Newsletter 08/11/19

A huge thank you to everyone who has supported us in  the Co-op Local Community Fund, we will be receiving an incredible £6,889.43 which will be used to improve the playgrounds. A massive thank you to Cat Davies for applying on our behalf.

Aldi stickers – thank you for sending in the stickers from Aldi, we have completed our poster and will be sending it off for a chance to win £20,000. Fingers crossed!

Next week is Anti-Bullying Week, and children and staff are asked to wear odd socks on Tuesday to raise awareness.

Applications for Reception & Year 7 for Sept 2020. If your child is due to start in Reception or Year 7 next year please read the information for parents at  and  complete the  online application at by the deadline of Friday 29th November.

Children In Need – Next Friday children are invited to wear non school uniform, or something blue and make a donation for Children In Need.

Curriculum  Update  – Next Wednesday  we will be holding a short meeting to update  Parents & Governors about the curriculum (from 3.30pm to about 4.15pm).

Whats on Next Week

Monday – Eco Club & Choir

Tuesday – Odd Sock Day, and Drama After School Club

Wednesday – Cross Country & Curriculum Update

Thursday – Mad Science After School Club

Friday – Children In Need


Cross Country training 23/10/19

Well done on another good week everybody! This week we concentrated on good technique by doing some hill sprints. Then we did our H shaped time trial as a mixed event to get an idea of times. I think it was a bit shorter than last week. Great effort all round – they really are improving .

1 Daniel 3:23
2 Hannah 3:24
3 Ishaaq 03:44
4 Theo 03:46
5 Noah 03:49
6 Jack 03:54
7 Masha 03:59
8 Lara D 04:04
9 Caius 04:10
10 Iolo 04:14
11 Nia 04:26
12 Lara E 04:29
13 Rhiannon 04:31
14 Eva-Lily 04:44
15 Ethan 05:07
16 Evan 05:09
17 Emily 05:10

Newsletter 25/10/19

Second Hand Uniform – If you are looking for second hand uniform items, please try ABC123 in town, they take donated items, launder them  and then re sell them at a fraction of the cost of new uniforms. They are at 12 St Davids Shopping Centre , and are open from 9.30 am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. Contact them on 01792 712888 or 07494 966980.

Half Term – Next week we are on half term and school starts back on Monday 4th November. Please remember to top up for Fruit Tuck Shop, Early Bird and School Dinners. Thank you

School Photographers – the school photographers will be with us on Monday 4th November and Tuesday 5th November, please can children be prepared to have their photo taken on either day.  If you have siblings who are not in school, and would like them to be included in a sibling photo, please come to the school at 8.30am on either day. (1.00pm for Afternoon Nursery children). A link to the photos will be sent out via email, so please make sure you have given permission for us to pass on your email address.

Y5/6 Rugby – Starting on Tuesday 5th Gower College students will be coming in to  teach Rugby Skills to  the Y5/6 children as part of an Ospreys programme.

Y5/6D have their class assembly on Fri 8th November.

Mrs Evans – Unfortunately Mrs Evans is still unwell, we wish her a speedy recovery. Her class will be taught by Mrs Lawrence on Mondays & Tuesdays and by Ms Watt on Wed, Thurs & Fri until further notice.

Applications for Reception or Year 7 for September 2020. If your child is going to be in Reception or Year 7 next September then please go to by the deadline of Friday 29th November 2019.

Reminder  – We are happy to help children celebrate their birthdays with their classmates, but please remember we are only able to distribute any individual small cakes that you may have provided, we are not able to cut up a large cake,  light candles, or give out party bags.

Attendance – congratulations to  Y1/2L with 99.2% and to Y3/4N with 97.5% attendance this week, llongyfarchiadau!

Shwmae day – Diolch to everyone who supported us on our recent Shwmae day, we raised £125.00 for Welsh resources and activities.

Harvest Donations – Thank you for all the donations of tinned and dried goods, they will be given to families in need via the Salvation Army, and a charity called H.O.P.E. run by Lifepoint Church.

H.O.P.E. is a project that seeks to make a difference to people’s lives in practical ways.  The name of the project represents their goal: Helping Ordinary People Everywhere.  They distribute food hampers throughout the year to families facing difficult times throughout our city. At Christmas they do hampers that include a turkey, fresh fruit and vegetables along with Christmas treats and presents for the children.

