Personalised Assessments

At Brynmill we use a combination of Teacher Assessment and ongoing assessments to gain the best picture of how your child is performing and progressing. This year in light of the aftermath of the pandemic, statutory assessments for end of Phase Outcomes and Levels are suspended. However, the school will still keep you informed of your child’s progress through the usual Parents meetings and end of year report.

Here is what you should expect:

  • An Autumn Term and early Summer Parent’s appointment offered over the Phone or Teams.
  • An end of Year report detailing areas of progress and targets.

For pupils in Year 2-6, online Personalised Assessments will take place in the Autumn and Summer Term. In order to feedback the main areas of strength and possible next steps, the information is shared with you digitally. When these reports are available, we will notify parents and also share the feedback with pupils in school.

Here is an overview to explain what the report means:



Here is a tutorial how to view your child’s progress report from the Personalised Assessments.