Year 1/2 Spring Term Curriculum Information

How can I help my child at home?

Any research in these areas of learning would be beneficial to your child.

Questions for you to discuss:

  • What do plants need to grow?
  • Can you name parts of a plant/Human?
  • What are the senses?  What are they used for?
  • Life cycles of plants and animals. Stages of a human Life cycle etc

If you have any items (e.g. books) that you believe might be linked to this topic

and would support learning, then please bring them into class so that your child can

show them to the class.

Tedi Twt sacks

Children will take it in turns to take these sacks home. We include simple welsh

Sentence patterns and ask that children record in Welsh things they do with Tedi

Twt whilst he is staying with you. Instructions are in the sack.

Themed Weeks

In addition to our topic, we will also have whole school themed weeks.  These will

Include Welsh week, Internet Safety week, Science week, Outdoor project and

Spring festivals


Please can reading books be returned on a Monday or Tuesday.  We encourage

that all pupils enjoy reading and listening to stories at home.

PE Days

Y1.2B – Monday

Y1.2L – Thursday

Y1.2H – Friday

Assembly Themes

Moving forward and learning from mistakes (Growth Mindset).

Awe and wonder of the world.


Newsletter 15/03/19

Red Nose Day, thank you to everyone who has supported Comic Relief today. We are still counting the money, and will let you know soon how much we have raised. Thank you to our Enterprise Troopers for organising the events.

Our Rags to Riches Collection raised £195.00 for the school, and they will be back in June.

Year 5/6 watched a performance of Abbie Ayre and the shed of Science, which will was about Air Quality and Sustainable Travel.

Thank you to two of our parents who came into talk to the pupils as art of Science Week.  Mrs Clulee talked about making textiles out of banana leaves, and Dr Baker talked about turning steel into cars. Diolch.

Attendance – Llongyfarchiadau to LFPR with 97% and to Y3/4J with 100% attendance this week.

Y6 – The leavers party will be held on Saturday 20th July at Tycoch Sports Hall starting at 1.45pm. Please could anyone with children in Year 6 and interested in attending join the Facebook group Brynmill Year 6 Leavers group or speak to Mason’s mum Sian Harvey or Blake’s mum Zoe Melville for all additional information. The leavers hoodies have now been ordered.

Parental questionnaire

Please spare a few minutes to complete a short questionnaire.

What’s on Next Week?

Monday & Tuesday – Parent’s Evenings for Reception to Year 6 pupils, please contact your child’s class teacher if you would like to make an appointment.

Monday & Tuesday – Book Fair – PTA book fair on Monday & Tuesday after school.

Wednesday – Cross Country

Thursday – Dr Bike – Y5/6 children are invited to bring their bikes into school on Thursday for free maintenance checks.

Thursday – Football

Friday – Y1/2B Class Assembly  – All welcome

Friday – Science Exhibition – Parents invited to join us between 2.00pm and 3.00pm

What’s coming up?

Eco Club Beach Litterpick – Monday 25th March

Pupil Voice Exhibition 2.30pm & 5.30pm – Wed 27th March

Y5 Welsh Gig – Wed 27th March – £2.50 contribution towards transport please.

Y5/6E Class Assembly – Fri 29th March

Monday 1st April to Friday 5th April – Y5/6 Residential

Foundation Phase – Easter Bonnet Parade – Fri 12th April, KS2  Easter Egg Competition




"Most fun idea 2018"

You might remember that last year Enterprise Troopers sold products that had been made and designed by each of our classes, in a market in Castle Gardens in Swansea City Centre. 

Following on from this, we then displayed a stand at the Waterfront Museum and gave a presentation to the project leaders. We are pleased to announce that everyone thought that we did a fantastic job and we won the prize for the ‘most fun idea 2018’.


Area Final

I am excited to report that our Cross Country team completed their final qualifying match on Monday. Conditions were a little wetter this time, but I was so proud of how they competed and showed resilience in fighting all the way to the finish line.

As a result, Lili (2nd in Race 1) and Blake ( 3 wins out of 3)  had already qualified for the Area Final courtesy of their individual performances. But thanks to their hard work as a TEAM, I am pleased to say that both the Boys and the Girls Teams have qualified for the Area final on 29th March. Not bad in our first year of training!

Congratulations and Well done Team Brynmill!