British Legion – Our Enterprise Troopers are selling poppies and other items for the British  Legion.  Items are available for £1.00 or £2.00 if children would like to buy them.

Newsletter 18/10/19

Thank you to everyone who donated to our Rags2Riches appeal for clean old clothes, we raised over £200 for Eco resources for the school. Diolch!

On Monday  the Y5/6 children will be going to the LC for a sports session run by the UWTSD students. Children are asked to wear sports clothes, bring a water bottle and a packed lunch. We are asking for £2.50 voluntary contributions towards the cost of the transport to and from the event ( at the time of writing we do not have enough money to cover transport, and unfortunately if we are unable to cover costs this may jeopardise future trips, if you are able to contribute this would be greatly appreciated).

On Tuesday we are celebrating Harvest in School, we are asking for donations of tinned or dry food which will be passed onto a local organisation to distribute to those in need.

On Wednesday parents are invited in to watch the following classes in the Harvest Festival Y1/2B, Y3/4T, Y3/4N, LFPR. Unfortunately Mrs Evans is still unwell so we have decide to not include her class in the Harvest Festival, they will perform later in the school year.

On Wednesday the Friends of Brynmill Primary are putting on a school disco, Foundation Phase Disco ( Nursery to Year 2) is from 5pm to 6pm and children must be accompanied by a parent, KS2 children are from 6pm to 7pm. Entry is £1.00 and there will be refreshments etc on sale.

On Friday the school nurses will be to give out the Flu Vaccine to those who have consent. There are a lot of forms outstanding, reminders have been sent home. Please complete the form with either a Yes or No and return as soon as possible.

Becky Lowe (Stephanie’s mum, Y5/6E) has produced a children’s storybook, The King of Broken Things. A tale of being lost, being found, and the search for real meaning in life, it’s suitable for all ages, 0 to 100. Price is £3 and, if bought through school, £1 of every copy sold will go towards the school. They make great stockingfillers! Copies are available from Becky or from the office.

Calpol –  We have a small amount of Calpol available in school for children who become ill during the school day (after we have had confirmation from a parent). If your child comes in to school, slightly under the weather, and you would like them to have Calpol at lunchtime, please provide some from home, and complete the medicine form available in the foyer.

What’s on next week

Monday – Choir

Tuesday – Drama

Wednesday – Cross Country

Thursday – Mad Science

What’s Coming Up

Half Term – Monday 28th October to Fri 1st November

School Photographers – Individual & Sibling Photos  Monday 4th & Tuesday 5th November – If you have siblings who are not in school, and would like them to be included in a sibling photo, please come to the school at 8.30am on either day. (1.00pm for Afternoon Nursery children). A link to the photos will be sent out via email, so please make sure you have given permission for us to pass on your email address.

Inset Day – Monday 25th November, when school is closed to children for staff training.


First Time Trial 2019

As for our first timed training race this year, we ran a muddy time trial on Wed, girls and boys. We will repeat this every few weeks so that they can see their progress. Remember, it’s all about the improvement! Lots of slipping and sliding but they really enjoyed.

Place Name Time
1 Hannah     3:04.6
2 Nia             3:12.9
3 Lara D       3:14.4
4 Masha       3:23.0
5 Eva-Lily    3:26.8
6 Lara E .     3:29.3
7 Rhiannon 3:32.5

Place Name Time
1     Daniel      3:07.2
2      Jack       3:09.1
3      Noah    3:11.5
4      Theo     3:19.7
6     Iolo         3:21.3
6     Caius      3:28.4
7     Ethan     3:37.7
8    Evan       3:48.0
9    Brandon 3:49.0

Autumn Term 2019 Curriculum Information

In the Autumn Term we will be covering the following Whole school projects:

*Diversity. *Growth Mindset *Anti-bullying. *Expressive arts.

As a KS2 Phase, we will be covering the topic of How has Swansea changed? We will also have a week project following the interests of the children in class.

Questions for you to discuss:

  • What do you know about the history of Swansea?
  • Why is Swansea so diverse today?
  • Where might you find evidence of the history of Swansea?

If you have any items (e.g. books) that you believe might be linked to this topic and would support learning, then please bring them in to class

Other Information

  • Please can reading books be returned at least once a week. Pupils are involved in a range of other reading activities in class but it is important that pupils can practice at home. We encourage that all pupils enjoy reading and listening to stories at home.
  • Please can your child bring a pencil case to school with a pen, pencil, rubber and ruler.
  • PE Kit is required for all lessons and should include clothes that can be left in school. If your child is unable to do PE for a medical reason, then a note must be provided.

