Newsletter 22/02/19

Change of address – Just a reminder if you move house, please bring in proof of your new address to the school office. Thank you

Nursery & Reception – the children had a rainbow day today, where the children either dressed up in clothes with rainbows on them or in one of the colours of the rainbow, to celebrate the end of their topic on the weather. They looked very colourful 🙂

Packed Lunches – If you child has a yoghurt for lunch, please remember to give them a teaspoon to eat it with. If any of our teaspoons have come home with your child, please can we have them back. Thank you

KS2 Pencil cases  – Over half term, please can you restock your child’s pencil case with pens, pencils, pink & green highlighters, eraser, sharpener and a gluestick. Thank you

Rags 2 Riches – We are again collecting old clothes for the Rags 2 Riches scheme which raises money for the school, collection bags are being sent home today, please fill and return to the school from Friday 8th March, ready for the collection on Tuesday 12th March. Thank you.

Personalised Assessments – Welsh government are introducing new online personalised assessments for all learners  from Year 2 to Year 6 over time. This year, the current paper based assessment for procedural will be replaced. During the next half term pupils in these year groups will have to opportunity to try out and become more familiar with the new personalised assessments. A copy of FAQs and an animated short introduction to personalised assessments is available. Please click on the following link.

St David’s Day Competition -Foundation Phase Children are asked to draw or make a model of a castle. KS2 children can either draw or make a model of a lovespoon, or design a £5.00 note depicting a famous Welsh person. Please can we have entries in by  Monday 4th March. Diolch!

We are going cashless! In line with other schools, and following on from the success of going cashless for school dinners, we are rolling this out for trips and offers.  We will implement this from Monday 4th March.  Please contact the school office if you need any help with registering, or have any other queries. Thank you.

Whats on after half term?

Monday – Deadline for the St David’s Day Competition.

Tuesday 5th March – St David’s Day Concert for School – please can children wear Welsh Costume, Welsh Rugby/Football top, or a red T Shirt/jumper on both Tuesday 5th & Wednesday 6th March.

Wednesday 6th March – St David’s Day Concert for Parents – Classes taking part = Y3/4J, LFPR ( Reception & AM Nursery), Y1/2B, Y1/2H, Y5/6D, Y5/6E.

Thursday – Football


We hope you all have a lovely half term break, and see you on Monday 4th March.