to be added to the Breakfast Club Dojo Group, so that you get the weekly booking form, please contact Mrs Morgans.

Coming to school – A big thank you to parents for their patience with our staggered start times, and different gates, it really does help us keep the children safe in their bubbles. We will continue to  follow Welsh Government Guidance and ask parents if they, or anyone in their family,  are displaying any Covid symptoms.

  • If you have children with staggered start times you are welcome to bring them together to Gate 1  or Gate 2 from 8.35am.
  • If you are late and have missed your gate/start time, please bring your child(ren) to Gate 1 or 2.
  • If Gate 1 is locked, please ring the school office and we will come and collect your child.

We have had a few instances of parents stopping their cars in the middle of the road and ushering their children out. This is not acceptable, please park in the nearest space, get out of the car, and walk your child(ren) to the gate. We would prefer you were slightly late but safe, as we do need to ask you the Covid symptoms questions before admitting your child to school.

Parent Governor Vacancy – We have a vacancy for a Parent Governor. Nomination forms have been sent home via School Comms and ClassDojo, with paper copies available on request. The deadline to return the form is next Friday at 3.30pm.