PE Days:

Y5/6D – Wednesday

Y5/6E – Thursday

Y4/5J – Tuesday

Y3/4T – Wednesday

Y3/4N – Thursday

Assembly themes include Diversity. New beginnings. Rising to challenges. Autumn colours. Sukkot Harvest. Anti-bullying. Places of worship. Remembrance. Forgiveness. Christmas.

Rights of the term:

  • Your right to an education. Article 28.
  • You right to a good standard of living. Article 27.
  • Your right to be safe. Article 19.
  • Your right to follow your own religion. Article 14.


*Don’t forget year group meetings will on Tuesday 17th September 2:30 pm & 5:30 pm


KS2 Team

First Cross Country Race 2019

Well done to the team on their first race at Cwm Level Park!

So proud of all who raced today. Such a great experience for them. They had lots of questions about who won etc:
There are 3 rounds of races, the next two being in February and March.
The lower the overall team score the more chance of going through to the Area Final.
Anyone coming 1st, 2nd or 3rd in any of the races usually goes through automatically.
So a team coming 1,2,3,4,5 and 6th has lowest points and goes through.

Girls: 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 27
Boys: 9, 13, 15, 19, 20, 23

Newsletter 11/10/19

On Tuesday we will be joining in with Shwmae Day which celebrates the Welsh Language, children are invited to wear something red, and we will have Welsh Activities throughout the day. Please donate £1.00, and the money raised will be spent on activities and resources during Welsh Week in March.

Nursery Parents – There is free childcare available from the Welsh Government, they might be able to fund up to 20 hours of childcare if you earn less than £100,00 per year, if your child is between 3 & 4 years old, and you live in Swansea. For more information please contact the Swansea Family Information Service on: 01792 517222, or email

Reception –  September 2020 – The application period is now open, and details have been emailed out, the deadline is 29th November. Please contact the school office if you require assistance.

Year 7 –  September 2020 – The application period is now open, and details have been emailed out, the deadline is 29th November.Please contact the school office if you require assistance.

On Monday 21st October the Y5/6 Children will be going to a Sports Session in the LC with the UWTSD sports department, Children will need to wear sports clothes, bring a water bottle, and a packed lunch. We would appreciate donations of £2.50 towards the cost of transport.

Harvest Festival – We will be celebrating Harvest in school on Tuesday 22nd October, and parents are invited to join us on Wednesday 23rd October from 9.00 to 10.00am.  Classes taking part are Y1/2B, Y5/6E, Y3/4T, Y3/4N and LFPR ( Nursery am & Reception)

Harvest Donations – We are asking for donations of dried or tinned food for Harvest, which we will  donate to  local families in need  (suggested donation of 2 tins per family).

What’s on next week ?

Monday – Eco Club

Monday –  Choir

Tuesday  – Shwmae Day

Tuesday – Rugby sessions for Y5/6 – Please ensure children have their PE Kit in school including trainers.

Tuesday – Drama

Wednesday – Rags2Riches Collection of clean used clothes.

Wednesday – Cross Country

Wednesday – Netball

Thursday – Mad Science

Friday – Class Assembly Y4/5J

What’s coming up ?

Monday 21st Oct – Y5/6 Sports Session at the LC

Tuesday 22nd Oct – Harvest Festival for school

Wednesday 23rd October  – Harvest Festival for Parents  of Y1/2B, Y5/6E, Y3/4T, Y3/4N and LFPR ( Nursery am & Reception)

Wednesday 23rd October – PTA disco

Friday 25th October – Influenza vaccination programme for children in Reception to Year 6





Curriculum Information LFP

In the Autumn Term we will be covering the following Whole school projects:

*Diversity. *Expressive arts. *Anti Bullying

As a Lower Foundation Phase, we will be covering the topic of Light and Dark and we will also have a 2 week project following the interests of the children in class.


How can I help my child at home?

Any research in these areas of learning would be beneficial to your child.

If you have any items (e.g. books, leaflets, etc.) that you believe might be linked to this topic and would support learning, then please send them into class.

