Eco Club update

Lat year we held a Plastic Free Day, and were interviewed by Swansea Bay TV

We have decided to go for the Eco Schools Green Flag Award, and are busy undertaking an Environmental Review, putting together an Action Plan, and gathering evidence. Watch this space!

Newsletter 17/01/20

Cake Sale – A big thank you to everyone who donated or bought cakes. The Criw Cymraeg raised over £150.00

Easyfundraising – just a little reminder that you can raise a little extra money for the school if you do online shopping  via the online shopping website. Please go to Easy fundraising  for more information.

Eco – Please send in your clean empty crisp packets, dead batteries and used writing implements for recycling.

Y3/4 Urdd Trip – We have set up a class dojo group for the Urdd trip so that the Teacher’s can post photos of the various activities, if your child is going on the trip please make sure you have access to the group. Diolch

Request – If you are waiting in your car to pick your child up from school, please can you turn your engine off. Thank you

Y5/6 Residential – Please remember to pay the balance of £160.00 on sQuid by the deadline of 20th March. You can either pay the full amount in one go, or pay in instalments.

What’s on next week ?

Monday – Eco Club

Monday – Choir

Tuesday & Wednesday – Y3/4 Trip to the Urdd in Cardiff

Tuesday – Drama

Wednesday – Cross Country

Wednesday – Football  Netball

Fri  – Y5/6E Class Assembly at 9.00am

What is coming up?

Fri 24th January – Y5/6E Class Assembly at 9.00am

Fri 31st January – Y1/2H Class Assembly at 9.00am

Fri 14th February – Y1/2L Class Assembly at 9.00am

Mon 17th Feb to Fri 21st Feb – Half Term

Thurs 27th Feb – St David’s Day Concert for School – All children asked to wear Welsh Costume, or a red T-shirt/Jumper.

Friday 28th Feb – St David’s Day Concert for Parents  – Classes taking part are Y1/2L, Y5/6D, Y4/5J, Y1/2H, LFPM (morning Nursery & Reception) & Y5/6E. All children are asked to wear Welsh Costume or a red T-Shirt/jumper.

Fri 6th March – Class Assembly Y3/4N at 9.00am

Fri 13th March – Rags 2 Riches Collection  – Collection of clean old clothing

Fri 13th March – Sports Relief

Week beginning Mon 16th March – Parental consultations

Fri 20th March – Class Assembly Y1/2B at 9.00am

Fri 20th March – Science exhibition

Fri 27th March – Class Assembly Y3/4T at 9.00am

Inset Day 5 – Monday 1st June

Inset Day 6 – Monday 20th July


KS2 Spring Parent Information

In the Spring Term we will be covering the following Whole school projects:

*Internet safety * Welsh week * British Science * Spring Festivals

As a KS2 phase, we will be covering the topic of What a Wonderful World.

Questions for you to discuss:

  • What impact have humans had on our natural world?
  • How has our planet changed?
  • Where might you find natural or man-made wonders of the world?

If you have any items (e.g. books) that you believe might be linked to this topic and would support learning, then please bring them in to class

Other Information

  • Please can reading books be returned at least once a week. Pupils are involved in a range of other reading activities in class but it is important that pupils can practice at home. We encourage that all pupils enjoy reading and listening to stories at home.
  • Please can your child bring a pencil case to school with a pen, pencil, rubber and ruler.
  • PE Kit is required for all lessons and should include clothes that can be left in school. If your child is unable to do PE for a medical reason, then a note must be provided.

PE Days:

Y5/6D – Wednesday

Y5/6E – Thursday

Y4/5J – Tuesday

Y3/4T – Wednesday

Y3/4N – Thursday

Assembly themes include  Growth Mind-set, Going for Goals, Chinese New Year, St David’s Day & Easter

Rights of the term:

January:  Article 29   Right to be the best that we can be

February:  Article 2   All children have rights

March:  Article 7   Right to a name and a nationality

April:  Article 24 Right to food, water and medical care




KS2 Team


Curriculum Information - Spring Term 2020

LFP- Once Upon a Time Range Map


In the Spring Term we will be covering the following Whole school projects:

*Internet Safety Day: 11th February, theme – Together for a better Internet.

*Welsh and Outdoor Learning. *British Science. *Spring Festivals.

As a Lower Foundation Phase, we will be covering the topic of ‘Once Upon a Time’ focusing on traditional tales.

How can I help my child at home?

Any research in these areas of learning would be beneficial to your child.