A link to photos kindly taken by Mrs Sullivan can be followed here, I’ve checked permissions.


Visit by Artist

Last week we welcomed Emma Cownie, a local Artist who came to visit Y5/6 as part of Welsh Week.

Emma was very impressed by our children, and took the time to email the school to let us know.

Dear Miss Simons,

I was invited to come and talk to your Y5 pupils this morning by Mrs Lewis. I am writing to you to say how much I enjoyed visiting your bright and friendly school. 

I was really impressed by the enthusiasm and excellent behavior shown by your pupils. They asked lots of really thoughtful and interesting questions. I hope that I have inspired a few future artists. 

The pupils were a real credit to you and your school. Please also pass on my thank to all the staff who attended the chat, including Mrs Lewis who I didn’t have a chance to speak to before I left,

Best wishes,

Emma Cownie 

The children really enjoyed her talk, and even had a go at replicating one of her pieces of art.




Newsletter 08/03/2019

Wow,  what a busy week, with lots of activities to celebrate our Welsh Week.

On Tuesday we had our St David’s Day Concert with various classes performing, and the Chairing of the Bard ceremony, Llongyfarchiadau Alexia! This was repeated on Wednesday for the parents to watch, and we would like to  thank you for your support, we had a queue stretching all the way to the shelter, and hurriedly had to organise extra chairs for you all.

The winners of last years flag competition saw their designs incorporated into one design which is proudly flying from our flagpole.


We had lots of entries for the Welsh Week Competition, which will be judged next week, so still time for any late entries.

Mrs Bruce-Lloyd who is one of our Parent Governors came into Y1/2 and cooked Welsh Cakes for the three classes and staff,  they were delicious. (Culinary skills are not a requirement for being a Parent Governor, but are an added bonus 🙂 )

Nursery & Reception practised their Welsh Folk Dancing Skills,  Y3/4 had a Twmpath, and Year 5/6 had a visit by local artist Emma Cownie,

Some our Eco Warriors were interviewed by The Wave and met Jamie who presents the afternoon show. They were excellent ambassadors for the school, and will also feature in their Women of Steel promotional voice clips which will be aired at a later date.

Next week we will be supporting Comic Relief, children (and staff) are invited to dress up as their favourite hero, and donate £1.00 to the Charity. There will also be a talent show in the afternoon, and  games stalls, so if the children would like to bring in an extra £1.00 to play the games they are more than welcome.

Attendance – Congratulations to LFPR with 97.4%, and to Y5/6M with 99.3% attendance this week. Da iawn!

Fruit – Just a little reminder that if you would like your child to have fruit this half term, please pay £6.00 on sQuid.

Y5/6 Residential Trip. Any outstanding amount must be paid by the 15th March.

Children late for school – We have a number of parents/pupils who are frequently late and arrive after school started. This causes disruption to the office staff, the class teacher, the class, and any assemblies/concerts or school trips, and can be a cause of  anxiety for the child. School starts at 8.50am, and children should either be in the Free Breakfast Club, or in the yard by 8.40am ready for the start of school. Please remember that Foundation Phase Children (Nursery to Y2) should be accompanied by a parent whilst they are in the yard before school starts. If your child arrives after the register has closed they will be classified as having unauthorised absence. If their attendance drops to under 90% you may be liable to a penalty notice.

After School Clubs next Week  –

Monday – Cross County Competition, please see Dojo for more information

Wednesday – Cross Country

Thursday –  Football Club

Pupil Voice -On Tuesday 26th March Wednesday 27th March we will be having some a Pupil Voice Event, where parents and governors are invited to come in and have an update on what the various Pupil Voice Groups have been doing, and what they have got planned. The event will be at 2.30pm and again at 5.30pm. There will be presentations from the

  • Learning Detectives
  • Digital Leaders
  • Sports Ambassadors
  • Criw Cymraeg
  • Eco Council
  • Enterprise Troopers
  • Well Being Warriors
  • Sennedd

We hope that you will be able to join us.

Healthy Lunchbox

The Welsh Government has produced a leaflet for parents and carers which gives advice and suggestions on what foods to include in a nutritious packed lunch, based on the Eatwell Guide. The leaflet also gives money-saving tips and guidelines on choosing healthy options for your children.


Please see the leaflet here