Encouraging your child to draw, write, count, share books, notice words, letters and numbers around them as well as playing and talking is hugely beneficial. J


Tedi Twt Sacks

We have a Tedi Twt sack in each class. Tedi Twt will be coming home with your child with some fun Welsh activities to do at home. The children will take turns to bring these home and will have the opportunity to share what they did with him with the rest of the class. Please ensure all items are in the sack when it comes back to school.


Snack Time

All Nursery and Reception pupils are welcome to bring a healthy snack for snack time. If your child has packed lunch, it is useful it is in a separate pot / bag. We encourage fruit / vegetables. Please note we do not take part in the school fruit tuck shop so no fruit money is required.



Reading books will be sent home before half term. Please can these be returned at least once a week. Pupils are involved in a range of other reading activities in class but it is important that they can practice at home. We encourage enjoyment of reading at home, especially listening to stories.


PE Day for Reception pupils LFPM – Wednesday. LFPR – Friday.

No separate PE kit is required, but on these days, please send your child in suitable clothing and footwear for the PE lesson.

Please avoid shoes with laces if possible. J


Assembly Themes

Diversity. New beginning. Learning from mistakes. Sukkot.

Harvest. Anti bullying. Remembrance. Forgiveness. Christmas.


Rights of the Child

September. Your right to an education. Article 28.

October. You right to a good standard of living.  Article 27.

November. Your right to be safe. Article 19.

December. Your right to follow your own religion.  Article 14.

Newsletter 04/10/19

INSET DAY – On Monday we have our third Inset Day when school will be closed to children for staff Training. School reopens on Tuesday.

Choir – Due to clashes with other After School Activities we  are changing Choir from a Wednesday to a Monday. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. If you have any queries please contact Mrs Howard. Choir will start on Monday 14th October, and will be open to anyone in Year 3 to Year 6 – KS2. Forms will be sent home next week.  For children who are also in Eco Club on a Monday, we will be flexible as to which one they can attend.

PTA Disco – On Wednesday 23rd Oct the Friends of Brynmill Primary will be putting on a Halloween Disco.

  • Foundation Phase Children can attend from 5.00pm to 6.00pm and must be accompanied by an adult.
  • KS2 children can attend from 6.00pm to 7.00pm.
  • Entry costs £1.00.
  • There is a pumpkin competition and children can bring in a pumpkin they have carved at home.
  • Prizes for the best costume
  • Hot Dogs and snacks on sale.

Swansea Fringe  – some pupils and ex pupils from the school are performing at Swansea Fringe tonight from 5.00-6.30 at the Perch on Wind Street and would love some support if you are available.

Parking – There have been some complaints from residents about parents parking in residents spaces. We know that parking around the school is a problem but would be grateful if you do not park in residents parking.

Flu Vaccine – Letters  and forms have been sent home, please complete the form and return stating whether you do or do not give your consent. The School Nurses will be with us on Friday 25th October to give the vaccine to those who have had consent.

Absence from school – Please remember to contact the School Attendance Officer Miss Rees if your child is absent from school. You can either leave a message on our phone 01792 463019, email or text 01792 720076. Please do not send a message via Class Dojo, as messages may not been seen until after school has finished. Thank you

Children late for school – We have a number of parents/pupils who are frequently late and arrive after school started. This causes disruption to the office staff, the class teacher, the class, and any assemblies/concerts or school trips, and can be a cause of  anxiety for the child. School starts at 8.50am, and children should either be attending the Breakfast Club, or in the yard by 8.40am ready for the start of school. Please remember that Foundation Phase Children (Nursery to Y2) should be accompanied by a parent whilst they are in the yard before school starts. If your child arrives after the register has closed they will be classified as having unauthorised absence. If their attendance drops to under 90% you may be liable to a penalty notice.

What’s On Next Week?

Monday – INSET DAY – School closed to children for staff training

Tuesday  –  After School –  Helen O’Grady Drama Academy -Contact 07944 430123/01792 899155 for a free trial lesson

Wednesday –  After School –  Cross Country

Wednesday –   After School – Netball

Thursday – Mad Science call 01792 348205 or book online at

Friday – Y5/6E Class Assembly

Friday – Y5/6D & Y3/4N – Visit to Swansea Museum for WW2 topic

Rags to Riches Appeal – Bags have been sent home today, but please can you hold off returning them until the week beginning the 14th of October. The collection is due on Wednesday 16th October. Thank you



Newsletter 27/09/19

Goodbye – Today we said a fond farewell to Mrs Liane Davies  who is leaving us after many years at Brynmill Primary School, we wish you all the best in your new venture.