If you have any items (e.g. books, leaflets, etc.) that you believe might be linked to this topic and would support learning, then please send them into class.

Encouraging your child to draw, write, count, share books, notice words, letters and numbers around them as well as playing and talking is hugely beneficial.

Tedi Twt Sacks

We have enjoyed using Tedi Twt sacks in our classes. Tedi Twt will continue to go home with a different child each week and we love seeing what he’s been up to in the accompanying book. They will have the opportunity to share what they did with him with the rest of the class. Please ensure all items are in the sack when it comes back to school.


Please can reading books be returned at least once a week. Pupils are involved in a range of other reading activities in class but it is important that pupils can practice at home. We encourage that all pupils enjoy reading and listening to stories at home.

PE day for Reception

Miss Maliphant: Wednesdays

Mrs Roach: Fridays

No special kit is required, please send your child in suitable clothing and avoid shoes with laces if possible so children can be encouraged to take them on and off themselves.

Assembly Themes

Growth Mindset: Learning from our mistakes, Perseverance and focus, Taking on a challenge, Taking risks, Practice makes perfect.

Chinese New Year. Awe and wonder of nature. St David’s Day. Relationships. Easter.

Miss Maliphant’s Reception and morning Nursery will be performing in the St David’s Day concert – Friday 28th February for parents.

Mrs Roach’s Reception and morning Nursery class assembly – Friday 3rd April

Rights of the Child

January:  Your right to be the best that we can be. Article 29

February:  All children have rights.  Article 2

March: Your right to a name and nationality. Article 7

April: Your right to food, water and medical care. Article 24


Newsletter 10/01/20

Happy New Year! Welcome back, we hope you all enjoyed the break.

Fruit Tuckshop – Just a reminder to pay for fruit tuckshop ( Year 1 to Year 6) if you would like your child to have a piece of fresh fruit everyday. Please pay on sQuid – please look for Fruit Spring Term 1st Half Term (Year 1 to Year 6). Alternatively you are welcome to send in a healthy snack.

Activity fund – We are very grateful to the voluntary contributions to our Activity fund, which lets us buy extra resources  for crafts and pay for activities such as cooking &  food tasting. If you would like to contribute please look on sQuid for Activity Fund – voluntary contribution – Spring Term. Thank you

Olchfa School are running a free  seminar for parents/carers of Primary Aged Children about Setting Boundaries – Keeping Relationships on Mon 20th Jan from 6.30 to 7.30pm . Tickets can be booked via Eventbrite or by emailing They are also running a serious of workshops entitled  Time Out For Parents  every Monday from 7pm to 9pm from 3rd Feb to 16th March. the cost is £10 per individual/couple. For more details please contact Hannah Vincent on 01792 534300 or 07976 724167 or

Y3/4 Urdd Trip – Please can we have all forms and outstanding monies by Tuesday. The Criw Cymraeg are running a cake sale next Friday, with the money going towards the Urdd Trip enabling us to keep the cost as low as possible. We would be grateful if you could bake/buy cakes for this event. Thank you

After School Activities next week.

Monday – Choir

Tuesday – Drama

Wednesday – Cross Country

What is coming up ?

Friday – Cake Sale. We welcome donations of cakes, children are invited to bring in £1.00 to buy cakes.

Tuesday 21st/Wednesday 22nd January – Y3/4 Trip to Urdd Cardiff.

Fri 24th January – Y5/6E Class Assembly at 9.00am

Fri 31st January – Y1/2H Class Assembly at 9.00am

Fri 14th February – Y1/2L Class Assembly at 9.00am

Mon 17th Feb to Fri 21st Feb – Half Term

Thurs 27th Feb – St Davids Day Concert for School – All children asked to wear Welsh Costume, or a red T-shirt/Jumper.

Friday 28th Feb – St David’s Day Concert for Parents  – Classes taking part are Y1/2L, Y5/6D, Y4/5J, Y1/2H, LFPM (morning Nursery & Reception) & Y5/6E. All children are asked to wear Welsh Costume or a red T-Shirt/jumper.

Fri 6th March – Class Assembly Y3/4N at 9.00am

Fri 13th March – Rags 2 Riches Collection  – Collection of clean old clothing

Fri 13th March – Sports Relief

Week beginning Mon 16th March – Parental consultations

Fri 20th March – Class Assembly Y1/2B at 9.00am

Fri 20th March – Science exhibition

Fri 27th March – Class Assembly Y3/4T at 9.00am

Inset Day 5 – Monday 1st June

Inset Day 6 – Monday 20th July







Brief News 20/12/19

Just some brief news before we break up.
Congratulations to Mrs Timaeus who has been has been with us on long term supply, and will become a permanent member of staff from January.
Mrs Evans is due back in January so we would like to thank Miss Watts for teaching the class in her absence.
Mr Collins, our handyman will unfortunately be leaving us, and we wish him all the best.
See you all on January 6th.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Newsletter 13/12/2019

This is the last newsletter of the year so we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!