Book Fair – Many thanks to everyone who supported the Scholastic Book Fair. We have raised a total of £477.78 for the school to spend on books – a fantastic result!

The secondhand uniform sale also raised a further £21. Thanks to all the volunteers and supporters!

What’s on Next Week?

Monday  – Deadline for deposits for residential trips

Tuesday – Drama After School Club

Wednesday  – Y5/6 Netball Tournament at Bishop Gore

Wednesday  – Netball After School Club

Wednesday – Cross Country After School  Club

Thursday – Y3/4T & Y5/6E  Trip to Swansea Museum WW2

Friday –   Class Assembly Y1/2H

Friday – Y4/5J  Trip to Swansea Museum WW2

What’s Coming up ?

Monday 7th October –  Inset day 3 – School is closed to children for staff training.

Thursday 10th October – Mad Science After School Club starts for Y1 to Y6 (please see leaflets coming home today)

Fri 11th October  – Class Assembly Y5/6E

Fri 11th October – Y5/6D & Y3/4N Trip to Swansea Museum WW2

Wed 16th October – Rags 2 Riches appeal  for clean old clothes

Fri 18th October  – Class Assembly Y4/5J


Our Governors for this year are:-

Mrs Anwaar Younis – Parent Governor – Chair

Mrs Clare Bruce-Lloyd – Parent Governor – Vice Chair

Mrs Vanita Patel – Community Governor

Cllr. Peter May – Local Authority Governor

Mr Hywel Vaughan –  Local Authority Governor

Cllr. Mary Sherwood  –  Local Authority Governor

Mr Richard Blakeley –  Local Authority Governor

Mrs Louise Beckett – Parent Governor

Mr Graham Davies – Parent Governor

Ms Cat Davies – Parent Governor

Mrs Jeanette Howard – Teacher Governor

Mr Owen Davies – Teacher Governor



Newsletter 20/09/19

No smoking – Please remember there is no smoking in or around school property including the pavement around the school.

After School Clubs Next week – Forms have been sent home today

Monday – Eco Club until 4.15pm for KS2 pupils

Tuesday – Helen O’Grady Drama Club until 4.30pm

Wednesday – Cross Country,  pick up from Singleton Park by Brynmill Coffee House at 4.15pm or from school at 4.30pm for Y5/6

Wednesday – Netball until 4.15pm  for Y5/6

Residential Trips

We have two residential trips next Year. Y5/6 children have the opportunity to go to Llanmadoc for either half a week or a full week in April, and Y3/4 can  go on an overnight trip to Cardiff with the Urdd. Please contact the school office for more information.

Kerbcraft _ Y2 start Kerbcraft next Wednesday, please ensure you have completed and returned the form.

Thank you to everyone who supported the PTA book fair last week, we hope to buy lots of lovely books for the school with the commission raised.

Privacy Statement – Brynmill Primary School is the data controller who is responsible for holding the data you provide. We will use your data to keep you up to date with school activities such as concerts, fundraising and sports days. We will not share your data with anyone else and we hold your information on the basis of your consent, which you can withdraw at any time by contacting the school office. More information on your rights can be found in our privacy notice  and our data protection policy.

Brynmill Privacy Notice GDPR

Child friendly privacy notice schools


Newsletter 13/09/19

Year Group Meetings – We hope you can join us next week for the Year Group Meetings, which provide you with a chance to meet your child’s teacher, find out about KS2 residential trips, get information on what they will be learning this term, as well as lots of other useful information. We hope you can join us.

What’s on Next Week?

Year Group Meetings

Monday 16th September – UFP – Year 1 and Year 2 at 2.30pm and again at 5.30pm

Tuesday 17th September  –  KS2 – Years 3,4,5 &6 at 2.30pm and again at 5.30pm

Wednesday 18th September – LFP – Nursery & Reception at 2.30pm

FBP Book Fair

FBP Second Hand Uniform Sale

What’s Coming up?

Please have a look at our events page for future events.

Forms – Please complete and return the contact form that has been sent home, so we can ensure we have up to date  information for your child.

Communication from school  – 

Please ensure you are receiving messages from Classdojo, and SchoolComms, if you are having any problems please let us know.