Y3/4 Urdd Trip Just a reminder to pay for the trip either in full or by instalment. The deadline for the Urdd trip is 14th January. Please complete and return the Health & Consent Form as soon as possible. There will be a cake sale at the beginning of January and we would be grateful if you would support this, as the profits will go towards keeping the cost of the trip as low as possible.

Y5/6 Llanmadoc Trip – Please pay in full or by instalment by the 20th March.

Cardboard – Thank you to everyone who donated cardboard for props etc. We have plenty to keep us going, so cannot accept any more at the moment.

Lost property – Please come and claim your items of lost property before next  Friday, anything unclaimed and unlabelled will be bagged up and donated.

Healthy Packed Lunches – Please can we remind parents that children should have healthy choices for their lunches. Please follow the link to information to the healthy-lunchboxes-leaflet

Christmas Concerts – A big thank you to everyone who supported our recent concerts, we raised over £500 for the school which will be spent on creative arts resources and activities.

FBP/PTA  – The winning raffle numbers have been picked and the prizes distributed to the winners. Diolch to all the PTA volunteers who helped provide refreshments during the concerts.

Road Safety – Following concerns raised by a neighbour of the school, we would like to remind parents about road safety, and ask that you do not park on the zig zag lines, or drop off at the school gates road safety leaflet

Christmas Jumper Day – Thank you to everyone who joined in today, we raised £115.00 for Save the Children

What’s on next week ?

Tuesday – School Christmas Carol Service

Wednesday – Xmas Parties

Children are invited to wear their party clothes, and bring in some food to share (please see below). Please note this is in addition to school dinner/packed lunch.

Y5/6D—Crisps, sausage rolls or savoury snacks, mini dessert
Y5/6E—Sandwiches, pasties, samosas, or bhajis, cakes
Y4/5J – Mini Desserts, cakes or biscuits
Y3/4T—Crisps, sausage rolls or savoury snacks, biscuits
Y3/4N—Sandwiches, pasties, samosas, or bhajis, cakes
Y1/2H—Crisps, sausage rolls or savoury snacks
Y1/2L—Sandwiches, pasties, samosas, or bhajis
Y1/2B—Mini Desserts, cakes or biscuits
Nursery & Reception—Individual labelled plate with a selection of party food

Thursday – Mad Science

Friday – Toy Day, please do not send in anything that needs charging, is valuable, or has lots of small parts. We would prefer  if children did not bring in their phones to play on, but if they do, the sim cards will be removed and given back at the end of the day, thank you.

School finishes at 3.20pm on Friday 20th December and restarts on Monday 6th Jan

Next Term

Please remember to top up on sQuid for School Dinners,  pay for Fruit Tuckshop if required, as always we welcome donations to our Activity Fund.

Friday 24th January – Y5/6E Class Assembly

Friday 31st January – Y1/2H Class Assembly

Friday 14th February – Y1/2L Class Assembly

Friday 28th February – Y3/4N Class Assembly






E Safety Update

In readiness for our next Internet Safety workshop planned for the New Year, we wanted to update parents and ask for your help shaping the next event. From some recent conversations with parents, we are aware of the same issues cropping up such as:

  • use of social media Apps such as WhatsApp (16 yrs) , Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok and Facebook (13 yrs) and how pupils are using this irresponsibly with regards sharing information, groups and media.
  • Use of online platforms and games with inbuilt messaging (Roblox, Youtube, Minecraft) without parental monitoring.
  • Safe and responsible searches on the internet.

Please click the link below to give your opinion of any other issues you would like us to cover at our next workshop using the simple link below:


On a related note, we are mindful of the many ways that we communicate to you – however, we are also aware that there are times when these messages still do not appear to reach our intended audience:

  • Newsletters posted on our website. (Link ) or search Brynmill J2bloggy.
  • Secure posts and messages sent on Class Dojo (please check you are signed in and connected using the app)
  • Paper letters and notes (please check your child’s bag!)
  • Emails, calls and texts (please check we have an up to date contact number/ email)
  • Twitter news promoting our school and linked services like Hwb. (@brynmillschool) , check the feed on the right.

For our E Safety guidance, please check out this page on our website.

Newsletter 06/12/19

Llongyfarchiadau to Mrs Timaeus’ class who had 100% attendance last week, and chose a class treat of ice lollies!

Dogs – Unfortunately dogs are not allowed on school premises, even if they are being carried.

School Photos – The deadline for ordering is Monday. You will receive an email from please check your junk mail. If you have not had your link sent, please email with your child’s name/class/school. Thank you!

Absence from School forms – If you would like us to consider authorising an absence from school, please complete the form which is available in the school foyer, allowing at least 10 school days for us to process your request. Thank you

After School Clubs Next Week – None

Carol Aid – The Choir are singing in Carol Aid at Pantygwydr Church tonight. Please can children arrive at 6.15pm for a 6.30pm start. Diolch

Christmas Concerts – Please see below for the dates for the concerts. Please note there is an entry fee of £1.00 for the Christmas Concerts. For the evening performances please can children arrive back at school at 5.00pm to give them time to change for a 5.30pm start.

What is coming up?

Tues 10th Dec – UFP  – Year  1 & Year 2 – Christmas Concert at 9.30 and 5.30pm – Entry fee £1.00 per adult

Wed 11th Dec Year 3/4 including Mrs Jenkins Year 4 class –  Christmas Concert at 9.30am & 5.30pm – Entry fee £1.00 per adult

Thursday 12th Dec Year 5/6  including Mrs Jenkins Year 5 class – Christmas Concert at 9.30am & 5.30pm – Entry fee £1.00 per adult

Friday 13th December Xmas Jumper Day – wear a Christmas Jumper and donate £1.00 to save the children (optional)

Fri 13th December  School Christmas Dinner

Wednesday 18th December – Xmas Party

Children are invited to wear their party clothes, and bring in some food to share (please see below). Please note this is in addition to school dinner/packed lunch.

Y5/6D—Crisps, sausage rolls or savoury snacks, mini dessert
Y5/6E—Sandwiches, pasties, samosas, or bhajis, cakes
Y4/5J – Mini Desserts, cakes or biscuits
Y3/4T—Crisps, sausage rolls or savoury snacks, biscuits
Y3/4N—Sandwiches, pasties, samosas, or bhajis, cakes
Y1/2H—Crisps, sausage rolls or savoury snacks
Y1/2L—Sandwiches, pasties, samosas, or bhajis
Y1/2B—Mini Desserts, cakes or biscuits
Nursery & Reception—Individual labelled plate with a selection of party food

Friday 20th December – Toy Day – last day of school

Mon 6th January – School starts back for Spring Term







Newsletter 29/11/19

What’s On Next Week ?

Monday – Choir

Tuesday – Drama – Last one

Wed 4th Dec – Friends of Brynmill Primary  – Christmas Film Night £5.00 per ticket. Foundation Phase Children must be accompanied by a parent. – Please note the film is and hour and a half long, please consider whether your child will be able to sit and watch a film for that length of time before buying tickets.

Thursday – Mad Science

Friday – LFP (Reception and Morning Nursery) Concert at 9.30. Entry fee £1.00 per adult. Raffle tickets on sale at the event

Friday – LFP (Reception and Afternoon Nursery) Concert at 1.30. Entry fee £1.00 per adult. Raffle tickets on sale at the event

Friday – Carol Aid at Pantygwydr, please can the choir arrive at 6.15pm for a 6.30pm start

What’s Coming Up ?

Tues 10th Dec – UFP  – Year  1 & Year 2 – Christmas Concert at 9.30 and 5.30pm – Entry fee £1.00 per adult

Wed 11th Dec Year 3/4 including Mrs Jenkins Year 4 class –  Christmas Concert at 9.30am & 5.30pm – Entry fee £1.00 per adult

Thursday 12th Dec Year 5/6  including Mrs Jenkins Year 5 class – Christmas Concert at 9.30am & 5.30pm – Entry fee £1.00 per adult

Friday 13th December Xmas Jumper Day – wear a Christmas Jumper and donate £1.00 to save the children (optional)

Fri 13th December  School Christmas Dinner

Wednesday 18th December – Xmas Party

Friday 20th December – Toy Day – last day of school

Mon 6th January – School starts back for Spring Term



Newsletter 22/11/19

Inset Day – On Monday we have Inset Day 4 when school will be closed to pupils for staff training.

School Fete – Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances, the FBP School Fete has had to be cancelled. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Film Night on Wed 4th the FBP (Friends of Brynmill Primary are putting on a film night, please see the Friends of Brynmill Primary Facebook page for more information. Please note that the film is an hour and a half long, before buying tickets please consider whether your child will be able to sit and watch a film for that period of time. Tickets cost £5.00 and are on sale from next week.

After School Clubs next week

Tuesday – Drama

Wednesday – Cross Country – last one

Thursday –  Mad Science

Christmas Concerts – We do not sell tickets or limit places so everyone is welcome, entry costs £1.00 per adult payable on the door.  We will be selling raffle tickets for the chance to win a Marks & Spencer Voucher and other prizes, all proceeds from the concerts and the raffle will go towards buying much needed resources for the school.

School Christmas Dinner –  On Friday 13th December, children who normally have a packed lunch or occasionally have a school dinner are very welcome to have a School Christmas Dinner, just please ensure you have at least £2.40 in the catering purse on Squid in advance. As always if you need to register for or have any problems using  sQuid please contact the school office.

What’s coming up?

Monday 25th – Inset Day – School closed to pupils for staff training

Fri 6th December – LFP  – Nursery & Reception  – Christmas Concert at 9.30am and 1.30pm

Fri 6th Dec – Carol Aid

Tues 10th Dec – UFP  – Year  1 & Year 2 – Christmas Concert at 9.30 and 5.30pm

Wed 11th Dec Year 3/4 including Mrs Jenkins Year 4 class –  Christmas Concert at 9.30am & 5.30pm

Thursday 12th Dec Year 5/6  including Mrs Jenkins Year 5 class – Christmas Concert at 9.30am & 5.30pm

Friday 13th December Xmas Jumper Day – wear a Christmas Jumper and donate £1.00 to save the children (optional)

Fri 13th December  School Christmas Dinner

Wednesday 18th December – Xmas Party

Friday 20th December – Toy Day – last day of school

Mon 6th January – School starts back for Spring Term


Newsletter 15/11/19

Thank you for supporting Children in Need, we have raised £250.00 !

Year 6 children can buy a Leaver’s Hoodie to wear for the rest of their time at Brynmill School. Letters have been sent out, please pay on sQuid. A colour chart and some sample sizes are available in the office.

Y5/6 Residential – The charge for the Y5/6 residential is as follows Full week £180.00, Half week £95.00, if you are entitled to Free School Meals, please contact the office. You can either pay in full, or by instalments, as long as the full balance is paid by Fri 20th March. Please pay on sQuid, and please contact the school office if you have problems with your sQuid account.

What’s on Next Week ?

Monday – Choir

Tuesday – Drama

Wednesday – Cross Country

Thursday –  Mad Science

Friday – Y3/4T Class Assembly

What’s coming up?

Monday 25th – Inset Day – School closed to pupils for staff training

Fri 6th December – LFP Christmas Concert at 9.30am and 1.30pm

Fri 6th Dec – Carol Aid

Tues 10th Dec – UFP Christmas Concert at 9.30 and 5.30pm

Wed 11th Dec Year 3/4 including Mrs Jenkins Year 4 class –  Christmas Concert at 9.30am & 5.30pm

Thursday 12th Dec Year 5/6  including Mrs Jenkins Year 5 class – Christmas Concert at 9.30am & 5.30pm

Friday 13th December Xmas Jumper Day – wear a Christmas Jumper and donate £1.00 to save the children (optional)

Fri 13th December  School Christmas Dinner

Wednesday 18th December – Xmas Party

Friday 20th December – Toy Day – last day of school

Mon 6th January – School starts back for Spring Term






Science Planning in Arabic idea!




What do you think will happen in the investigation? 

I predict that… 

Why do you think this will happen? Use your knowledge of science. 

I think that this will happen because…



Write logical steps with time connectives that describe how you will conduct the investigation. 

  • We will be taking multiple readings to improve the reliability of the data. 


Independent variable – What are you going to change during the investigation? 

Dependent variable – What will you measure in the investigation? 



Write logical steps with time connectives that describe how you will conduct the investigation. 

  • We will be taking multiple readings to improve the reliability of the data. 


Independent variable – What are you going to change during the investigation? 

Dependent variable – What will you measure in the investigation? 

Fair test  

Could anything else change the results I collect? 

I think that … could affect my results. 

What am I going to control so that it cannot change my results? 

I will control … so that it will have a limited affect on my results. 

Success criteria for the investigation 

What do I need to do in my investigation to make it a success? Justification!